Status: Active with feedback. Last update 11/22/11

The Bet

Chapter 2

“Chelsea would it kill you sit still?” Sydney asked. The game was in OT still ties at 3-3 and Chelsea was getting impatient.

“I’m sorry you know that I can’t sit still for a long time.” Sydney did know that, Chelsea was always hyper because of her ADHD and at times acted like a 5 year old kid.

Sydney’s eyes fell onto #7 as he skated onto the ice. He quickly stole the puck away from one of the Flyers and skated up the ice. He was gaining speed as he dodged the Flyers defense and in the blink of an eye Brent shot the puck at the net. The goal horn sounded and the crowd went wild, the sounds of Chelsea Dagger barely audible through the cheers of the crowd. The Blackhawks were jumping from the bench and skated towards Brent. Sydney watched as he turned to where she and Chelsea were sitting, pointed and winked.

“Oh my god, did he just…” Chelsea trailed off not finishing her sentence.

“Yeah I think so,” Sydney spoke struggling for words. She couldn’t believe it, had that really just happened?


“Well that’s one way to make a first impression,” Jonathan observed as he patted Brent’s helmet. Brent skated back towards the locker room entrance. He looked over his shoulder and watched as the stadium emptied. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the girls hadn’t left.

“Hey Mark, see those girls over there?” Brent asked, motioning over the equipment guy.

“Yes I see them.”

“Don’t let them leave,” Brent called as he ran back into the locker room.


“Excuse me.” Sydney and Chelsea turned when they heard the voice. They saw a man walking towards them. They both looked at each other, a confused look on both their faces.

“Can we help you?” Chelsea asked stepping in front of Sydney. Chelsea was always a bit protective over Sydney. She always had been, after Sydney had lost her mom Chelsea stepped in as the mom role in her life.

“Mr. Seabrook wanted me to have you meet him outside the locker room.” Chelsea and Sydney exchanged looks. Sydney hesitated looking at Chelsea as if to tell her to say no.

“Sounds great,” Chelsea volunteered avoiding Sydney, who was looking at her like she had just suggested they become prostitutes, “Do think you could take us there?”

“Of course that’s no trouble.” Chelsea and Sydney followed behind the man as he walked up the stairs and through the crowds of people.

“Chels what the fuck are you doing?” Sydney questioned grabbing Chelsea’s arm to slow her down.

“Come on Syd when is something like this ever going to happen again?” Chelsea pointed out still trailing behind the mystery man.

“Point taken but if this ends in us being raped and murdered I am never talking to you again,” Sydney huffed speeding up. Chelsea jogged behind trying to keep up with Sydney and the man. They followed him out of the Untied Center and towards a small parking lot.

“Alright here we are. The players should be out soon,” he said and left before the girls could thank him.

“How does my hair look?” Chelsea asked using her phone as a mirror.

“Puckslut,” Sydney coughed earning a dirty look from Chelsea.

“Make all the jokes you want but Jonathan Toews is going to be walking through those doors and I do not want to look like a hot mess.”

“Chels you always look like a hot mess,” Sydney joked running her fingers through her hair.

“Fuck you."


“Good luck bud,” Patrick winked as he walked out of the locker room. Brent rolled his eyes as he continued getting dressed. He wasn’t going to let Patrick get to him. He wanted to win this bet bad, not just to shut Patrick up but because he needed too. He needed to do something to take him mind off of Stacy and how she had broken his heart

“What was that about?” Duncan questioned while he finished packing up his bag.

“No idea,” Brent lied. He finished packing up and exited the locker room. He took a deep when he saw Patrick talking to the girls. He walked towards them trying not to let his nerves get the best of him.

“Hey Pat what’s up?” Brent asked slapping Patrick on the back with a little more force than necessary.

“Not much buddy,” Patrick spat through gritted teeth.

“Well then why don’t you introduce me to your friends?” Brent asked looking directly at the brunette girl’s. He felt his stomach flip as her eyes connected with his.

“I’m Chelsea,” the blond said holding out her hand for Brent to shake. He took it only breaking eye contact for a second.

“And your name is?” Brent asked looking back to Sydney.

“My name is Sydney,” she said clearing her throat as she spoke.

“Well it’s very nice to meet you both. I hope you enjoyed the game tonight,” Brent grinned, “I know I did.”

“I always enjoy a good hockey game,” Brent heard Chelsea said. He looked at her and saw her eyes light up as Jonathan walked through the locker room doors.

“Well some of the guys and I were going to go out and we would love it if you joined us.”

“If who joined what?” Jon interrupted trying to catch up on what was going on.

“Brent was just inviting these girls out with us tonight,” Pat said winking at Jon.

“Oh well then yes we would be honored,” Jon agreed looking at Chelsea. He smiled at her as he introduced himself and Brent could practically see her melting inside.

“So Sydney do you think you will be joining us?”

“Uhh well,” Sydney hesitated looking at Chelsea would nodded at her, “Yeah I guess so.”

“Great well why don’t you meet us there, unless you want to go dressed like that?”

“Yeah no defiantly not,” Chelsea spoke handing Jon her number, “Here text us the address we should be ready in like 20 minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so I've been procrastinating updating and I finally got around to it. I already have the next chapter planned out in my head and so all I have to is write it out, it will be much more dramatic than this chapter which was basically a filler. Anyway thank you to all my readers and subscribers. No comments yet :( so hopefully that changes soon! Please comment it means a lot.
sidenote: Heard about Steve Jobs, so heartbreaking the man was a genius. RIP.