Status: working progress please comment! love to see them!

I Wait and Bleed

How Great Is Your Love

I woke up this morning remembering what happened yesterday. I got out of bed and drug myself to the bathroom for a quick shower just to wake me up. The water rolled down my back and it felt so good. I got out of the shower and dried off and putting on fresh clothes. I checked my pockets and I grabbed the piece of paper out of my pants pocket that Ivan gave me. Gena thought I ripped up his number but I didnt. It was just a blank paper I had in my pocket. I sat down on the bed and decided to text Ivan.

~Hey it's Raven.~

~Hey Rave what's up?~ Ivan.

"Nothing much. I actually just woke up. What about you?~

"At the studio. The band is taking a break. Our tour is coming up soon and I would really like you to go with me.~ Ivan.

"Wish I could Ivan. Gena thought I ripped up your number yesterday but I didnt. It was just a piece of paper I had in my pocket.~

~Gena? That's Zacky's wife aint it?~ Ivan.

~Yeah. I'm living with Zacky and her for a while.~

~Awesome! What has Gena said about me?~ Ivan.

~She said that I shouldnt be texting someone like you. I mean like because of what you supposively did to one of her friends a few years ago.~

~That was back then. I have changed a lot since that time but no one will give me a chance to prove myself :(~ Ivan.

~Dont be sad Ivan. I'll give you a chance. I mean I dont believe what she said about you. I have to find it out for myself.~

~You're so cool!~ Ivan.


~I'd love to see you again.~ Ivan.


~How about today? At the pier?~ Ivan.

~Sounds good. Meet me there. What time?~

~Well we'll be done here in 15 minutes so could you be there in a few?~ Ivan.

~Of course. I'll just tell them I'm going for a walk.~

~Good see you then~ Ivan.

~See you!~

I put my shoes on and headed downstairs. Gena was in the kitchen and I went in opening the fridge.


"Morning Gena. I'm going for a walk in a few minutes. Is that alright?" I asked taking a drink of my soda.

"Sure but be back before 5. The boys called me like 5 minutes ago and wants to discuss something with all of us."

"5. I'll be here." I said getting up and putting my soda back into the fridge. I gave Gena a hug before walking out the door and towards the pier. I sat down on a bench and waited on Ivan. I seen a black 2011 Camaro pull up and seen Ivan get out. I smiled as he made his way towards me. I looked down at my phone and seen it was 2 in the afternoon. I had plenty of time to spend with Ivan.

"Hey Ivan!" I said hugging him.

"Hey Rave. How you been?"

"Good but I spent most of the night last night down here at the pier before Brian and Matt came looking for me." I said smiling.

"Why were you down here alone?"

"Needed some where to think. Everytime I go to my room to have some alone time and think, someone always comes in. I'm thinking about hanging something on my door that says something like, "Thinking Leave Me Alone." I explained.

"That would possibly work." He smiled and it was so sexy. I mean my god other than Brian's smile, his was so...damn. Hard to put into words ha ha! We sat there on the pier and talked for hours. He told me how it was like on tour and the after parties seemed awesome and I wish I could go. I know Zacky wouldnt let me go.

IT'S YOUR FUCKIN' NIGHTMARE...My phone sounded and I looked and it was Damien.

"I'm sorry got to take this." I said and he nodded. I got up and walked a little ways away from Ivan.

"Hey Damien! What's up?" I said smiling.

"Not shit. I want to see you so bad!"

"Okay. Here's something. How would you like to come and spend a week or 2 with me here in Huntington Beach?" I said.

"HELL YEAH! Are you going to get everyone else to come too?"

"Yeah. I just got to call them later and see if it's okay. I hope they will be able to come." I said.

"Oh they will. Their parents let them go everywhere. When they tell their parents that you want them to come down and spend some time with you, they will for sure let them go."

"God I hope so! Then we can all get together and practice instead of doing it over the phone. That sucked the last time." I said laughing.

"Oh God I know right? We'll I got to get off of here. Talk to you tonight."

"Alright bye Damien." I said and hung up the phone. I walked back over to the bench and sat down next to Ivan.

"Who was that?"

