Status: Updating as often as I can! (college, etc)

Black (Veil) Ops

Chapter 10

"Hey, what took you so long?" Jinxx asked over his shoulder as Jake walked back in.

"I found...something," he replied, hesitantly.

"What'd you find," I asked, turning around. "What is that?"

Jake was holding a black, shiny cube, about the size of a football. "If I knew, I'd tell you."

"It's probably some sort of box," Ash said, taking it and holding it up to the light. "A lot lighter then it looks," he noted, handing it off to Andy.

"Probably alien," CC said, poking it, like he wanted to see if it would beam us all up.

I rolled my eyes. "CC, you think everything's alien. Here, let me see it," I said holding out my hand towards Andy.

"Here, I can't figure it out." He passed it to Sammi, who passed it to me.

Ash was right. It was a lot lighter then it looked. The sides were completely smooth, almost slick, no hinges, lid, buttons, or anything, at least not that I could feel. Maybe CC was right. Maybe it was some sort of alien thing, but then what would it be doing here?

"Well Carolyn, you're the smart one, any ideas?" Andy asked me.

"None. Hey, Jinxx, what's your opinion?" I asked as I tossed it to him.

"Shit man, I don't know. Looks like onyx, but that's probably way off." He sighed as he plunked it down on the table.

"Maybe, if we try lighting it on fire? See if it burns?" Jake suggested.

"To determine what? Is it dragon poop or something? Or a giant lump of coal?" I asked sarcastically, "Is that what it means if it burns?"

"Okay, am I the only one who would be kind of excited if it was dragon poop?" CC asked, raising his hand.

"Um, except for the fact that we've all touched it, yeah I would be," Jake agreed. "Means dragons are real, bro."

Even I had to admit it would be pretty kick-ass if this cube meant dragons.

"One thing's for sure," Ash said, gazing at it. "This baby's natural. There's no way anyone could make something like this. It's too," he paused a moment to find the right word, "Perfect."

At that moment Jonah walked back into the room. I didn't even remember when he had left. "Where did you get that?" he asked, sounding almost alarmed.

"Jake found it when he was coming back from the bathroom. Why?" I asked. He looked almost panicky. This wasn't like him, at all.

"Besides Jake, did any of you touch it?"

"Um, yeah, like all of us," Andy said. "Jonah, what the heck's going on man?"

"Oh bloody hell," he groaned, sinking to the floor. "All of you?"

"Yeah," CC replied. "You know what it is?"

Jonah nodded.

"Is it alien? Tell me it's alien. I've got five bucks it's alien!" I let out a little chuckling sigh. CC was more excitable and hyper then me and Andy put together sometimes.

Jonah shook his head. "I don't its origins, but I know what it is, and I hoped I'd never see it again."

"Will you please stop acting like the Riddler, and just tell us what it is already?" I rolled my eyes again. God, I felt like Andy in the Rebel Love Song video, with all this eye rolling.

"I...No, not yet. I want to be sure it's not just a legend. That it's actually true. I know, I know, I'm still being a cryptic bastard, but you'll have to put up with it for at least another day. Now, let me find you lot some places to sleep tonight," he said, as he got up off the floor.

All seven of us let out a giant sigh. We were so close to finding out what the cube was, but Jonah wasn't going to tell us tonight, and even worse he wouldn't even give us a hint. I sighed again, oh well, it would have to wait until morning.
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Things are gonna get exciting next chapter ;)