Happy Birthday to Me

Venice Beach


I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Ray hovering above me.

"What's going on?" I questioned, still a little bit groggy.

"We're at a hotel." Ray replied.

"Where at?" I questioned, having received only half of the information I wanted previously.

"Venice Beach." Ray said as he picked up a suitcase and walked off the bus.

I smiled as I sat up, "I've always wanted to see Muscle Beach." I said thoughtfully.

I noticed Gerard walk up with a scowl on his face, "Great. Sounds like a wonderful place to dump you." he sneered. I noticed as he walked past he was also carrying a suitcase.

Frank was next to me in a second, reassuring me they weren't going to dump me. "We have a deal," he said quietly, "Where you get off is your choice."

I nodded, understanding the deal.

Frank smiled at me and picked up a suitcase as well as my duffel bag before he began to walk off the bus.

I quickly got up, walking after him, and took my duffel bag away from him.

"What? I was just carrying it for you." he said quietly.

"You've already taken me in and given me the deal of a lifetime. I'm not going to make you carry my bag too." I explained.

Frank smiled from ear to ear, obviously happy with my answer. "Well c'mon, let's get inside before everyone begins to wonder where we are." he said as he walked off the bus.

I shouldered the bag before I followed after him, "Yeah, because I'm sure Gerard has cooked up something by now."

Frank chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry about Gerard. As soon as he gets to know you I'm sure he'll like you."

"Yeah. I hope so." I said quietly.