Status: Updating as often as I can! (college, etc)

Black (Veil) Ops

Chapter 3

It wasn't until we got outside and started walking down the street that I realized I had no clue how we were getting there.

"Um, guys, how are we getting there?" I asked, cautiously.

Jinxx and Ash looked at each other, smiled impishly, and then looked back at me.

"We're takin' the Van," Jinxx said, his smile widening even more, as we rounded the corner.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned as I saw the giant black van sitting there. I had hoped to never see that thing ever again. "Please tell me we're not gonna try to get that piece of shit to run again!"

"Hey, don't be knockin' my baby," Jake said defensively. "This van has taken through a lot of things."

"Yeah, like brick walls. Jesus, I can't believe you've kept this thing." The Van is huge and black with 'DKDC' (don't know, don't care) painted on the hood, 'MYODB' (mind your own damn business) on the back doors, and 'FYSBIGBABR' (fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride) on the side. A lot of it is held together with duct tape, and most of the paint is faded and peeling. It's a relic from the days before the guys had a bus, and even from where I was standing, it still smelled like they lived in it.

"Alright, let's see," Jinxx muttered poking around in the back. "Seat belts - none, bumper - gone, steering and brakes - questionable."

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Ash said. "Home sweet Van."

"I still can't believe you were willing to ride/live in that thing," I told him.

"Hey, I'm not that girlie, jeez. You've been listening to Jake too much."

"If it makes you feel better Carolyn, I was never crazy about it either," Sammi offered consolingly.

"Does it still have gas?" CC asked Jinxx.

"Yup," came the reply from inside the Van, "Looks like a full tank too."

"Does it still have the Paul Stanley GPS too?" I asked somewhat patronizingly.

"Hey, don't be hating on Pauly. And yes, he's still there," Jinxx said, as he passed me on his way to help Jake look over the engine.

"Oh man, this is bringing back memories," CC said nostalgically.

"Good times man, good times," Ash nodded in agreement.

"Alright," Jake said, slamming the hood shut. "Let's see if she starts."
♠ ♠ ♠
This was sort of a filler chapter I thought up a couple days ago. The Van will be a recurring object/character, which I think is part of why I created this chapter was to fully introduce us to the Van. I hope you're all still enjoying this :) Chapter 4 coming soon.