Status: Possible epilogue... but probably not.

Foster's School for the Socially Awkward and Normality Challenged

Sleeping Beauty

“I can definitely help you escape, if that’s what you want. I’m good at that.” I said, smiling despite my throbbing head and upset stomach.

“No, no, that’s not what I’m trying to say. Wait-- actually, it’s exactly what I was trying to say. Let’s do it.” Evan said, trying to copy my devilish grin.

“Hmm... I kind of want to be a hero. How about we save everybody? We can all go to Ceecee and David’s place.”

“Wouldn’t that be extremely difficult? Plus, we saw their house. It’s not big enough for everyone.”

“How about as many people as we can? We can have a little underground railroad going on.”

“That... might just work, actually.”

“Evan, sometimes I love your mind.” I said smiling. I heard the door open, and there stood Mrs. Foster in a mask and gloves. She sniffed the aim through her mask.

“Is that... alcohol I smell? Alexia! You’re not old enough to drink! My goodness, it looks as if that’s what has made you sick! And your hair!” She said. “Evangeline, you were doing so well. I should’ve known she would be a bad influence on you. However, you don’t look sick at all anymore! For lying, you will spend today’s free time in solitary confinement, watching a movie about the improperness of lying. As for you, Alexia, your punishment will be to suffer through this ‘hangover’, as they call it, as well as solitary confinement during your free time tomorrow. You will be switching room mates with Karen, as well. That will prevent further corruption of Evangeline’s mind. Good day.” Mrs. Foster closed the door on her way out, disgusted with me. Well actually, it was both of us this time.

“I’m going to sleep this thing off now. Have fun in solitary.” I said, flopping back onto my bed.
I woke up to the sounds of people heading towards the cafeteria for dinner. I also woke up to all of Evan’s stuff moved out. Greg’s was there instead. He was standing in the doorway in his standard blue uniform.

“Hey, you coming to dinner, sleeping beauty?” He asked. I nodded, but held up a finger for him to wait.

“Do you want to freak Little-Miss-Bitch-Face out?” I said. He smiled and came over, letting me whisper my plan in his ear. This is going to be awesome.
We arrived at dinner a few minuets later. He was wearing my pink shirt and pleated skirt, I was wearing his blue shirt and shorts, which fit us both surprisingly well. The skirt made Greg’s legs look nice. His hair was up in tiny pigtails, while mine was stuffed under a baseball hat. People’s jaws dropped, just like we planned.