Status: working progress please comment! love to see them!

I Wait and Bleed


I woke up early to fix everyone breakfast before we started doing anything. I walked downstairs and heard loud snoring coming from the guys. I looked into the living room and they were passed out on the floor. I just shook my head and continued on my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the table for just a second to stretch and pop my back. It felt so damn good. I got up and started working on the breakfast. I hope the guys like my cooking because I don't cook often and according to my mom I cook really good. I got all the things out for a nice breakfast and set the table. I had just finished the pancakes, bacon, and sausage and starting on the eggs when I heard someone yawn. I couldn't recognize the voice so I just finished cooking the eggs.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I jumped.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Zacky said and I held my heart while stirring the eggs. I seen him breathe in the aroma and he just smiled.

"It's perfectly fine Zacky. Like the smell?" I said smiling.

"Oh yeah. It smells as good as it looks." he said and I shook my head laughing. He looked at me confused.

"Don't say something like that when you haven't even tasted it yet. I mean mom likes my cooking so I cooked for her." I said and he nodded and sat down at the table. I finished the eggs and set them on the table and made some coffee. Thank god mom has a coffee maker that is fast. The coffee finished right before the rest of the guys came into the kitchen. Jimmy was so hyper and crazy and all the guys were giving him a death glare and he quickly settled down. They filled their plates and I grabbed enough food for my mom and a cup of coffee. I walked into her room and she was still sound asleep. I set the food and coffee on the nightstand and shook her to wake up.

"Mom wake up. I made breakfast for you." I said shaking her shoulder but no response.

"Mom?" I said once more and nothing. I checked her pulse and there wasn't one. I sat down on her bed looking at her and holding her hand. I wasn't hungry anymore and I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mother. I hung my head and let the tears fall down my face. I heard someone walking my way and I knew it was Zacky but when he spoke it wasn't.

"Raven aren't you coming to eat?" Johnny said. I looked up at him and he seen my tears and he knew the worst had happened. He came to my side and held me tightly as I cried into his chest. Zacky came in a few seconds later and seen us and he hung his head.

"Raven. I'll go call the funeral home." Zacky said and I nodded and wiped away my tears. I sat there with her and Johnny knew I need some alone time with her. I looked down at her lifeless body and her skin was still so warm. My mom was gone...I would never get over this...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ZACKY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into the living room where all the guys were and they knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong Zacky?" Jimmy asked and all the guys looked at me for an answer. I sighed deeply.

"Raven's mom just passed." I said picking up the phone. All the guys got up and went into the bedroom where Raven was. I dialed the number to the funeral home and they said they would be right over. I hung my head and waited outside for them to come.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rave lost her only parent left. I cant even imagine how much sadness she is going through right now. We all sat there in silence as Rave cried her eyes out on her mom's chest.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MATT'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That poor girl. I wish there was something I could do for her. I think I will pay for all the funeral costs that way she wont be bothered with it. I hope she doesn't try to put up a fight and say I'm not paying for it because I will. I feel so sorry for the girl and I think I'm going to be extra nice to her that way she feel comforted by me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JIMMY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wish I could say something to help her feel better or just to make her laugh but I don't think she wants to laugh right now. I hung my head and came over to her rubbing her back like all the rest of the guys did.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JOHNNY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Her mom died on Christmas Eve...This day will never be the same to her but at least she didn't die on Christmas Day but I know we wont be having a regular Christmas this year but I am determined to give her the presents from all of us. I love this girl like she is my sister and she will always be my family no matter what happens.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RAVEN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I seen all the guys come in and they rubbed my back in comfort but it made me want to cry more and harder. I finally let go of my mother and stood up kissing her forehead and walking out of the room. I grabbed my cell phone off the table in the kitchen and called all of my friends. I know it wold be early and they would just be getting up but all of them answered and said they would be right over. I hung up the phone and proceeded to call my other relatives. In a matter of seconds my friends were over and I was outside waiting for them smoking a cigarette.

"We're very sorry for your loss Rave." Heather said hugging me and I just nodded. It hasn't fully sunken in that she is gone. The Heather, Nicole, Damien, and Craig stayed there until the hearse came and took her body away. They instructed me that I needed to come in tomorrow and make the arrangements and I nodded and they left with her body. I wanted to jump on them and tell them not to take my mother away but I didn't. The rest of the day was spend looking through her things to find out what I wanted and what to get rid of.

That night would be the hardest thing to do is sleep. I didn't think I would ever go to sleep but after a minute of laying in the bed where my mom died I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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