Status: working progress please comment! love to see them!

I Wait and Bleed

Another Confrontation

I followed Gena out back towards the pool and seen Jimmy and Johnny messing around and I just shook my head. There was 3 girls out there sitting around and they all looked at us as we walked out onto the patio. 2 of the girls came towards me while the other one took one look at me and was digusted. I paid her no mind.

"Raven this is Leana, Jimmy's girlfriend and Lacey, Johnny's girlfriend." Gena said and I extended my hand for them to shake and they both came at me and hugged me. I looked at Gena and she just nodded her head. I hugged them back and they let me go.

"It's very nice to meet you Raven." Leana said smiling. I could see why Leana was Jimmy's. I mean she was just like him.

"Likewise to the both of you." I said smiling back.

"And that sour puss over there is Michelle Val's sister and Brian's girlfriend." Gena said and I just nodded.

"And I'm Val." The voice behind me said and I turned around to see a blonde. Her hair was well below her shoulders and it was such a cute hairstyle. She came over and hugged me.

"What you need to learn around here is that everyone hugs. There is no hand shaking here." Val said smiling.

"I'll remember that." I said and smiled back. She led me over to where her and the girls were sitting and I looked over to see Brian coming out and this Michelle chick jumped up and hugged him tightly kissing him instantly.

"She is like that to new people." Lacey said.

"I dont think she likes me." I said frowning a little.

"Dont worry sweety. My sister is a real bitch sometimes. She is just pissed because Brian left with you and the guys to go see your mom instead of staying with her. She may be my sister but she is still a soul-less bitch." Val said quietly and I nodded my head. Matt and Zacky came outside with some steaks and burgers for all of us. I looked at the steaks and my mouth began to water and so did my eyes because my mom's favorite food was steak....I miss her so much. Val noticed and hugged me tightly.

"It's okay hunny. What's wrong?" Leana and Lacey said in unison.

"My mom's favorite food was steak...It kills me to see steak sometimes." I said truthfully. They nodded their heads.

"While you are at my house we will make sure there is no crying on your behalf. I mean I know how you feel when you lose a parent. I lost my grandparents and they were more like my parents to me." Val said rubbing my shoulders. I wiped away the single tear that left my eyes and shrugged off the crying feeling. I seen Brian get up from Michelle and come over to me.

"Is she alright?" he said wiping my face with his thumb.

"Yeah she's alright. She just had a memory of her mother." Val said and he nodded. I seen Michelle come over and pull Brian away from me.

"Stay away from my man you bitch!" she yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"For one thing I'm not a bitch and second, he came over to me to see if I was alright. Why dont you go sit YOUR bitch ass back in that chair over there and leave me alone." I said calmly. She looked at me like she was going to beat my ass and I stood up.

"I'm not a bitch and if your fucking mother hadnt gotten sick and died he would have spent Christmas with me instead of your whiney bitch ass! Get over your mom's fucking death it's like no one gave a shit about her anyways." she spat and I took a step towards her. Val stepped in the middle of us.

"Whoa. Michelle you are at my house and this is her mother you are talking about. You do not insult anyone's mother whether they are dead or alive." Val spat right back at her. I clinched my fists to my side ready to fight this bitch. Michelle pushed Val out of the way and came straight for me. I backed up a little and she threw her fist. I ducked and caught her with a right hand knocking her on her ass. I turned around to walk away and she pushed me and I fell into the pool. Why in the hell were we sitting at the deep end for?

I sunk down to the bottom of the pool as water filled my lungs. I was beginning to panic and black out when I felt a pair of strong arms bring me back to the surface. He laid me on the edge of the pool and all the girls except Michelle was at my side. I coughed and the water came out of my lungs. I looked to see Brian by my side. I smiled and sat up slowly.

"Michelle! What the hell did you do that fucking for?!" Brian yelled at her.

"You care more about that little slut more than me! I'm sorry Brian but I'm going home and packing my shit. When you get back I'll be gone with the man I cheated on you with. He actually spends Christmas with me!" She yelled and stomped out of the yard and into her car speeding off. I coughed once more and all the water was finally out of my lungs. I stood up and whispered to Val.

"I need some time alone." She nodded and I walked on towards the Beach.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I seen her walk off but Val grabbed my arm.

"She needs some time alone." she said and I nodded. I sat down in one of the chairs where I could keep an eye on her. She sat down at the beach for a good long time just staring out into the ocean.

"Val I'll be back. If anyone asks me where I'm at I'll be at the beach with Raven. Just give me a few minutes to talk to her." I said and she nodded. I ran down towards her and she kept sitting there with her knees pulled up to her chest. I sat down beside her and she didnt look up at me.

"I'm sorry for the way Michelle acted." I said and she looked up at me with tears running down her face. I brought her closer to me and let her cry into my chest.

"Hey hey it's alright." I cooed and she slowly began to calm.

"I'm sorry about breaking you two up." I said sadly.

"You dont need to be. I mean I found out a couple of weeks ago that she was cheating on me and shit but hell I dont care anymore. I was going to break up with her anyways later today. She gripes and bitches at me everytime I'm gone and I was getting sick of it." I explained and she smiled. I loved her smile.

"Thanks." she said and looked back out into the horizon as the sun was beginning to set. I stood up and extended my hand to her.

"Let's go get some food." I said and she took my hand. I pulled her up and we walked up the beach to Matt's house. I opened the gate to his backyard for her and she walked in. Val walked up to us.

"Let me take you to get some clean clothes. I'm sure I've got something that will fit you." She said and took her into the house. I sat down in a chair and popped open a beer.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RAVEN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was led to Val's room and she handed me some clothes.

"Put these on and meet me back on the patio." She said and I nodded as she left the room. I took the clothes to the bathroom and quickly changed. I laid my wet clothes on the side of the bathtub and walked back downstairs. I seen Brian sitting on the couch and I sat down next to him.

"Thanks for saving my life." I said looking down.

"No problem. You're my friend. It's my job." he said and I smiled. I leaned into his shoulder and he put his arm around me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I felt like someone was carrying me and I opened my eyes to see Brian.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You fell asleep on me and the others are staying the night so Matt told me to put you in the guest room." he said opening the door and closing it with his foot. He laid me down on the bed and I got under the covers. I laid my head down on the pillow and I seen him walking away.

"Goodnight Raven." he said.

"Night." I said and he started to close the door but opened it again.

"Oh and if you need anything, I'll be right across the hall." he said and I nodded and he fully closed my door. I laid my head back down on the pillow closing my eyes and falling back asleep.
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