Status: working progress please comment! love to see them!

I Wait and Bleed

Going Back To Tennessee

Today is the day when we head to Tennessee and I already had everything packed and ready to go. I woke up with the sun burning my eyes and I got up realizing what the day was. Time to go on tour! I got up and took a quick shower and headed downstairs with my bags and guitar. I set my bags down in the hall along with my guitar. I sat down at the bar waiting for everyone else to get up. It was now 9 in the morning and I was drinking a soda. I went out on the front porch and sat down in the swing and smoked a cigarette. The nicotine filled my lungs and releaved the stress of waking up. A huge bus pulled in front of the house. 2 men got out and came towards me. I had no idea who they were.

"Are the guys awake?" one of the men asked.

"Should be in a few minutes. Can I help you?" I asked looking down at my phone.

"Sorry I'm Jason and this is my brother Matt. We are the guys managers."

"Oh nice to meet you! I'm Raven." I said shaking their hands.

"So you're the talented Raven. Zacky told us all about you." Matt said smiling.

"Oh Lord good things I hope." I said laughing.

"Ha ha yeah. He just told us what a wonderful person you are and how great you play and sing." Jason said.

"Well thank you." I threw my cigarette and invited them into the house. We all walked in and I looked down at my phone and the guys still weren't up.

"I dont know why the guys arent awake yet. Let me go see if they're stirring or not. If they aint awake, I'll get them up." I said and they laughed. I walked upstairs to Brian's room and he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Good you're awake. Now I dont have to wake you up." I said smiling.

"Yeah I'm not hard to get up. You'll have a tough time getting Matt's ass up." I smiled and left the room and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I went to Zacky's, Johnny's, and Jimmy's room and woke them up.

"Guys I know it's hard to Matt up but I got a way to get his ass running out here." I said and they nodded.

"Zacky you yell as loud as you can that there is something wrong with me." I said and he nodded.

"MATT MATT COME QUICK!!! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH RAVEN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Zacky yelled and we heard Matt fall out of bed and come running.

"What's wrong?" he said breathing heavily. We all started laughing but Matt was really confused.

"Told you I could get him up." I said smiling.

"Yall scared the living shit out of me!"

"We know we heard you fall out of bed." Jimmy said laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh Matt, Jason and Matt Berry are downstairs." I said and he nodded as I went back downstairs. I sat down at the bar while they all had coffee. Matt came down minutes later with his bags and he sat them with the others. I was ready to go but the guys had to be awake before they could even move. I sat in the living room for a little while watching TV waiting for the guys to "get awake" What a crock. I didnt need anything to get myself going.

Finally the guys were ready to head out and I was so excited. It would take us at least 2 days to get back to Tennessee and pick up my friends. My friends and I are going to have so much fun together on tour! Talking about shit and practicing our shit for when we want to start a career in music. We piled on the bus and I laid down in my bunk while the guys played on their XBOX. I think they were playing Call Of Duty of some shit. All I know is Brian yelled, "You killed me asshole!" and everyone was laughing. I couldnt help but laugh.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ABOUT 6 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by Brian.

"Hey we're at a rest stop if you want to get out a stretch and shit."

"Alright. I need a cigarette anyways." I said getting up and following Brian off the bus. I leaned against the side and pulled out my pack of cigarettes and lighting one. The taste filled my mouth and lungs and felt so fucking good. Brian disappeared a few minutes ago and god knows where he was. There werent many people here but when the guys came into view a group of people crowded around them. They signed their shit and came back over to the bus. Brian was talking to this blonde chick and he walked over to the bus with her. My bloode boiled when I seen who it was. I knew her and when she seen me she got the same disgusting look on her face.

"Raven I'd like you to meet..."

"Cherry Parker." I said rolling my eyes.

"How did you know?"

"She used to be Damien's girl. Everyone fucking hates Paralell Parker." I said getting mad.

"Raven! Dont say something like that to her."

"Brian you dont know her like I do. She has shit that AJAX wont scrub off." I said sternly looking right at her with a death glare. She took a step towards me and slapped me in the face. I turned my face back to her and smiled. She had a smug look on her face and that's when I jumped on her beating her in the face. I felt Zacky's arms around me pulling me away but he wasnt strong enough. I felt another pair of arms and looked to see Matt. He pulled me off of her and I tried to fight my way out of his grip but failed.

"Raven! What are you doing?" Zacky said as Brian helped that bitch up.

"This bitch is whore and hurt one of my closest friends! If she gets on this bus I am walking back to Tennessee!"

"She's not coming with us. I told her she could meet everyone else personally." Brian said sternly.

"I dont want her no where around me." The anger in my eyes could kill anyone close to me. Matt quickly picked me up and carried me back to the bus sitting me down on the couch and he sat down beside me.

"I hate that bitch Matt. Tell Brian to get rid of her." I said looking out the window and straight at her.

"I'll tell him but you shouldnt just go off and beating someone. I mean I lose my temper sometimes but if I did something like that I would regret it."

"I dont regret a damn thing." I said standng up and walking to the back to my bunk. I laid down and turned my back to the curtain. I needed to calm down.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm so sorry Cherry. I know you wanted to meet the band but after Raven's little stunt, we've got to get out of here." I said and she nodded and walked away. Why would Raven do something like that to a sweet girl? I walked back onto the bus and Matt was sitting on the couch.

"Where Raven?" I asked and he pointed towards the back. I walked back to her bunk and her curtain was closed. I opened it and she was facing the opposite direction.

"Raven look at me." I said and she didnt turn around.

"What do you want Brian?"

"I want to know why you did that to such a sweet girl?" I said and she turned around and sat on the edge of the bunk.

"A sweet girl? A sweet girl? Have you lost your fucking mind?! That bitch doesnt give a shit about anyone's feelings! All she wants is a good fuck and then she wont even remember your fucking name!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I didnt say a word.

"We used to be good friends until she fucked around on Damien. You mess with any one of my friends, I'll fuck you up! My friends are the only family I have left and I will defend them with my fucking life!"

"I know you would. I should have seen that she wasnt a sweet girl like she said. I mean especially after she grabbed me when I was talking to her." I said looking down.

"I need to calm down so will you please just leave me alone until we get to the next rest stop." I nodded and she turned back to how she was laying and I shut the curtain before walking back to the front. The guys just stared at me and I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I sat down at the table and drank on it slowly.
♠ ♠ ♠

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