Status: Possible epilogue... but probably not.

Foster's School for the Socially Awkward and Normality Challenged

I'm A Freak, Baby

I hurriedly removed my earrings. There was no room for argument. Michael and Thomas were scarier than I’d like to admit. The girl that got knocked out was talking to Greg. He joined me on the side that liked boys and soon after, so did the strange girl. Her piercings stayed in place. A part of me couldn’t help but be slightly jealous. I’d wanted to at least get two holes in each ear. This girl had five in one.

“Evangeline, you will be staying with Alexia.” Strange girl waved at me. Her grin scared me. Nearly everything about this place scared me.

“So, Evan. Looks like we’re roomies.”

“Evangeline. My parents don’t let people refer to me as Evan.”

“Well, your parents aren’t here, now are they?”

“I guess you’re right.” I replied as we were then ushered off to our hour of free time.

“So how did you get shipped off to this hell hole?”

“Alexia! Rude language will not be tolerated! Please meet with me in my office.” She flipped her middle finger to the woman. There were so many people to keep track of and we still knew barely any names.

“My parents caught me listening to bands they didn’t approve of. It was a song about death and they were concerned for my mental health and well being so they sent me here.”

“That’s all?”

“We can’t all be rebellious, pierced delinquents, now can we?” She was then pulled away by Thomas.

“Listen up. We’re going to start step one. Admitting that you’re all scary little freaks who need help.” Michael boomed, ordering us into a circle.

“My name’s Kelly. I prefer the term unique, thanks.” Maybe 15. Green streaks in her hair and several holes left by removing the numerous pieces of metal jammed into her face.

“We’ll work on it. Next!”

“My name is Greg. I like boys. I’m a freak, baby.”

“Evangeline. I’m almost socially accepted, but apparently I missed the mark.”

“Alexia!” The girl called form the doorway. “Straight A’s in sociopathicness, social awkwardness, and I’m really fucking proud of it!” The door slammed shut a second later.

“Karen.  If  I was normal, I wouldn’t be here.”

“Anthony. Hi everybody! I like long walks on the beach, kittens, and being a freak, just like you guys!”