The Bear

December 29

December 29

Brinly paced her small cell, growing more frantic with every step. Ice encased her on all sides, stalactites reaching down to grasp the stalagmites reaching up and creating the frozen columns that barred her in. Each wall was a thick layer of clear, crystallized water that kept the cell at a constant temperature well below zero. She was freezing cold, her breath fogging in the air at every exhalation and small bumps rising over every inch of her skin.

Making another turn when she reached the ice wall, Brinly huffed out in frustration and ran her fingers through her long hair, feeling a tug at her scalp as the ends of her brown locks fanned out around her waist. With a just as frustrated groan she closed her deep cerulean eyes, then spun and slammed her palm against the glacier wall. The sound ricocheted around the cell while she leaned forward and pressed her forehead to the wall, the cold seeping into her body.

Why was this happening? Why, when she was finally starting to figure things out, was everything falling apart? This kind of stuff wasn’t supposed to happen to girls like her. Her life plan had always been to study polar bears. After a few years in the field maybe she’d find another scientist like herself, one who shared her ambition and love for the great white bears. Then, after two years of dating, they’d get married, have tree kids, a dog or two, maybe a cat, and live contently for the rest of their lives.

That was how her life was supposed to go. She wasn’t supposed to be in this cell, locked up for a crime she didn’t commit. Tomorrow morning she would be brought in front of a court where she would then be judged guilty or not guilty. If they deemed her not guilty, she would be release, but forced to live the rest of her life in this place. If she was determined guilty there was a far worse sentence. Death.

Brinly ran her hand over the front of her throat. There were rumors that a few of the court members were pushing for a beheading. The thought -the idea- that she could die tomorrow was terrifying. Her breathe hitched and she had to hold back a sob as she resumed her pacing. What was she going to do now? How was she supposed to get out of here?

With another sob, Brinly slid to the frozen ground, burying her face into her upraised knees as her tears flew from her eyes. One thought constantly slid through her mind.

I never should have trusted that talking bear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a prologue. Tell me what you think XD