Status: Possible epilogue... but probably not.

Foster's School for the Socially Awkward and Normality Challenged

I Like Smashing

“Give in, get out? I’d prefer to be myself and get out.” I said.

The narrator was now discussing how to respond to sarcasm. I’m pretty sure I would be the one to respond WITH sarcasm. I couldn’t take this movie anymore. So, I stood up, walked over to the projector, kicked it over, and sat back down.

“Three, two, one...”

“ALEXIA!” Mrs. Foster yelled, storming through the door. She took a deep breath, trying to ‘control her anger’ like they showed in the video. “You have knocked over a perfectly good piece of video equipment. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“It made a cool sound when it fell.” I responded, walking past her and out the door. “I think I’ll spend the rest of my free time with the others. Have fun cleaning it up.” I walked down the hall before thinking about one thing.

Evan couldn’t have been all bad if she had gotten in trouble on the first day. I ran back, grabbed her arm, and pulled her along with me. We didn’t really say anything to each other. I ran over to Greg and half tackled, half hugged him.

“Sup?” I said, smiling.

“Weren’t you supposed to be watching a movie on manners?” He asked, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah. Then I broke the movie and left. Now I’m here.”

“Ah. Sweet.”

Dante was still sitting in his corner, crying just a little bit. I figured I should see what was wrong. Although, he looks like one of those people who would be chronically depressed for no reason at all.

“Why’s there tears on your cheeks, bro?” I asked. He looked up.

“Please go away. I’m fine. I just-- nothing... I want to be alone.” He replied. I shrugged and walked back to Evan and Greg, who were talking about some things I couldn’t hear. I had an amazing idea.

I had been to more than a few concerts... and these look like people who would listen to music I like. So I figured, why not have our own little concert? I crawled around on the floor until I found an iPod bulging out of someone’s sock. I grabbed it, found the speaker system, and pressed shuffle. I saw people head banging and dancing around, all the while, Mrs. Foster, Eddy, Michael, and Thomas were trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. So I went back to the crowd, got a few people, and opened up a circle pit. Even Dante joined in. That is, until the music stopped and I got pumped full of sedatives for the third time.
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