Status: working progress please comment! love to see them!

I Wait and Bleed

Visiting Him

I woke up the next morning and had a bad feeling. Ive never experienced such a feeling before in my life. I had a feeling of depression or some sorts. It's really shocking and I hoped and prayed to god that I never have that feeling again. I did my work and about noon we went to the hospital. We were walking to his room when we spotted his doctor.

"Dr. Calloway. How is my husband doing?" Mom said anxiously.

"Well I'm fixing to go into his room and tell him the news. Come with me please." he said and we followed him to the room. I seen him laying there watching TV as we came in. I ran over to his bedside and hugged him.

"I miss you too Raven. Maybe soon I can get out of here and get to work." Paul said and I smiled thinking about him going back to work and living his life like he normally did.

"Paul. There is something in your health that I need to discuss with you." Dr. Calloway said and by the look on the Dr.'s face it wasn't good and that bad feeling came back once more.

"What is it doc?" Paul said with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"As you know we did do x-rays on you to see where the blood that you lost was going and the tests shown that you have colon cancer that has spread to your liver and possibly your kidneys and on the vertebrae where you have the metal pins...a tumor that could be cancerous as well has attached itself all the way around your spine and the metal support pins..I'm so very sorry but we can try chemotherapy but I'm not certain that it will help." Calloway looked down at the floor like it was the hardest thing he ever had to tell a family before. I looked at mom and she had faint tears running down her face. My step-dad brushed off the tears from my mom's face.

"Sweetheart do not cry. I will fight this because I'm not going anywhere. I will not let this get me down." he said and she simply nodded and wiped her eyes.

"What about radiation? That should get rid of the cancer." he said.

"In your condition and the cancer being in its last stages....radiation would burn your liver up and you would die faster. With chemotherapy you have a higher chance if it works to live out the rest of your life. A back surgeon will be in here to discuss your options on how to get the tumor off your spine but in my personal opinion and the opinion of other doctors I have discussed this matter with...they say that if you decided to have the surgery in your wouldn't make it off the table. We will give you medication to help with your pain and a cancer specialist will also be in here a little later on. In a week or so you should be able to go home." Dr. Calloway explained. I sat there in shock and I didn't know what to think. My only father figure has cancer and wouldn't be a live much longer. I was so devastated but he is a strong man and he will beat this. We sat there for a good long time and mom and I went to go get something to eat before heading back to the house. I laid my head on the window but this time I couldn't go to sleep. I stared out the window while everything seemed to pass by so slowly. I wish my step-dad wasn't diagnosed with this cancer. I hate it! Who the hell ever came up with cancer should fucking die. Oh wait...God created everything and everybody dies for a reason...What a bunch of bullshit...

I got home and went straight to my room locking the door and laying down in bed. I grabbed my guitar and started working on a song that I had no idea someone already wrote. I even got the name right and it was so awesome. The song is called The Infection.

In the back of my mind
I can barely even remember
When there was nothing left to hide
And she had found a way inside

Then I was forced to walk alone
Living in an empty home
All I wanted was to hide
And try to numb the ache inside

And I'm still afraid of the light
And a thousand voices share their laughter
At my demise

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast
That's been eating me alive
The infection must die

Nothing left but a broken man
Terrified of everything
Nothing left of his foolish pride
His fond memories slowly die

Then as he wakes again alone
Still a prisoner in his home
Ready to allow the dark
To penetrate his broken heart

And I'm still afraid of the light
And a thousand voices share their laughter
At his demise

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast
That's been eating me alive
The infection must die

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast
That's been eating me alive
The infection must die

This is where I draw the line
This infection must die
Give me release from this demon of mine
The infection must die

The infection must die

The song ended and I fell into a deep sleep. I wanted to wake up the next morning and believe what the doctor said to him was all just a dream...a nightmare is more like it.
♠ ♠ ♠
comment please.

Song Credit goes to Disturbed's song The Infection :)