Status: Very slowly active/On hiatus

Jonas Goes to London

Chapter 8

As they kissed, it was as though time stopped, but reality hit them both when Nick’s phone went off causing them to slowly pull apart. Nick answered much to his dismay.

“Hello?” he asked smiling slightly towards Sam as a small smile covered her lips as well.

“Nick, we have a HUGE problem,” Joe said in a serious tone.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Nick asked taken aback causing Sam to get worried.

“Put me on speaker,” Joe said when Stella took the phone away.

Nick did as he was told, but Stella’s voice filled the air.

“Apparently during the whole fiasco yesterday when we had to escape the crazy fans, someone snapped a photo of you and Sam and there’s an article up saying you’ve moved on with our Mystery Girl,” Stella explained.

Sam sighed as she looked away from Nick.

“We’ll be there soon,” Nick replied.

“OK,” Joe said before Macy was about to open her mouth to speak.

“We have to head back,” Sam said with a hint of sadness.

“Yeah. It’s OK, though. Everything’s going to be OK,” Nick said soothingly as he laced hands with Sam and they walked home together.

“Why did you do that?” Macy asked rounding on Joe.

“Because I knew you had something else to say about the matter,” he answered giving her a look.

“Like what?” she asked with a scoff.

“Like ‘maybe you two need to call things off’, for one thing,” Kevin said shocking them all.

Macy scoffed again.

“I’m not jealous of Nick and Sam,” she lied.

“Right. And you getting upset last night was nothing, right?” Stella asked with sarcasm.

“Look, Sam and Nick can be together if they want. It-it wasn’t right for me to come here to get Nick back,” Macy said in a hurt tone.

The door unlocked and Sam and Nick walked in shocked about everyone being present in the room, but mainly Macy. Their hands were still laced, but it was Nick who unlaced his from Sam’s and walked over to Macy’s computer to read the article.

“How can the media come up with stuff like that over us running away?” Sam asked as though his actions didn’t affect her.

“Sam-,” Joe began, but Macy cut across him.

“Sam, Nick, what are you two going to do?” she asked catching the rest off guard.

“What do you mean what are we going to do?” Sam asked.

“Deny it of course,” Nick answered easily as his eyes met Sam’s.

She nodded in agreement just as Stella spoke.

“Wait, wait, wait. If you guys deny the rumors then that means you can’t be a couple in public which could cause a problem in the future,” she pointed out.

“Stella’s right,” Kevin agreed.

“But we can’t have the media in Sam’s private life even if she is dating a JONAS,” Joe said looking at the couple.

“That’s true, but,” Macy began staring at her cousin and ex-boyfriend, “what choice do they have?” she asked causing tension to fill the air especially to Sam.

“Are you saying this because of your experience or are you actually concerned?” Sam asked giving Macy a hard look.

“Excuse me?” Macy asked as though she were offended.

“Just last night you mentioned how you wanted Nick back, but when you find out we have feelings for each other now you’re making it seem like we have no choice but to go public with our relationship? I’m beginning to wonder if you’re ever going to admit that you’re jealous,” Sam answered shocking the others, especially Nick and Macy, but it was Nick whom spoke before Macy could.

“Sam!” he exclaimed in a shocked tone.

“Funny, I don’t remember you telling me you had feelings for him after I told you I wanted him back,” Macy retorted riling Sam up.

“I didn’t know he was your ex, Mace! How long are you going to hold that against me?!” Sam exclaimed exasperatedly.

“That should give you all the more reason as to why you shouldn’t be with him! I thought you’d at least put my feelings into consideration instead of going after Nick anyway! You’re so selfish!” Macy exclaimed before storming off.

A bathroom door slammed shut and silence fell amongst them for the first time since the conversation started. Sam stood rooted to the spot upset, angry, and overall shocked at the things Macy said to her as well as the things that were said amongst the group after she and Nick came back.

Nick ran a hand through his curls, but it was Stella who broke the silence.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, but no one spoke.

Sam looked down before walking to their room, closing the door behind her. Nick watched her go and walked to the room he shared with his brothers leaving Kevin, Joe, and Stella in the kitchen.

“Switch time?” Kevin asked and the other two nodded in agreement and they walked away each person heading to one of others whom walked out moments ago.

-In bathroom-

Kevin approached the bathroom and knocked a few times before it slowly opened revealing a teary-eyed Macy.

“What do you want, Kevin?” she asked sniffing after she said his name.

“To talk,” he answered honestly.

She opened the door a little wider and allowed him to enter and he did so. As soon as the door shut behind him, he spoke.

“Macy, you can’t do that to Sam or Nick,” he said blatantly.

“Do what?” she asked in confusion.

“You can’t keep blaming Sam or using that stuff against her and you can’t blame Nick or try to force those two to go public with their relationship. In the end, it’s up to what they’re comfortable with, not what anyone else tells them to do,” he explained.

Macy licked her lips before speaking.

“I know that, but she doesn’t understand. No one understands. I came here because I wanted Nick back. I never knew Nick and Sam ever dated nor did I even know that they knew each other to begin with. I guess Sam was right. I am jealous because I let go of a great guy and even when I came back, it was too late,” she said in a sad tone causing Kevin to feel guilty.

“The reality though is it is too late. Nick dated Sam a long time ago, but the only reason why they broke up was because Sam had to move away. The way I feel, though is fate brought them back together for a reason, right? It wasn’t just to toy with them or a test. It’s because they’re meant to be, you know?” he explained causing Macy to get angry.

“So it wasn’t meant for him to be with me?” she asked rounding on him now.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that-,” he began, but Macy wasn’t having it.

“Then what did you mean, Kevin, ‘cause I’m really confused right now and I don’t feel like the best person in the world,” she said breaking down in tears again.

Kevin sighed as he tried consoling her.

“Maybe you and Nick should talk about the past so you guys can move on, you know?” he suggested after a while.

“Do you really think that would work?” Macy asked wiping her tears away.

“Of course. You are OK with Sam and Nick being together, right?” Kevin asked.

“Of course I am. As long as they’re happy, I’m happy,” Macy answered before hugging Kevin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty lengthy, but VERY important, OK?

Pay attention to the things that were said and when they're said. How do you think the characters really feel/felt about the things that were said?

Just some things to get you guys thoughts going.

Anywho, please don't forget to recommend, comment, and subscribe.

I know these chapters are coming out very quickly, but that's only because of how inspired I am from the song so ideas are flowing like CRAZY. Also, another reason is because I just started the term today so I'm trying to finish up as many stories as I can before any major assignments are due or come along since I'll be busy and most likely not able to update as soon as I can or even work on new chapters for anything so please appreciate how fast and hard I'm working on this story as well as any other stories that are in progress, but aren't completed yet.

I have a lot on my plate with being a college student for almost two years and I'm almost done getting my A.A. degree so that's why I like to inform you guys about me being busy and I honestly apologize whenever I'm unable to update any stories that aren't completed.

Every reader, subscriber, commentator, and story is precious to me and I honestly care about you guys and the stories I work so hard to write and make fun, interesting, and dramatic. It's not because I feel obligated to, but because I love to write.

I'm sorry this turned into a rant. Usually I'm not a ranter, but believe me when I say you guys and my stories are very, very important to me.

*sighs* Anyways, please don't forget to comment, recommend, and subscribe if you haven't done so already.