Status: Active

Give Your Heart a Break

Chapter Four

"Oh I want to ride this one!" Shouted Jack as he pointed to the Giant Dipper excitedly.

"Okay you guys go ahead and stand in line for the ride while I go get everyone seasonal passes," Ariana said as she headed towards the ticket booths.

"Wait! ill go with you," proclaimed Zayn as he quickly followed Ariana, falling in step with her as she tried to get in between crowds.

"GET IT ON!" Jack yelled after them causing most people around him to turn and give him weird looks, while Ariana tried to hide her blush from Zayn, who just chuckled at what Jack yelled.

"Please ignore what he said," She begged, "He's a bit screwed in the head," She added as she finally found the ticket booth, but it was swarmed with people making her groan. 'Great, a long line' she grumbled inside her head.

"Well, then love, I suppose its just you and I," Zayn whispered in Ariana's ear as they stood in line.

"I suppose it is zay--" Ariana started to say but was cut off by someone bumping into her.

"Hey watch it," The person sneered as they tried to walk past Ariana.

"Alex you asshole!" Ariana exclaimed as she recognized the stranger. " You can at least say sorry you jackass."

"Oh shit! Ariana I didn't recognizing you, I'm sorry babe," Alex exclaimed as he looked up at Ariana surprised.

"Sure, what are you doing here anyway?" She asked, as she gave Zayn a smile as if to tell him he wasn't forgotten.

"We went to your house but no one was there so I called Jack and he said you guys were here so I thought why not join you guys," Alex said as he glanced at Zayn and then gave Ariana a confused look.

"Oh okay, well it's good you decided to join us, where's the others?" She questioned, but soon found her answer as she saw Zack and Rian the other two members of All Time Low walked up to them followed by Pierce The Veil.

"Holy shit guys!" Ariana shouted as she jumped to give Zack and Rian a hug. While she smiled politely at Pierce the Veil guys.

"Shit! I'm sorry Zayn where are my manners," Ariana said as she came back to stand next to him. "That jack ass over there that bumped into me is Alex, the body builder is Zack, the one with short hair is Rian, and those are the guys from pierce the veil Vic, Jamie, Mike, and Tony. Guys this is Zayn from One Direction," Ariana said as she introduced everyone.

"Oh my god! One direction my favorite band!" Alex exclaimed as he came and latched onto Zayn. Making the guys behind him burst into laughter.

"Sorry, he's like a fan girl," Zack said as he pulled Alex away from Zayn. Who just smiled and nodded awkwardly.

"Anyhow, let me get the passes while you guys socialize," Ariana stated as she realized it was her turn to go up to the ticket booth. As she got seasonal passes for all of them including Alex and the other guys, she heard the guys getting along with Zayn. He even told them that he wasn't familiar with their music, making the guys determined to get him their music album.

"Well lets go guys, Jack must be getting impatient," Ariana said as she handed the guys their bracelets while putting on hers. She smiled as she noticed some girls recognizing the guys but not coming forward to ask for autographs or pictures. As they got to the line where she left Victoria and the others, she grinned at the sight in front of her, Jack was hugging Louis while a frightened Harry tried to get him off.

"Victoria! Jack! Look who's here?” Ariana shouted. She saw Jack let go of Louis and grabbed Victoria’s hand and started running towards where Alex and the other stood.

"BABY!" Jack yelled as he lashed on to Alex just as Alex did to Zayn few moments before.

"TORIA!" Alex yelled out as he tried to get Jack off of him so he can go to Victoria. "I missed you so much," he added as he finally took Jack off of him and ran to Victoria who was stunned as Alex ran up to her giving her a big embrace.

"Alex," Victoria murmured as she tried to get him of off her, a rosy tint covered her cheeks as she locked eyes with Niall who seemed confused.

"Fine," Alex mumbled as he pulled away from her. "I broke Jacks heart for you and you don't even want me?" he questioned further on but paused as he saw 4 other guys giving him indifferent looks.

"This must be the rest of One Direction?" Alex asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, the blonde is Niall, curls is Harry, adorable one is Liam, and the model looking one is Louis," Ariana explained as the guys of One Direction nodded at the Alex and the others.

"Hey lads ready to head up in line?" Liam asked as he went further into the barriers that helped to keep people in a single line. A lot of “Lets go’s” were heard between the group as they continued their journey to move up in the line for the Giant Dipper.

“Im riding with Alex!” Jack said while he moved to where Alex was standing next to Niall.

“Im with Vic,” Ariana said as she shyly smiled at the lead singer who returned her smile and came to stand next to her. Everyone started to pair of with one another, Jamie and Zack, Tony and Liam, Harry and Louis, Mike and Rian, Victoria and Niall, leaving Zayn left who stood awkwardly.

“ I think this has space for 3 to each, Zayn why don't you come join me and Vic?” Ariana said as she moved closer to Vic leaving room for Zayn.

“Alright,” Zayn replied as he sat next to Ariana, shooting Vic a quick smile, which he returned it.

“HERE WE GO!” screamed out the guys, as the roller coaster started moving. Ariana’s eyes shot open as the roller coaster went down suddenly making her clutch Zayn and Vic’s hands. The two boys looked at her and then at each other and started laughing as Ariana shot them looks. When the roller coaster ride ended everyone got off and headed towards the exit, leaving Ariana and Victoria to follow behind the boys.

“You okay? I know you’ve never liked roller coaster rides,” Victoria asked her friend who nodded her head yes.

“Yeah, it was terrifying but I enjoyed it, and holding on to Vic and Zayn’s hand made it a bit better,” Ariana replied to her friend as a blush covered her cheeks.

“Oh! I saw that, getting a big cozy with Zayn and Vic aren’t you?” Victoria teased her friend who just told her to shut up. Victoria laughed and took Ariana’s hand and ran to catch up with the others.

“OH! I want to go on that ride!” Jack shouted again as he pointed towards the fireball.

"Oh god," Ariana said as the guys dragged her towards the line.
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Hey guys! heres Chapter four sorry for the long wait, school came in the way you guys know the usually stuff, but now it's the summer and i hope i can update soon.