Status: Active with feedback. Last update 11/22/11

The Bet

Chapter 6

It had been almost two weeks since Brent’s confession; the Hawks had started the season with a bang winning 4 games out of 6. Chelsea and I had taken to watching the games when we had the time. We were currently sitting in our living rooms beers in hand screaming at the TV. I had started off the night trying to get some work done but that didn’t last long, by the second period my work had been forgotten and I was fully engrossed in the game. Chelsea and Jon had been seeing each other pretty steadily and Chelsea was like a giddy school girl.
“Come on Jon keep your stick on the puck god damn it,” Chelsea screamed, draining the last of her beer. “Will you grab me another one? Oh and order a pizza.”

“What am I your bitch?” I joked getting up and going to the kitchen. We had our usual pizza place on speed dial. We were both pretty good cooks but we were way too lazy to actually cook ourselves a meal.

“Pizza will be here in ten,” I told Chelsea as I handed her a beer. I sat down next to her on the couch. Chelsea was wearing a newly purchased Toews shersey, her hair was up and she had no makeup on yet somehow she managed to look drop dead gorgeous. She had worked a 10 hour shift at the hospital and I could tell she was exhausted but she still managed to watch the game.

“So how are you and Captain Serious?” I laughed as Chelsea gave me a shove. She was falling hard for him, I could tell. I was scared for her because I knew first-hand what it is like to fall in love with someone.

“I think they are going pretty well, not that we spend all the much time together.”

“Bullshit you two spend every minute you can together.” Chelsea was blushing so hard her face was the same color as her shirt. The doorbell ring and I quickly got up to get the pizza before the game started up again.

“So speaking of attractive hockey players what’s up with you and Seabrook?” I looked at Chelsea not knowing how to answer her question. I hadn’t really talked to Brent since our conversation in my room. I gave Chelsea a shrug and headed back to the couch.



“Because I like you,” Brent spoke softly. We were so close that I could feel his breathe on the face.

“Brent…” I whispered finding myself not being able to resist him. Brent leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I wanted to resist him but I couldn’t. I was fighting with myself. My heart wanted to jump him and my brain was telling how bad this was. Athletes were notorious playboys and the last thing I needed was to get involved with a guy like that. My heart won, as it always does and I relaxed letting myself kiss him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to keep him close to me. Brent pulled away from me and before I could even say anything he was gone and I was left standing in the middle of my room wondering if I had just imagined what had just happened.


Brent’s POV

The Blackhawks pulled off another win and I was on top of the world. The boys had played well tonight. They trailed into the locker room all congratulating each other on the big win. I saw Kane eyeing him across the locker room, Patrick winked and I rolled my eyes at the kid.

“What the fuck is with you and baby-face over there?” I turned to see Adam Burish in all his glory standing in front of me. He had been recovering from an injury and had yet to play this season.

“It’s nothing,” I gave Patrick a look telling him to cut it out. “Hey I think Sharpie is looking for you.” The second Adam left Patrick approached me.

“How is it going?”

“None of your business Kane,” I shoved him hard on the shoulder. He stumbled back before regaining his balance.

“Well hurry up,” Patrick huffed. He grabbed his bag and left the room. “Hey you should invite Chelsea and Sydney to go out with us. Maybe you could get father with Sydney than you did last time.” I gave him the finger as he walked off. I wanted to see Sydney again and before I could talk myself out of it I picked up my phone to go call Sydney. I sent a silent thanks to Jon for giving me her number.

“Hello?” I hear Sydney question

“Hey it’s Brent. I was wondering if you and Chelsea wanted to come out with us.” I held my breath as I waited for her answer.

“Uh well Chelsea has to work so I guess it is just me.”

“Alright I’m sure Jon will be disappointed. Anyway I’ll pick you up in ten,” I told her before I hung up


It took me exactly ten minutes to get to Sydney’s place. I waited in my car a few minutes before going to get Sydney. I got out of the car and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants. I was nervous, tonight was the closest thing Sydney and I had come to an actual date.

I knocked on the door. I waited for several minutes until I got to impatient and just reached for the doorknob. I pushed the door open and walked into the apartment.

“Sydney are you here?” I called out. I walked towards her room; I could hear her running around her room. I leaned against the door way and watched her. She had yet to notice me, so I just stood there watching her. She was really something. Her room was covered in all sorts of different posters; some were of bands, others of movies. Above her bed was a beautiful picture of the beach. Brent’s eyes scanned the room and landed on a shelf full of volleyball trophies.

“Holy crap,” Sydney gasped, “You scared the shit out of me.”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. I looked her up and down taking in how gorgeous she looked. I used all my self-control not to rip off all her clothes.

“Is this okay?” Sydney asked gesturing to her outfit.

“It’s great.” I followed her out the door. My eyes glued to her ass as she walked. She was so beautiful and I wanted her so badly it almost pained me.
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Please comment and tell me what you think, like, or don't like. It means a lot to me. Oh and sorry for the awkward ending this was the only place I could end it before it got to long.