The Bear

October 2

October 2

Brinly ignored the freezing wind as she lay atop a snow covered peak. Binoculars were practically frozen to her face as she watched with fascination at the display before her. In the distance, three yellowish figures moved across the snow, each step made precisely and with purpose. The polar bears made their way to the water’s edge, the two cubs waiting a few yards away as their mother crept closer to peer into the water. She remained in that position for a while, her eyes on the rippling water, before she turned away and walked off, her two cubs followings her paw prints.

When they faded from view, Brinly pulled the binoculars from her face and pushed to her feet. She removed her thick gloves and dug a note pad and pencil from her zippered pocket. She jotted down the bears, giving a name to each and noting the unique differences, and made a comment on what the mother bear did. Once she was finished she put the pad back in her pocket, re-zipped it, and slid her cold hands back into her gloves.

With that done, Brinly turned around and made her way to the tent just a few yards away. The yellow stood out boldly against the pure white background and caused her to squint through her shades. The wraparound shades were a must in the arctic. The dark color helped to diminish the constant glare from the snow and the sun, otherwise she would have gone blind way before taking her first step from the helicopter.

Reaching out and unzipping the tent flap, Brinly ducked in, quickly re-zipping the tent against the freezing arctic winds. She had been so lucky to glance up and see the small family of bears as she was plugging her snowmobile into the generator. She hadn’t wanted the mobile – her only mode of transportation right now – to freeze, so she quickly finished plugging it in and ran out of the tin shed to grab her binoculars.

Grabing her laptop, she quickly booted it up and extracted the note pad from her pocket. After removing her coat and gloves she opened her research log and input the information she had jotted down, then added a few details she hadn’t. She made sure she could add as much as possible into the log before saving and closing the document.

With a smile on her face, Brinly sat her computer aside and leaned back against the flapping wall of the tent. She’d only been here for ten hours and she’d already seen three bears. A mother and her two cubs. It had been a thrilling experience and she was still feeling the adrenaline rush. They had been so close, only yards away, and if the mother had felt her cubs were threatened Brinly wouldn’t have had an opportunity to get far.

Her smile still present she crawled into her sleeping bag and closed in the warmth, making sure the zipper was all the way up. She curled onto her side and exhaled a relaxing breath. This was the best day of her life.
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Chapter two XD