Status: Active with feedback. Last update 11/22/11

The Bet

Chapter 3

“I can’t believe you said yes to them,” I huffed, opening the door to Chelsea’s car, not saying another word. I wasn’t really all that mad at Chelsea it was more like I was mad at myself for not saying anything. I didn’t want to go out tonight, I really just wanted to go home and sleep, but of course Chelsea wanted to go out with Jonathan and the team.

“Look I’m sorry Sydney but I had to say yes,” Chelsea explained. I rolled my eyes at her. I didn’t give a rat’s ass about what her excuse was this time. Chelsea always did what she wanted. It had been that way since high school; Chelsea first, everyone else second.

“Whatever I don’t care,” I said,” I’m not going to enjoy it anyway.”

“Sydney why do you always have to do that?” Chelsea asked,” Eventually you are going to move on from Ian.”

“This has nothing to do with Ian,” I practically screamed. I was not about to get into this conversation now or anytime soon. My outburst had shut Chelsea up and we both sat in silence for the rest of the ride. When we got back to our apartment building I exited the car the second Chelsea cut the engine. I had stupidly let my mind wander to Ian and I was in a different state of mind now. Now I was mad. I was mad at myself for still letting myself think of him. Two years had passed and I still found myself thinking about him.

I heard Chelsea behind me as I unlocked our apartment door. I didn’t stop until I reached my room. I threw my purse on my bed and shed my clothes in about ten seconds flat. My eyes shifted towards my closet. I decided on wear a dress that was something I would not have normally worn but tonight I was on a mission to show Chelsea that I had let go of Ian.

“Syd are you ready?” Chelsea’s muffled voice called from the other side of my door. I set down my lipstick and grabbed my purse. I exited my bedroom and immediately felt Chelsea’s eyes examining me. I knew that the inner mother in her wanted to go and make me change.

Chelsea opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it. “You look… nice,” Chelsea hesitated. I rolled my eyes at her as we walked out of the apartment.

“Can’t a girl look nice when she goes to meet professional athletes at a club?” I asked fanning innocence.


We pulled up to the club ten minutes later. I got out and let Chelsea pay for our cab.

“Jonathan said to text him when we got here,” Chelsea informed me as she walked up next to me. We waited outside the club until Jonathan finally came out to get us. I couldn’t have been happier when I saw his face; I did not like the looks I was getting from some of these guys outside.

“Hey guys glad you could join us,” He said hugging us both. I could smell some alcohol on his breath and I knew I was in for an interesting night.

“So are we,” Chelsea shouted as we walked into the club. The place was packed and the music was blaring. I trailed behind Chelsea and Jon who had casually thrown his arm over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes at their PDA. I followed them into the VIP booth and saw Kane, Steeger, Ladd, and Brent, the second my eyes landed on Brent he jumped up and came towards me.

“Hey Sydney you look amazing.” I felt my cheeks get red when I saw Brent’s eyes looking me up and down.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I blurted out before I could stop myself, “So where does one get a drink around here?”

“Uhh follow me,” Brent offered looking back at Kane who had a smirk plastered on his face.

I followed Brent to the bar and pushed myself to the front. I got the bartender’s attention and I told him my order.

“Rum and coke please,” I asked.

“And can I get a beer and a round of shots,” Brent jumped in before I could refuse. I looked at him and smiled. I felt guilty all of sudden like what I was doing was wrong. The bartender handed us our drinks and I immediately downed mine in one gulp, feeling the rum burn my throat. I banged my glass down on the table and yelled at the bartender for another.

“Woah,” Brent exclaimed taking a gulp from his beer.

“I guess I was pretty thirsty,” I smiled licking my lips, already feeling the alcohol taking its affect. I reached for a shot and downed that too. Right now I was basically saying fuck it to all voices in my head telling this was a bad idea.

Brent picked up a shot and downing it quickly following it with some of his beer. I eyed him before taking yet another. I could feel my brain was starting to go fuzzy and my judgment slipping away.

“Let’s dance,” I shouted quickly standing up and moving my hips to the beat of the song. I looked up and saw Brent’s eyes following my hips. I smirked. It was working.

“I’m not really much of a dancer…” He trailed off as I dragged him on to the dance floor. I started grinding on Brent, the pace of my hips starting to speed up so they matched the song. I heard him groan and felt his hands slide down my back towards my ass.

I grabbed the back of his neck and brought his head down so that I could whisper in his ear. “You are fucking sexy,” I whispered grinding a little bit harder on him.

“Right back at you,” he said biting my earlobe as working his way down my neck. I moaned, feeling goose bumps forming all over my body. Brent stopped and grabbed my hand leading me towards the bathroom. I followed his willingly ready for what I figured was about to happen.

Brent stopped and shoved me against the wall attacking my neck with his lips. His stubble tickling my neck, as my fingers grabbed on to his luxurious locks. I pulled on his hair separating his mouth from my neck. I looked at him, his eyes dark with lust and his strong hands slowly gliding up my thighs as he wound them around his hips. My lips found his and he pushed me harder against the wall and I felt his dick getting hard in his pants. His hands slipped under the hem of my dress and the reality of what was about to happen set in. My eyes shot open as everything came crashing down around me. I tore myself away from him and untangled my legs so that I was back on the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Brent asked running his fingers through his hair a concerned look on his face.

“Nothing I’m sorry I just can’t do this,” I replied tears welling up in my eyes. I quickly turned around and headed back to the VIP booth. I avoided eye contact with everyone, quickly grabbing my purse and leaving, not saying goodbye. I was blinking rapidly trying not to let the tears fall.

“Will you excuse me?” I heard Chelsea say as she got off of Jon’s lap. I could hear her calling my name but I couldn’t stop I needed to get out of this club. I shoved past the crowds of people and went to what I assumed was a back exit. I didn’t stop until I had pushed through the doors and felt the cool Chicago air on my skin. By now the tears were falling and I couldn’t stop them. I looked around the dark alley and collapsed against the wall. I was sobbing so loud that I could barely hear Chelsea sit down next to me.

“What happened?” Chelsea asked crouching down next to me. I looked up at and immediately cracked when I saw the look of concern in her eyes.

“I was trying to convince you that I had let so of Ian,” I explained in between sobs.

“Trying to convince me or you?” I stopped and looked back up at her. She was right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright new chapter! Took a bit longer than I thought it would but I really like it! I wanna give a big thank you to all my lovely subscribers and readers. I got my first comment from RosiePosie08 so I want to give a special shout to her! Next update should be sometime next week... hopefully. xoxo Paige.