Status: 16 of 50

I Can't Get Her out of My Mind

Unattainable Dream

He was leaning against the lockers looking at her. He could always be found doing that before school at his locker. It was his typical thing, but she wasn’t typical for him. She was someone that no one would think he would like. He was your typical guy who was decently popular with a band and a spot on the hockey team. She was more or less a nerd, or at least that is what she appeared to be to people who didn’t try to get closer to her. Her name, Amy. The only reason he knew the real her? Acquaintance who used to be his friend, Cameron Quiseng, who is now in his band playing bass.

As he was watching her the usual happened. His friend Nathan comes up to him, sees what he is looking at and says, “Please don’t bother.”

Zach stops looking at her, looks at him and just starts a conversation with him ignoring his comment knowing very well he wouldn’t stop until he has her.

He fell for her the first day of sophomore year, and now they are seniors. He remembers the day so well. He was just sitting in his auto class before it started irritated. Amy noticed and decided to come up and talk to him about it, and for some reason he felt he could trust her so he told her about he was regretting a lot these days from having to go to college, to not spending enough time with a serious band, to taking the wrong classes, and she just sat and listened to him for about 30 minutes because they were both early since their pervious class was lunch and they didn’t want to hang around the lunchroom. When he was done she told him, “I get it, and it sucks, but life is full of regrets, that’s just how it is, but fate has your back. I know you think I’m dorky for believing in fate, but something out there has to be making sure what has to happen happens. It can’t just be the luck of the draw.” Then the bell rang and class started and we started to learn about carburetors.

He was determined, by the end of this year she would be his. She was all he was thinking about when he walked into English class, which is when he saw her. She was talking to Cameron, but she was in his class. He was so happy it is indescribable. Today he decided to actually speak his mind. So he walked up to her and Cameron, said hi to them both and sat next to Amy. “Amy I just wanted to let you know you look beautiful today. And as usual you have to prettiest smile and laugh.”

His comment caused her to blush, and when class started the game of note passing began. Amy was passing two different notes: one to Cameron, and one to him.
Somewhere along the line the notes got mixed up and he had her conversation with Cameron on it.

Her- Urg! I’m pathetic!

Cameron- No you aren’t. So you have the hots for a guy you’ll never get. I mean you’ve liked Zach since what? 8th grade?

Yeah… but I don’t know I’m just such a dork, I don’t know why he even sat next to me let alone is passing notes with me

You have it bad don’t you?

Yeah… it’s just GAH he is just so… perfect. He would be stupid to fall for a girl like me though

He would be stupid not to

There is no reason for him to like me I mean he is freaking ZACH PORTER and I’m just Amy

After reading there note he decided to reply as his heart filled with happiness and anxiousness disappeared.

See here is what you don’t know. I would be stupid NOT to be in love with you. I mean ok I was stupid enough not to realize my feelings until sophomore year, but I got there eventually. I like you A LOT Amy… Will you go out with me?

Amy read the note with her eyes bugging out, turned to Zach and simply nodded her head as if there was something wrong with her neck with her eyes still bugging out. Zach gave her his award winning smile and then turned to the back to the teacher knowing that it was the beginning of something great.