Status: Just started.

Coon and Friends vs Sapphire and Friends!

Epic Fight

I woke up, feeling unusually happy. Today, I was going ice skating with my sister.
I brushed my teeth, picked out some clothes, did my hair, and tried to find my ice skates.
I was wearing a black iceskating suit, with quarter-length sleeves. I would have to wear my black skates.
When I found them, I put on my Uggs, and went to get Ashlie. I thought I'd have to wake her up, as it was 9 am on a Saturday, but she was awake and already dressed.
"Brennie!" She said. "I can't find my white ice skates. HELP ME!"
I laughed, and went back to my room, and I got my white ice skates. They were just like hers, same size too.
"Thanks, Bren." She smiled.
We didn't eat breakfast, and just went on outside to get to the pond.
"Wait!" Ashlie said, and I came to a hault. "Fingerless gloves!" she said, but more like "Fyingyeer lyess gluvvsss!" She put on her white ones, me my black. She had a red clone of the outfit I had on.
I slipped on my gloves, made sure I had my house keys and phone, and went outside. We walked to Stark's Pond, chatting about lots of things.
"Bunchies are llamas, Bren." Ashlie said.
"I know, but.. why not add hair, and ears?"
We were stopped in conversation as we saw someone on the way.
Eric Cartman, kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and a very dead Kenny McCormick.
"Hello, Kenny," I said. "Looking rather.. dead.. today."
Kyle and Stan laughed, but Eric kept a straight face.
"What are you two doing here?" He said.
"We plan to go ice skating." ashlie said.
"Pfft, no way. No girls allowed today."
"But, WHY?" I said, as this was my catchphrase. I put by arms in front of me dramatically.
"'Cause it's the boy's turn to use the ice!" Eric said.
"Well that's depressing. Kyle, looks like you're gonna have to go home." I said.
"HEY!!" Kyle said, his face going red.
I giggled, enjoying Kyle's anger. Upsetting that Jew is always fun.
"Well, fine," Ashlie said. "We'll just go home to our awesome-"
I slapped my hand over her mouth, the rest of the words coming out muffled.
"Oh yeah, sorry." Ashlie said.
"What was she about to say, Bren?" Eric asked.
"Noth- Wait. Did you just call me Bren?"
"Uhh.. I think so." He replied.
"Hm. well, she wasn't about to say anything. Bye." I waved, and pulled Ashlie as we went home.
My day was ruined and I haven't even been awake for more than 2 hours.

Later that day, I called Professor Chaos for a meeting at my secret hideout, a cave somewhere in the woods.
"Welcome, Chaos." I greeted him, fixing my mask.
"W-well, Hello, Sapphire, Ruby." he replied, giving a simple wave.
"ok. Today, we have to find out a way to get rid of The Coon once and for all- But first, let's commit a simple crime."
Ruby smiled. "Let's steal Sparky, from the Marshes!"
"Nah.. That's kidnapping I think." I thought for a moment.
"W-well, I think we can, uh, steal someone's mailbox!"
"Yes! We will steal the Marshes, the Cartmans, and the Broflovski's mailbox! I don't think Kenny has one." I said.
"Yey!" Ruby said. "Let's go!!" She hopped off her seat and ran outside.
We happily took the mailboxes, beat them with hammers, and threw them to the bottom of Stark's pond. All would have gone well if Coon and friends hadn't appeared.
"Well, well, well." The Coon said. "Looky here!"
"What do you want, Rodent?" I wasn't going to let him ruin my day again.
"To stop you! You have freed our prisoner, so you shall be our prisoners, with chaos!!" The Coon said.
"No we're not." I said simply, as I used my mind powers to make a rock fly and hit him in his head.
"OW!!" He cried. He threw a smaller rock at me, and I used a sheild to block it.
Ruby grinned, and pushed the Human Kite down, and made a Red Car appear and it ran him over. Don't worry; we're young so our powers are not deadly. Yet.
I used Mind Control to make TupperWare and Toolshed fight, violently.
Mintberry Crunch punched my arm, but I grabbed his wrist, flew higher than the streetlights, and dropped him, and he landed right onto the big Red Fist Ruby made appear, and it hit him, causing him to fly into the side of the building. Lucky for him, I made a blue net appear to catch him.
Then, the Coon pushed me over. He started punching me, and kicking me. I grinned, and pinned him down. I used my strength to hit him so hard, he almost started crying.
He kicked me, and Ruby immediately came to help. But Mosquito came, and hit her from the back.
"Ow!" she said, in her usual high pitched voice.
The Coon tried to hit me, but I dodged, and hit him into his Friends, and, BAM. They were out.
Towelie Towel appeared, walking down the streets. Did he see that?
".... Wanna get high?" he asked
I looked at Ruby, she shrugged, and I said, "Why not?" We walked with him, chatting about Bunchies and Trollfaces and LOL meme faces. Hurrah.
♠ ♠ ♠
Correction to something! In the story's description, I said Sapphire is a hero. She is very obviously a villain. Keep that thought in your noggin. Did you like? I'm not good at action scenes, this is my first. COMMENT!