Status: Very slowly active/On hiatus

Jonas Goes to London

Chapter 7

-Meanwhile with Stella and Macy-

“Are you sure your mom said it was OK?” Stella asked for the umpteenth time since the girls entered the room.

“For the millionth time, Stel, yes, she did,” Macy answered with a laugh.

Stella’s eyes went to the door as her mind went to Sam and the others. She rubbed her head as she thought everything over. This was complicated.

“You OK?” Macy asked snapping Stella out of her thoughts.

“Never better. I’m just tired so I’m going to change into my pajamas. There’s a sleeping bag in the closet. I’ll ask the guys if they can get another bed or something ordered in the morning,” Stella said plastering a smile to her lips.

“OK, thanks,” Macy said with a smile as she unpacked and began putting some clothes into the closet as Stella quickly grabbed her pajamas and headed into the bathroom to change.

Once the door closed, Macy pulled the sleeping bag out, but placed it to the floor before slipping out of the door and shut it quietly.

She looked around the penthouse seeing a piano nearest she, Stella, and Sam’s room as well as the living room with its cozy couches and sat on one of them entirely laid out as a content sigh escaped her lips. She heard footsteps in the kitchen and cautiously sat up as her eyes saw Nick go to the balcony door and opened it. She frowned in confusion and saw Sam still out there.

It didn’t take long for her to get the hint.

“Nothing going on, my butt,” Macy whispered to herself.

She turned to sit normally on the couch as she contemplated the matter. If nothing was going on, then why were Nick and Sam out on the balcony together alone? They couldn’t just be talking. She sat in confusion for a few minutes before getting up and going into the kitchen to grab a drink when jealousy went through her and it was then that she walked to the balcony.

-Back to Nick and Sam-

Nick walked onto the balcony closing the door behind him causing Sam to look at him. There weren’t any tears as she wore a blank expression, but merely turned away from him before speaking.

“Why are you out here?” she asked.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” he replied smoothly.

A dry laugh escaped Sam as she shook her head.

“Come on, Sam. Talk to me,” Nick tried, but Sam decided to tell him the truth-what was going through her mind.

“With Macy being here, that changes things doesn’t it?” she asked catching him off guard.

He stayed silent as he felt his determination slowly drift from him.

“It does, but it doesn’t,” he said trying to recover from the blow her words made.

“Nick, stop being cryptic and just answer the question,” Sam retorted.

“I am answering the question! It changes the housing arrangements, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about you,” Nick replied honestly.

He was putting himself out there, all for Sam. Sam turned to face him in shock, her mouth slightly open.

“But aren’t you at least worried about if things are going to fall apart again?” she asked as though she read his mind.

“I am, but obviously I’m willing to take that chance. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be out here,” Nick said honestly.

“So, how do you feel about me? You never got a chance to answer earlier,” Sam said with a small smile.

Nick closed the small gap between them by taking a step closer.

“That much is obvious, isn’t it?” he asked, cautiously placing his arms on her hips.

“I guess it is,” Sam answered getting lost in his eyes as they began to lean in.

But when they were centimeters from each other’s lips, the balcony doors opened and they pulled apart, their eyes landing on Macy whom stood in the doorway.

“I just came out to see if you wanted something to drink, but I see drinking won’t be necessary,” Macy said slamming the door behind her as she stormed back to the room.

A sigh escaped both Sam and Nick as they looked at one another. Sam had closed her eyes before opening them.

“I’m sorry,” she said before following in Macy’s footsteps.

Nick watched Sam go, but his feet didn’t let him go after her. He ran a hand through his curls before heading to his room upset about the matter.

The following morning arrived with the group, excluding Macy, Sam, and Nick at the dinner table. Sam and Nick instead had got up a little earlier and went for a walk together while Macy was still in bed.

“Can you believe Macy interrupted Nick and Sam last night?” Stella asked as she prepared the table.

“Can you believe Nick didn’t go after Sam after they talked?” Joe asked pouring juice into the pitcher.

“I can’t believe they almost kissed!” Kevin exclaimed causing Stella and Joe to shush him.

“Macy’s still sleeping, you know,” Stella scolded.

“S-sorry,” Kevin replied scratching his head.

“So, why did Sam and Nick leave early?” Joe asked.

“So they could talk privately. They went somewhere no one would expect a JONAS member to go,” Stella answered.

Sam and Nick arrived to a library. Nick wore his sunglasses while Sam just showed up normally.

They had grabbed a bite to eat at the McDonald’s they went to the previous evening and had only small talk since then.

Although they went to a library, they didn’t enter it and only sat on the front steps. It was Nick, however, whom spoke first.

“I’m sorry if I made things uncomfortable last night. I just wanted to show you how I felt as a way of telling you,” Nick began.

“It’s OK. Well, it’s not OK. Macy was really upset about it last night,” Sam admitted.

“Upset, why?” Nick asked slightly confused.

Sam bit her lip before speaking.

“Macy was upset because she wants you back. That’s the reason why I was upset yesterday after she showed up. She told me more, but I think you should talk to her instead of me telling you everything,” Sam explained turning her head away from him.

Sam’s words sunk into Nick’s mind. Macy wanted him back? But why? Did she honestly believe that he’d fall for that? Macy’s words went through Nick’s mind from the previous summer.

“I’m sorry, Nick, but I found someone else. You’re sweet, but what we had was just in the moment. I’m sure you’ll find someone else whose right for you.”

Nick shook his head as he thought the matter over. Both Sam and Macy wanted him, but when he thought of them both, different emotions ran through him. It wasn’t until Sam called his name when he snapped out of his thoughts.

“Sorry. I was just thinking,” he admitted.

Sam bit her lip again before twiddling her fingers and then sighed.

“Whatever you decide to do, I’ll be OK with it,” she lied before leaning in as she placed a kiss to his cheek causing both her lips and his cheek to tingle.

She began to stand, but Nick’s body reacted on its own. He gently stopped her by grabbing her hand and pulled her down and kissed her fully on the lips and Sam kissed back.

-Back to the others-

Macy awoke with a start as she heard an alarm coming from her computer. She abruptly sat up and checked it, the sight tearing at her heart. She had an IM from one of her fan-club friends of JONAS whom sent her a link to the website for JONAS.

She gasped before getting out of bed and quickly got dressed into this before practically running out of the room.

“Houston, we have a problem,” she said to the others as she walked into the kitchen.

Three pairs of eyes landed on her as she turned her laptop around and showed them the article with a picture of Nick and Sam from the previous day running from the fans hand in hand.

Their eyes scanned the heading of the article which read:

“Oh no,” Joe said pulling out his phone as he dialed Nick’s phone.
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It's funny because there's a Korean song that fits perfectly if it's played at the right time near the end that causes tension to me. I know that's weird, but just like the first minute or 45 secs is just awesome.

Anyways, please don't forget to recommend, comment, and subscribe. The next update will be really soon so stay tuned.