Status: Very slowly active/On hiatus

Jonas Goes to London

Chapter 2

Nick stared in disbelief. He hadn’t seen Samantha in 5 years.

“H-how have you been?” he asked, recomposing himself.

“I’ve been fine. I didn’t expect to run into you to be honest,” she admitted.

They stared at one another before a voice cut across them.

“There you are, Nick! We’ve been looking all ov-Sammy?” Joe asked in disbelief.

“H-hey, Joe,” Sam said in a nervous tone.

“Whoa! You’ve definitely changed a lot!-In a good way,” he added flashing her a smile.

“Really? I mean, I haven’t grown much besides, well, you know,” she said vaguely, but they understood what she meant.

“What are you doing in London anyway?” Nick asked, the question spilling from his mouth before he could stop himself.

“Well, Stel-,” she began, but the very person she was about to mention entered with Kevin by her side.

“Sammy!” Stella cried in joy.

Kevin did a double-take before saying, “Sam!” in happiness as well.

Feeling loved, a full smile erupted on Sam’s face as she answered the questions Joe and Kevin asked, the group somehow walking out of Buckingham palace and to Kevin’s car. Even when they all piled in, Nick couldn’t stop watching her.

Her voice was just as soft as it was a few years previously, but her words from earlier replayed in his mind.

“I mean, I haven’t grown much besides, well, you know.”

Uncontrollably, his eyes trailed up and down her figure at quick intervals causing him to turn his head away from her altogether. Once again, however, her voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“But to answer your question, Nick, Stella invited me to come here and stay with you guys,” Sam said lightly tapping him to get his attention.

His eyes snapped back to Sam, but quickly glanced at Stella whom wore a small smile, but looked away from the two.

“Why?” he asked with a brow raised.

“I don’t know. She said it’d be nice for the five of us to hang out again since we haven’t seen each other in five years,” Sam answered honestly.

Again, Nick turned his attention back to the road as silence fell between them.

For the rest of the car ride, it was silent, but for Nick, his mind was racing. But his mind wasn’t fully on Sam, it was on Macy.

Once they arrived back to the penthouse, they went their separate directions. Samantha went to follow Stella while the boys went to their side of the penthouse. When they entered their room, Kevin shutting the door behind them, Joe rounded on Nick.

“What was that, Nick?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

“Yeah, you didn’t have to make Sam feel uncomfortable like that,” Kevin agreed staring at his younger brother.

“I just had a lot on my mind,” Nick answered being vague.

“Like what?” Joe asked before his mind clicked.

“You thought about riding in the car with Macy, didn’t you?” he asked.

Silence fell between them before Nick responded by nodding.

“Dude, we’re sorry. We didn’t realize-But you know Sam isn’t Macy, right?” Kevin asked.

“It’s not about that. I just know there’s nothing between Sam and I and there probably never will be,” Nick said in a harsh tone.

“No one expects you to move on like that, but did you have to be harsh about it?” Joe asked.

“Who are you kidding, anyway, Nick? Didn’t you have a crush on Sam back when we all lived next door to each other?” Kevin asked.

“That was-a long time ago,” Nick defended.

“Yes, and you checking her out in the car was a long time ago,” Kevin retorted.

Nick glared at him before speaking again.

“I wasn’t checking her out,” he said quickly, but felt the urge to smile fill him.

“Riiight,” Kevin said, patting him on the shoulder.

Joe stared open-mouthed at Nick as he watched Kevin head to the bathroom deciding to speak once the door closed.

“D-did you really check Sam out?” he asked in disbelief.

Nick scoffed before walking out of their room and into the kitchen only to see the very same person they were talking about standing at the fridge.

She turned around with a pitcher of orange juice in one hand while she held a pack of turkey in between her teeth while the other hand held the pack of cheese. She gasped, the turkey falling out of her mouth just as she jumped a little at the sight of Nick standing there.

“Sheesh, you scared me, Nick! Don’t do that!” she exclaimed, but it was in a low tone as though she were silently scolding him.

She placed the pitcher and cheese onto the counter next to the bread that was already on it. Nick walked swiftly to her to pick up the turkey just as she did and their hands touched, his on top of hers. They looked up, their eyes meeting again for a few seconds when Sam moved her hand from Nick’s allowing him to pick up the packaged meat.

She tucked her hair behind her right ear as a small breath escaped her, but Nick heard it. In silence, they began making sandwiches for everyone and finished in a matter of minutes.

They began setting the table when Nick decided to speak.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier,” he said in a low tone.

“It’s OK. I probably should have just stayed in the States-,” she began, but he cut across her.

“No!-I mean, no. I’m glad you came,” he said, feeling his heartbeat increasing as he saw a small smile grace her lips.

“Thanks,” she said, her cheekbones rounding as she smiled as the area turned a little red.

Nick opened his mouth to speak, but Stella, Joe, and Kevin entered the room at the same time, Joe speaking first.

“I smell sandwiches!” he sung causing Sam to laugh lightly.

“Of course!” she said in return.

Slight jealousy began to fill Nick as he saw how Joe interacted with Samantha. He tried washing the feeling away, but couldn’t just as her phone rung.

“Sorry,” she said to the others before answering it, walking away from the table.

He stared after her feeling the uncontrollable urge to follow her and see what was wrong.

“I’ll be right back,” he said to the others before quietly following in Sam’s footsteps which led him to her and Stella’s room.

“No. No, I said don’t come here…You know why..I’m here with my friends. I don’t need you to come here to ruin things….I’m very happy here so far… No. No…How many times do I need to say no?..If you come, I’m not going to acknowledge your presence.. No, I won’t.. Whatever,” she concluded before hanging up entirely.

He heard her sigh deeply before he entered the room.

“Ah, Sam. Is everything OK?” he asked acting casual even though his heart skipped a beat when she flashed a fake smile at him.

“You didn’t have to come and check up on me. I’m fine,” she lied and Nick could tell.

“You’re a horrible liar,” he said in a low tone walking closer to her in slow steps.

“I know I am,” she replied easily with a shaky breath.

“What’s going on?” he asked again, sitting on the bed with her on her right.

“It’s just my cousin was talking about visiting and I told her no. She’s a huge fan of JONAS, but just won’t take no for an answer,” she answered.

“Really? Why can’t she come?” he asked, catching Sam off guard.

“Well, I kind of just wanted to hang out with you guys. I mean, it has been five years and five years is a lot to catch up on,” she admitted, gaining Nick’s attention even more.

Silence fell between them before she spoke.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a low tone.

“Sorry for what?” he asked.

“I’m sorry for leaving you like that. It was hard for me, you know?” she asked.

Uncontrollably, Nick wrapped his arm around Sam’s shoulders seeing how easily she fit in his arms before speaking.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. That was a long time ago,” he said with a smile causing Sam to smile, too.

Then, she did something he didn’t expect her to do. She leaned her head on his arm before speaking, staring up at him.

“Thanks,” she said.

Suddenly, he felt himself leaning in as old feelings began to take over him. Sam stared at Nick unable to move her body knowing she wanted this more than anything, but was glad by Nick’s restraint. He pulled away just as he was inches from her lips before speaking, unwrapping his arm from around her as she recomposed herself as well.

“We’d better head back in there,” he said clearing his throat afterwards.

“Yeah, we should,” Sam agreed before leading the way back to the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2! :D

Please don't be silent readers, guys!

The next update will probably be in a couple of weeks so please stay tuned.