Status: new

Nerd Boy

Nerd Boy

I set my notebooks neatly in front of me as I glanced at the clock hanging above the library doors. School had ended 10 minutes ago and I told Trey to get hear 15 after, which means he has to be here in 5 minutes.

I opened my class book, All Quiet on the Western Front and began reading chapter 6. After reading for a while I glance up to the clock, 3:34. I frowned and looked down to my book, Trey was suppose to be here 8 minutes ago.

He's probably just late.

I finished chapter 7 and took a look at the clock, 3:56. Ok so maybe he isn't going to show up. I closed my book and opened my notebook and began taking notes on the chapters when the librarian came over to me, "We're closing soon sweetie." she said kindly.

"O-ok." I whispered. I watched as she headed back to her front desk. I put all my things away before hurrying out the library. I can't believe he didn't show up! He's suppose to meet me in the library everyday for tutoring lessons.

"Sam!" I turned around to see Trey rushing toward me. He grabbed my elbow softly and pulled my away from the exit of the schools. "Sorry I'm late." he apologized.

"You're more than late, you missed the whole session." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well I had to do something?" he stated.


He pressed his lips together and took my hand leading me back into the building. He took my to the boy's bathroom before heading to the handicap stall. He reached into his backpack and magically pulled out a blunt, "Want some?" he asked lighting it up and handing it to me.

I stared at him speechless, my mouth slightly hanging open. "Y-You can't do that." I whispered in panic. "Not on school grounds."

"But that give you the adrenaline rush." he smirked taking drag then handing it back to me. "Just take it."

"What i-if we get caught?"

Trey chuckled, "I'll force this in your mouth if you don't hurry and get some." he said.

I bit my bottom lip before taking a drag myself. Autimatically I could feel my nerves calm and my panic subside. I glanced over to Trey and smiled softly.

I know this is wrong, but why does it feel so right?
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ugh hella short. the next one will be longer, i promise.
Weightless that's a new story i started. you guys should stop by and give it a read and tell me if you like it.