"My friend Damien. He is such a good friend. I mean he's going to get the rest of the gang together and come down here sometime. I cant wait!" I said smiling. I looked down at my phone again and it was 4:30. Where had the time gone?

"I'm sorry Ivan but I got to get home. I pormiced Gena that I would be back to the house before 5." I sat standing up.

"Oh that's alright. I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

"Sure." I said and hugged him tightly. I let him go and walked towards the house. I got there just in time and I sat down in the living room with Gena.

"You sure did walk a long time."

"Yeah well I stopped at the pier and rested a while and then got up and walked up and down the beach." I said lying. Good thing know one can read me.

"Wow. You walk more than me."

"Ha ha I doubt that. I mean look at you! So slim!" I said smiling.

"Why thank you." She smiled and Jimmy burst through the door and hugged me tightly.

"Jimmy please put me down." I said calmly. He set me back down on my feet and kissed my cheek.

"So what did you guys want to discuss with us?"

"Well our tour starts next week. and our first stop is in..." Brian said smiling and looking straight at me.

"What Brian?"

"In Knoxville, Tennessee." Zacky said and my eyes grew wide.

"Yeah and we have talked to our manager and he said that when we get to Tennessee, we can pick up your friends and bring them on tour with us so they can spend time with you."

"Oh my God Matt that is so fucking Awesome!!" I yelled and hugged him tightly.

"No problem kiddo."

"When do we leave?" I asked excitedly.

"2 weeks from today."

"Sweet! I need to call the gang." I said and ran up to my room and called all the guys. They were so happy to be going on tour with us. I gave them an estimated time that we will be there and they said that they would be ready. The rest of the night was filled with the guys drinking and passing out in the living room. I sat up in my room playing some tunes on my guitar.

CANT EXPLAIN...WHAT'S COME OVER ME COME OVER phone rang and I answered it.

"Hey Ivan I've got some killer news!" I said smiling.

"What is it?"

"I'm going on tour with the guys!" I said almost yelling.

"Sweet! You get to see me!"

"You touring with them?" I asked.

"Hell yeah baby girl. I'll be busy up until then so I wont be able to see you only text you and call you at night."

"That's cool with me. I'll probably be busy helping the guys and the girls get everything ready." I explained. We talked for a few more minutes before it was time for me to sleep. We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I picked up my guitar and thought about what to play. I had the perfect song. I know it's a different genre of music I hardly listen to but it was a good song and it helped me sleep and get the bad thoughts of the day out of my head.

You can't forget what love was wearin'
When it walked out your front door
Where you fell down to your knees

And can't forget the kind of suitcase
That was packed out on the sidewalk
While you cried there beggin' please
But love remembers

You can lie and tell yourself
You're over it and someone else will take love's place
And this is for the best

You can lie in that bed
In a stranger's arms reachin' for comfort
Close your eyes and still get no rest

Cause love remembers
The smell of a summer day
Lyin' in a hammock over fresh cut grass
And the promise of forever

Yeah, love remembers
The sound of the pourin' rain
Beatin' down on the top of a car
On the side of the road where it couldn't wait
Yeah, love remembers

You might convince yourself
There's shelter in a bottle
And for a while there it might numb the pain

But when it hits you, then it hits you
That love's still gone and you'll be wishin'
That you'd poured it down the drain

'Cause love remembers
The taste of cotton candy lip gloss
On the lips of a long kiss
And the plans they made together

Yeah, love remembers to feel the fingertips
Runnin' through soakin' wet hair
On the bank after a midnight swim
Yeah, love remembers

Yeah, love remembers
The smell of a summer day
Lyin' in a hammock over fresh cut grass
And the promise of forever

Love remembers
The sound of the pourin' rain
Beatin' down on the top of a car
On the side of the road where it couldn't wait
Yeah, love remembers

Love remembers, love remembers
The sound of the pourin' rain
Beatin' down on the top of a car
On the side of the road where it couldn't wait

Love remembers
The smell of a summer day
Lyin' in a hammock over fresh cut grass
And the promise of forever

The song ended and I laid my guitar beside the bed and laid on my side looking out into the starry sky. It was such a beautiful night and I wish I could keep this night forever. I closed my eyes and wrapped the covers up tightly around me and drifted off into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Song credit to Craig Morgan for LOVE REMEMBERS.