Status: Updating as often as I can! (college, etc)

Black (Veil) Ops

Chapter 7

Before I tell you what happened next, I should probably tell you a little more about The Black Box. Its a club, housed in a series of interconnected buildings downtown, and it is quite possibly the weirdest place on the face of planet Earth. Just walking down the hallway, you can go from a dance party that looks like it belongs in one of the Blade movies, to something that looks like a scene from Moulin Rouge. Its really bizarre and that's why we all love it.

The owner is this British guy from London's East End, with a very thick Cockney accent, named Jonah, that Andy and I met at an In-N-Out Burger one time, and we all hit it off really well, and the rest is history. So we all knew that if we ever needed anything we could ask Jonah, and he'd figure something out.

You never know what will happen, or who you'll run into. There are a gillion different twisty little hallways and staircases, and its just a really cool place to go and hang out in, or to get completely and totally lost in. Only downside is occasionally you run into a roomful of people smoking weed, but that's just my weird little prejudice. The booze is pretty free-flowing though, so it's all good.

Back to more important things. The night we broke Andy out of the hospital.

"Well, what are you lot up to?" Jonah asked as we walked in.

"Broke me out of the nut house," Andy said, grabbing Jonah's cigarettes off the table.

"I don't want to know anything," he said tossing Andy a lighter. "I 'spect you'll be wantin' to lay low for a bit then, eh?" I nodded. "Right. I got a room towards the back you can use for a couple days if you need it. Come on."

"Just to let you guys know, at some point I plan on getting completely wasted and forgetting this night ever happened," Ash informed us, grabbing a bottle of Seagram's from a shelf.

"Amen," Jake agreed, taking a swig from the bottle, then handing it back.

"Just save it 'til you back in the back, don't want a repeat of the New Year's Eve incident," Jonah reprimanded us. We all nodded consent. None of us had been involved in 'The Incident', but we all knew about it. Something happened with some drunk chick , two guys, and the front door, so now Jonah tried to keep anything really crazy tucked away in the back.

"Right then. There y' are guvnor, right as rain. Y' need anything, yell," he said, ushering us into the room, then taking his exit.

"Alright," Jinxx said, flopping down on the couch, next to Sammi, "Let's party."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, from here on out, I have nothing pre-written, so I'm writing and posting at the same time, so it'll be a little longer between chapters now then it was at the beginning. Thank you to everyone who reads these, it really means a lot to me to see that people are reading my work :)