Status: completed

Let's Play Twister


We checked into our hotel early but the concert wasn't for another couple hours. Dahvie and I sat in our room bored out of our fucking mind. It was raining like fucking hell outside so we couldn't really go anywhere. Sally and Andrew had their own room and were taking full advantage of it. The rest of the crew were resting up elsewhere and praying for the storm to lighten so they could go out and see the town.

I laid on the bed flipping through all 20 of the TV's channels. The only thing remotely interesting was a Spanish soap opera. So far I think the cute Latino doctor slept with one of his patients who turned out to be his long-lost half sister or something and now his wife is cheating on him with another doctor who already has a boyfriend but is questioning his sexuality again. Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me. Who knows?

Dahvie is rummaging through the TV stand for some of the games the hotel keeps stocked for families with kids.

"Mmm…How's about 'Sorry'?" he asked.

"No, it's no fun with just two people."


"Uh…no! You take way too long with your turns and just end up making up random words."

He mumbled out "No I don't. You're just unappreciative of my linguistic skills."

I rolled my eyes but he couldn't see that and then pulled out another box. "Monopoly?"

"Hell fucking no! That takes forever!"

"Hello!" he said impatiently "We have forever if this storm doesn't let up!"

"Just…fucking no."

I heard a small grunt of annoyance and turned back to the show. Now some freaky old, overly-botoxed couple was fighting over what seemed to be their kids sleeping together and possibly being related…Eww now they're going at it. Just plain gross.

Dahvie gasped and pulled out a box and ran up to the side of the bed. "Let's play this!" he explained excitedly. I looked down at the box in his hands and saw an old-school version of a Twister box.

I raised an eyebrow at him and ask "Seriously?"

He whined out, "Pretty please? It'll be fun! Come on! Do it, do it, do it!" he begged and begged and I couldn't say no to him. I sighed and told him to set it up. He hopped over to the open space in the middle of the room and pushed our bags out of the way. I slowly got off the bed and made my way over to the mat.

Dahvie and I got on either side and spun the wheel. After just a few spins we were completely tangled up in each other. Dahvie spun again and called out "Left hand, yellow." As he moved his hand to an open yellow dot, he brushed against the front of my jeans. I gasped lightly and blushed but he didn't seem to notice. He spun the wheel again and told me "Left foot, red." The closet one I could reach was a corner and I had to move underneath him slightly.

His next turn had him place his right foot on blue which made his body straddle mine. I had to face the mat and I arched my back to try to get in a more comfortable position, but as I did my ass brushed against him. He let out a tiny moan and as I stopped all movement in shock, I felt his erection pressing against my cheeks. I smirked as I felt him trembling, trying to keep his balance. I decided to have a bit of fun and ground my ass against him. He gasped and a low moan escaped his lips.

I spun the wheel while he was distracted but ignored whatever it was it landed on. I flipped myself so I faced him on top of me. I moved my hand from the mat and teased his straining erection. "Right hand, here" I whispered in his ear and licked the shell. He shook even more but still held himself above me. I slipped my hand down the top of his pants and squeezed tightly through his underwear. He choked on his moan and shut his eyes tightly. I could feel wetness through the cloth and ran my fingers over his sensitive tip.

As I looked at his cute face, it was all scrunched up in pleasure and he was biting his lip hard. I chuckled and whispered that I wanted to hear him moan. His eyes closed more tightly and he shook his head. "Well I guess I'll just have to work them out of you." As I told him this, I accentuated my point by giving him a long, teasing stroke. His fingers gripped the mat tightly and he nearly ripped it in an effort to keep his noises in. I continued to stroke him slowly but then got bored with simply teasing him. I released his length and he let out a sigh of relief.

It didn't last long as I shoved my hand past his underwear and replaced my hand again. He let a small squeak slip out and that was all the encouragement I needed to continue. I pumped him as fast as I could and bit his ear lobe gently. That finally got him to release his held back moans. I scraped my nails along his shaft and he screamed my name at the top of his lungs. He released hard into my hand and his arms finally gave out beneath him.

As he collapsed on top of me I continued to stroke him. He trembled as his orgasm rode over him. Once it was over I pulled my hand out and licked away the remaining semen on my fingers. Dahvie watched the entire scene and no sooner after my fingers left my mouth, he placed his lips over mine. As he pulled back he licked my lips in an effort to get the remaining taste. He smiled at me underneath him and said "You've tasted me and now I want to taste you."

His hands found their way to my belt and made quick work of getting it off. With a smooth motion he pulled my jeans and underwear down without even unbuttoning them. My hard cock was standing at attention and he licked up and down the sides before teasing my balls. Unlike him I'm not ashamed to moan out as loud as possible. I could see him smiling before he moved to place his luscious lips around my tip. Slowly he slid me further down his throat until he hit my base. Up and down he sucked me and every time I hit the back of his throat I screamed his name.

He hummed softly and flicked his tongue just as my dick was about to leave his warm mouth. As the pleasure built up I grabbed his hair and kept his head in place while I fucked his mouth as fast as I could. He seemed to be ok with it and used his hands to tease my balls and thighs again. I screamed his name as my orgasm came closer. I was about to release when the door burst open.

Standing in the frame was Sally and Andrew, along with about half our crew. Dahvie's jaw dropped and as my dick slipped out of his mouth I came all over his face and my stomach. I looked back at the doorframe and they quickly shut it again, mumbling out apologies.

I yelled out as the door slammed shut, "Next time fucking knock!"
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if you catch any missing or mispelled words, please let me know so i can change it. but tell me where it needs corrected not just that it's wrong.