Status: Possible epilogue... but probably not.

Foster's School for the Socially Awkward and Normality Challenged


I woke up to my body being dragged along with the rest of the girls. I raised my head groggily and saw that we were in a small grey room with two beds.

“This is what your dorm rooms will look like. You will share them with one other person, who will be chosen randomly at a later time. There will be no communicating after ten o’ clock PM, the average bedtime hour.” She said, meeting my eyes. “All piercings will be removed at this time. If you refuse to remove them, Michael and Thomas will do it for you.”

She pointed to her two henchmen that were holding me. A few people started removing their earrings, nose rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, and rings in places I didn’t know you could get pierced. I didn’t touch the nine small pieces of metal in my ears, nor the one in the left side of my bottom lip. They were mine, and I wasn’t about to take them out for these people to throw away.

“Hurry up, we’re almost to the next stop on our tour. Michael, Thomas, please put the delinquent down and help the others with their... jewelry problems.” She said.

The others started taking them out before they had a chance, for fear of how the large fingers might damage their holes. I, however, still refused to do it. I felt them pulling at the backs of all of my earrings, becoming frustrated when they wouldn’t come loose. See, I never take my earrings out, not even in the shower or when I sleep. Sometimes, my holes fuse around them or the backs rust on, making them impossible to move the slightest bit. That’s one of the reasons I’m here. It’s also because I listen to what my parents call “devil’s music”. It’s my own special blend of metal, punk, screamo, and rock. Oh, and I’m fascinated with murder. Not committing it, just writing about it in extreme detail. Come to think of it, there’s a lot of reasons why I’m here. So lets just say it’s because I’m a unique individual, shall we? Michael and Thomas gave up on my earrings as Little Miss Proper led us further down the hallway.

“This is where you will eat each day.” She pointed to a large room filled with tables and chairs. “This concludes the tour for now, as you will be led to all other places by your assigned advisors.”

We were led back to the place our bus had dropped us off, where the boys’ group joined ours. A guy who looked about my age was standing next to me.

“I’m Greg.” He said. He was definitely a screamer. Probably in a band or something.

“Alexia. You know how to get out of here?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“I don’t know. But you were awesome on the bus. Now, if only you didn’t have those two big dudes on your arms...”

“A small price to pay for pissing boring people off.” We smiled at each other.

“Now, you will be grouped into your bedrooms. Due to past... accidents, you will be grouped by sexual orientation instead of gender.” The evil woman from before said. I slipped out of the body guards’ arms and into the ‘Likes boys’ group. I found myself standing next to Greg and a girl I didn’t know. The woman started pairing us off.