Status: Slow active due to uni work

Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts


Chapter Ten.

Bam shook his head and laughed at Novak who was trying his best to chat up a young woman at the bar. At least this one was attractive, he thought, sipping his beer quietly. Ryan and Dico were taking bets on whether or not Novak would actually pull, when their friend reappeared with two women behind him.

Before he had chance to look at the second woman, he heard his friends shout out in shock.

“Oh my fucking God!” yelled Raab.

“Alex!” gasped Dico.

“What the fuuuuuuck!?” continued Raab.

Bam felt his jaw drop in surprise when he laid eyes on the woman standing before them. She was taller, curvier, had longer hair and looked a lot more mature, but she was still the same girl he had fallen in love with four years ago. The same girl whose heart he had broken four years ago.


Bam could not take his eyes off her. He blinked a few times to make sure it was really her, but there was no mistaking the beautiful woman now sitting opposite him. She was definitely trying to avoid eye contact with him. Not that he could really blame her. Four years had obviously not been long enough for Alex either, if time really was a healer.

Bam let the conversation wash over him as he tried to get his head around her return. He stole brief glances at her when he didn’t think anyone was looking. Why had no one told him she was back? Surely Ryan must have known? He glanced at his friend who was looking apologetically at his cousin.

After a while the others went to get drinks, leaving Bam, Ryan and Lexi to sit in an awkward silence.

“Hello Bam.”

Alex’s voice brought Bam out of his thoughts. He stared at her a little gormlessly before returning the greeting. Boy was this going to be awkward. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but he didn’t know where to start.

“Ahhh Bam Bam! There you are!” squealed an irritating voice. Lexi looked up to see another familiar face. This one was not so welcoming however.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” demanded the woman who was now sitting on Bam’s lap. She obviously had no trouble remembering Lexi either.

“It’s lovely to see you again Jenn.” Lexi smiled as fakely as she could.

“Alex.” Jenn spat, not even willing to pretend. She was obviously concerned that Lexi had come to steal Bam away from her again. Well, there was no chance of that happening.

Both Bam and Ryan ignored Jenn, much to her displeasure, as the others had returned with the drinks. It was perfect timing. The conversation resumed and Bam did not get chance to speak to Lexi as Jenn occupied his full attention.

Lexi sighed quietly, remembering when she had been the one on Bam’s arm. She wasn’t jealous of Jenn; she just remembered when Bam had looked at her in that way. Shaking these silly thoughts from her mind, she necked her drink, remembering her pledge to have a good night. Running into Bam was not going to stop her.

“Let’s go and dance.” She smiled to Libby, and the two women made their way back to the dance floor, unaware that every guy at their table was staring after them.


“Oww my head.” Lexi complained the next morning. She had not made it to the bedroom and had instead, passed out on the sofa.

“Tell me about it.” Libby moaned from the floor next to Lexi. “What did we drink last night?”

“I think the question is not what, but how much?” Lexi shook her head and tried to find her feet.

“Coffee.” Libby groaned, staggering to her own feet. “It must have been a good night.”

“Don’t you remember any of it?” laughed Lexi.

“I remember meeting your old friends, and Novak trying to sleep with me. But that’s about it.”

Lexi laughed. Despite the shock of seeing her friends, she had still had a good night. Bam and Jenn had left early on and Lexi had managed to get sufficiently wasted enough to take her mind off bumping into him. She had not even had chance to speak to him.

“Morning ladies.” Tom smiled, coming down the stairs with Caleb in his arms. “I take it you had a good night?”

He proceeded to make them coffee and breakfast while they planned the remainder of their day.

“Ryan wants me to go over for dinner tonight.” Lexi said, reading the text that had been on her phone since earlier that morning. She had ignored it to begin with, in the hope that she had simply imagined it. She was in no mood to put up with her mother’s nagging or Ryan’s subtle suggestions of talking to Bam.

“So, you’re going?” Libby laughed at Lexi’s hesitation.

“I suppose I have no choice.” Lexi replied. “Although I bet April and Phil are invited too.” This was even more of a reason not to go.

“And?” prodded Libby.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to face them yet.” Lexi admitted, trying to get Bam’s face out of her head. She had not told Tom that she had run into Bam that night and didn’t intend to. Talking about it would only make it more of an issue.

“Oh for goodness sake girl, just tell them everything so you can get on with your life!” Libby sighed as she got up to make herself another cup of coffee.

“Well said Libby.” Tom agreed, feeding Caleb his breakfast.

“Fine! I’ll go! But I’m not promising you anything.” Lexi gave in, as much as she hated to admit it, they were right. The longer she left it, the harder it would get.


Later that day after she had driven Libby to the airport, Lexi began to get ready for the meal. She pulled on a plain pair of jeans and a long knitted jumper, before realising she looked older than her mother in those clothes and was just asking to be teased by Ryan. In the end she settled on a casual flowery dress and black cardigan.

Once again Tom ended up babysitting Caleb. Lexi felt guilty but tonight was going to be awkward enough as it was, without adding a three year old toddler to the equation.

“Be good for Tom and I’ll be home soon.” Lexi smiled at Caleb, before kissing both him and Tom and heading for the car.

Lexi could feel the nervous bubbling in her stomach during the short drive to her mother’s house. She felt queasy and doubted whether she’d actually be able to eat the meal. She tried rehearsing the impending conversation in her head but it made her feel even worse.

Ryan answered the door. He had made no effort to dress for the occasion in his white vest and ripped jeans. Lexi looked at him pleadingly, in the hope he would give her a heads up about who was inside. He smiled blankly and she cursed him under her breath as she followed him indoors.

Sitting in the living room was April, Phil, Vivian, Jess and, to Lexi’s horror Bam.

“Oh Alex! It’s so good to see you again!” April gasped, jumping up and pulling Lexi into a tight embrace. Lexi smiled as best she could, avoiding making eye contact with Bam as she hugged Phil once April had let her go.

Lexi smiled at Jess and she and Bam finally nodded in acknowledgment of each other. While Jess looked smart in a shirt and clean jeans, Bam had taken a similar stance to Ryan and was dressed in black with his hat on.

“Well, dinner’s about ready if you want to make your way to the dining room.” Vivian smiled, leading the way. No one seemed concerned about the awkwardness between Lexi and Bam.

“Asshole.” Lexi mouthed at Ryan when no one was looking. He could have given her some warning that Bam would be there. It was one thing telling April and Phil, but Bam was a whole different matter. Ryan smiled innocently and ushered her out of the room.

As they ate their food, the conversation revolved around Lexi and what she had been doing for the past years. Bam was unusually quiet and seemed completely uninterested in everything she had to say but Lexi was not particularly bothered by his childish behaviour. She told everyone about Stanford and Tom, successfully avoiding the topic of Caleb until desert.

Vivian had been trying to catch Lexi’s eye all night in a failed attempt to prompt her. In the end she gave up and set the wheels in motion herself as she served the chocolate gateau.

“Oh for goodness sake Alex, don’t you think it’s about time you told everyone about Caleb.”

Lexi froze. Trust Vivian to drop her in it. Was it too much to ask to do everything in her own time.

“Who’s Caleb?” asked April.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Lexi.

She hesitated, feeling herself turning red and sweating. “My son.”