Status: Possible epilogue... but probably not.

Foster's School for the Socially Awkward and Normality Challenged


I looked over at Alexia’s bed with wide eyes. The first thing was that she looked much different with her blue hair. The second? She wasn’t alone. What bothered me more was the fact that I didn’t know who it was.

“Alexia” I whispered, trying to get her attention.

“It’s… oh damn… We need to get him back into his own room before someone finds out.” She explained, kicking off the covers and trying to stand. She fell back down. “Ngh… hangover…” she moaned, clutching her head.

“I’ll try and get him back.”

“He’s like six foot. Try waking him up. Wait, is that a tattoo? When the hell did I get a tattoo? Oh man, I must be an awesome drunk.” She applauded herself slightly before nudging mystery boy with her foot. His eyes shot open and you could see the confusion in them.

“Shh, it’s me, you need to get back to your room though.” He blinked a couple times and then nodded, stumbling out the door and into the hallway.

“What happened to you guys last night?” I asked, slipping out of my ‘weird clothes’ and back into the uniform. I was supposed to be at breakfast soon.

“I have no fucking idea. Ain’t that great?”

“Yeah, sure. Go back to sleep or something. I’ll try and cover. Look as ill as possible, and if you can, get the message to the others.” I felt like I almost fit in last night. Maybe I would even be considered a friend by some of them.

“Mrs. Foster, I really don’t feel so well.” I said timidly, clutching my stomach and begging my face to get greener. “I think Alexia threw up last night too.” I was the only one in the dining room.

“That’s interesting.. oh no- the steak! I told Michael to check the expiration date! Evangeline, go back to your room. The dorm wing will be quarantined.” Well well well, a new weakness. Foster was a germaphobe. I could hear the cap of a hand sanitizer bottle clicking open as I walked back. I tried to copy Alexia’s grin when I got back to the room, but I think it turned out more like a smile.

“She thinks we’re all sick and she’s too afraid of germs to check. For at least the rest of today, we’re all good.”

“Did you hit your head last night Evan? You’re actually acting not-normal.”

“I realized something while everyone else was getting drunk, actually. I want out of here. And this isn’t a one man job.”