Status: One Shot. (:

Wake up Call in the City of Dreams...


Taiyah's POV

Josh and I were non-stop fighting, screaming and yelling at the latest hours, over the stupidest things. He claimed it was all my fault for how he is. He's been on the heroin for a few months now. And then there's the drinking...

"God damnit Taiyah! What the fuck?! Why do you insist on not cleaning this fucking house?!" Josh shouted as he stumbled into the house drunk, I was sitting on the couch with our cat Harley. I really hated him like this, it was scary, and I couldn't control him. All my friends have told me to leave him, that he wasn't good for me, but how could I? I loved him, well... atleast apart of me did...

"Didn't you hear me you fucking slut?! Don't just sit there and watch TV! Get the fuck off your lazy ass and do somethin'!" He shouted, I quickly got up with Harley and ran up the stairs, I heard him behind me and I tried to go faster,

"Get in the room Harley! Hide!" I said letting my cat fall out of my arms, he looked at me then ran. He was my go to thing when I needed someone. Just as I was reaching our my bed room door, Josh's hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I spun around as he stared down at me, the smell of whiskey on his breath.

"Where you think you goin' whore?" He growled, pushing me against the wall, he ripped my shirt apart, and pulled my hair. I yelped but held in my screams. Its been the second time he's done this. He pulled down my pants and took off my bra. I tried fighting him but he just slapped me in return. I cried as he forcefully went inside me. I had never ever felt so worthless in my entire life.

What happened to the Josh that brought me flowers for no reason? The one who would hold me when I had a nightmare. The one who said he'd marry me someday. Where did he go?

"Damn. Thats the only reason I keep you around" Josh said as he let me fall to the floor.
When he walked away down the stairs, and I heard the door open and close, I got up and showered. Trying to scrub away how dirty I felt.

"Its not your fault Taiyah, its not your fault" I mumbled to myself as I packed my bags. Josh wouldn't be home till tomorrow. My hands were shaky and I didn't know what would happen if he found me. I can't take this place anymore though. Its too hard. When I packed all my things, I locked my bedroom door and snuggled into the sheets with Harley.

Please let me be okay...

When I woke up, I checked the house to see Josh not here. I sighed in relief as I took my bags down to my car, Harley was sitting in the backseat as I did so. It was around 11 in the morning, so seeing the guys outside this early was a shock. I hadn't changed or re-done my makeup at all, so I bet I looked fantastic.

"Hey Taiyah!" Bri yelled from across the street, I smiled and waved back, when all my bags were in the car, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Josh's voice echoed, I turned around to see him standing in the drive way.

"Uh-uh" I stuttered, I didn't know what to say,

What is he gonna do to me?

"You fuckin' bitch! You thought you could leave me?! Me?! Josh fucking Rosenfelt. The star quarter back for Huntington High for all 4 years?! How are you so special? You're fucking pathetic, look at you!" He shouted walking towards me,

"Josh ple-" I said, smack

"Josh!" smack

"Jo-!" smack

"Thats what you get for tryin' to leave me, you fuckin worthless piece of shit!" He shouted, standing over top of my cowering figure.

"Hey! You mother fucker! How dare you touch her! You fuckin asshole cock sucker!" Matt's voice screamed, I backed up to the garage door and pulled my knee's to my chest, barrying my face in the safeness of my knees.

"You son of a bitch! No one touches our Taiyah! Brian, get the baseball bat!" Coby yelled, I flinched at the sound of a loud thud.

It sounded like someones head being dropped on concrete...

"Hey, Taiyah, babygirl, look at me. Its ok, I've got you" Coby's soothing voice said, making me smile slightly, when I pulled my head out from my knee's, I saw his handsom face looking at me.

"Come on" Coby said picking me up, I cuddled into his chest as he carried me across the street to his house, where all the guys where originally hanging out. When he set me down on the couch, and was about to walk away, I stopped him.

"Stay with me" I whispered looking at him, he smiled softly and sat down, pulling me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me.

I'm about 9 months on the dot now, my best friend Jen let me stay with her. Coby and I have been seeing eachother, and its going great.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Jen! My water just fucking broke!" I shouted as I stood in the bathroom,

"What?! Oh my god!! We're gonna have a baby!" She shouted running into the room, I chuckled, until a really hard pain hit me.

"Come on, lets go, your bags are already in the car" She said, as she led me out of the house.

"Oh God Jen, oh god" I said breathing heavily, everyone lived on the same block, ya know? Cause, I don't know. Its just cause we're all best friends. Its about 2 in the afternoon, and I'm having a baby now?!

"Fuck! This hurts! God damnit!" I shouted as we were getting me in the car, I was a bit more slow then usual because of the extreme pain I'm in.

"Hey Girllllllllllls!" Johnny shouted from across the street, when we didn't reply, he ran inside Matt's house and all the guys came running out.

"You got this ok? Come on, now all you gotta do is sit" Jen said,

"I can't! It hurts sooooo bad!" I said squeezing her hand

"Now either sit, or you're gonna rip my fucking hand off!" She said laughing,

"Is she in-?" Coby said, then stopping to realize I was. I was finally in the car and Jenn was racing to the other side.

"No time to talk guys, follow us if you wanna be there!" Jen said, then pulled away.

"Oh God!" I shouted from the contractions, Coby was right here, holding my hand.

"Its ok babe, you got this" He said moving some hair from my face.

"One more push Taiyah! One more sweetie!" The doctor said, and I gave the last one my all.


"You have a beautiful baby girl Taiyah" Jen said looking down at me. Coby looked down at me as I looked up at him, and when Stephanie Lynn Shaddix was put in Coby's arms, he looked at me and said,

"I love you Taiyah. And out beautiful baby girl" He kissed my forehead sweetly

"I love you too Jacoby, and our little Stephanie"
♠ ♠ ♠
One shot :D Hope ya like it. Don't know how many words. xD xoxo