Status: Slow active due to uni work

Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts


Chapter Eleven.

“Your son!?” April repeated, her jaw dropping in shock.

Lexi drowned out the ensuing conversation. April was gobsmacked. Phil was smiling awkwardly. Bam was staring, apparently lost for words. Lexi could feel his eyes burning into her.

“Who’s the father?”

Eventually she was snapped out of her daze by April’s question. Lexi could feel the bile start to rise in her throat.

“I’d rather not talk about that.” She replied, staring at her hands.

April got the hint, and possibly the wrong idea, but she dropped it nonetheless. Nice save there, Lexi thought to herself. Obviously she would have to come clean sooner or later, but she planned on stalling the truth for as long as possible.

It was clear that April was upset with Vivian for not telling her before and the atmosphere in the house was becoming a little hostile, so Lexi took this opportunity to make her escape.

Lexi made her way outside in desperate need of fresh air. Her cheeks were flushed and she felt as if she might pass out. She couldn’t bring herself to think about the situation she had just left inside. There would be so many unanswered questions. Maybe Vivian would take it upon herself to answer them herself. Lexi had never actually admitted that Bam was the father to Vivian, but it must have been fairly obvious if she had worked out the dates.

It was cold outside; a nice relief to Lexi’s burning skin. She wished she could melt away into obscurity. She even considered climbing the fence and doing a runner, but she doubted she was fit enough to make it over the wall without being spotted. She heard footsteps approaching and saw that Ryan had also made his way outside and was looking at her with an accusing look on his face.

“What?” demanded Lexi, unaware that Bam had followed them. She turned around to see who Ryan was acknowledging and groaned, finding herself face to face with Bam.

Bam stared at her as the three old friends sat on the wall in silence. Lexi tried to ignore the two men either side of her and instead stared out into the night. How had things ended up like this? If she wasn’t so distressed by the situation she probably would have started laughing. It was altogether ridiculous.

“Can we talk?” Bam asked after several moments of awkwardness. This brought Lexi back to her senses.

Lexi shrugged. “About what?”

Bam shot Ryan a meaningful glance. Ryan shook his head and went back into the house. Lexi wondered if the situation had calmed down at all. Bam was still staring at her. Seeing him in such familiar surroundings brought back painful memories.

“Just spit it out please Bam. I haven’t got all night.”

He looked at her sadly. Lexi was in no mood for politeness. Despite the four year absence, nothing had changed between them. He was still the boy who had broken her heart.

“I’m sorry Bam, but I don’t know what you want from me?”

“It’s just...a shock, you being back.” He shrugged.

“Well, I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I didn’t mean to make life difficult for you.”

“No, you spent the past ten years doing that.” Bam avoided making eye contact with Lexi.

“Seriously Bam? Are you that bitter?” Lexi laughed, shaking her head. “I thought you would have moved on.”

“Why did you bother coming back?” he stared at her angrily. She could feel the hatred in his words.

“It’s none of your business.” She spat back, matching his hostile tone.

“Maybe it’s because you got yourself knocked up and now you’re running back to your mom cos you can’t cope!” Bam rolled his eyes as if he had already worked her out.

This hit a nerve. Lexi growled. “For your information my son is three years old and I’ve coped perfectly well all this time.”

Bam’s eyes widened and Lexi knew she should have kept her mouth shut. Surely he would do the math and realise the significance of those three years. She could feel her heart beat accelerating as the cogs in his head turned.

“Wow you didn’t waste any time when you got to Cali did you.” Bam sneered, looking down his nose at her.

“I moved on Bam.” She replied delicately, seizing the opportunity he had presented her with. Sure, now he thought she was a whore, but it was far better than the truth.

“Well I’ve moved on too so I’d appreciate it if you stayed away from me.” He replied, harshly.

Lexi laughed at his pettiness. “No problem. Just because we’re both living in this town doesn’t mean we have to be involved in each other’s lives.”

“Good, so stay the fuck out of mine.” Bam growled, turning away.

Lexi watched him leave and shook her head. He had become so bitter. To be fair, it was partly down to her but she didn’t feel particularly remorseful at the moment. If he found out the truth about Caleb, Lexi’s life was going to be turned upside down. He was definitely not father material. She shuddered at the thought.

Driving home shortly after, Lexi replayed the conversation with Bam. Her mothering instinct had kicked in and she was prepared to do whatever it took to protect her son. If Bam was to find out the truth, Lexi had no idea what affect it would have on her family. She wished she had never agreed to go to the stupid meal. Seeing Bam again had only wound her up and refreshed the painful memories.

At the weekend, Lexi, Tom and Caleb went into town for the day. It was Lexi’s attempt to take her mind off the meal and her run in with Bam. She was still angry about the way he had spoken to her. After parking at the shopping centre, Lexi climbed out of the car and handed Caleb over to Tom. When she turned around after locking the door her heart started to pound. April and Phil’s car was parked opposite them and before she could get away, April was hurrying over to them, grinning broadly, her eyes fixed on the child in Tom’s arms.

“Oh my goodness.” She exclaimed once she was close enough to fully take in the sight of Caleb.

Lexi knew exactly what was going through her mind. Caleb looked just like Bam had as a child. He had exactly the same curly hair and big blue eyes. It was clear April wanted to say something, but apparently she was too shocked to find the right words. Instead she made small talk with Lexi and Tom, not taking her eyes off the little boy who looked all too familiar.

“Hi April, this is my boyfriend Tom. “ Lexi introduced them, before gesturing to Caleb. “And this is Caleb.”

“He’s...adorable.” April smiled, looking a little uneasy. “I assumed he would be a lot younger though!” Phil had caught up with April now, and appeared similarly shocked at the sight of the little boy. He went to say something but April cut him off.

“Oh yeah...” Lexi smiled awkwardly, wondering how to explain. “Well, he’s three.”

“Really?” April’s eyes widened. She calculated the dates much faster than her son had.

Lexi nodded, wondering how she could change the conversation. April was exchanging suspicious looks with Phil.

“You should come over for tea sometime.” She smiled. “All three of you. It would be lovely to spend more time with you now that you’re back Alex.”

Lexi smiled awkwardly. “That’s nice April, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea. Bam...”

“Oh ignore Bam, he’s a drama queen. And if he has a problem he knows where the door is.”

Lexi and Tom exchanged looks. After spending her childhood with him, Lexi was well aware that whatever Bam wanted, Bam got. If that meant having nothing to do with Lexi, then that was what would happen. Not that Lexi had a problem with that, in fact, it was altogether desirable. April and Phil would be powerless to do anything about it.

Eventually Lexi managed to make their excuses before April managed to bring up the striking similarity between her son and the child. Lexi and Tom hurried away, but Lexi could still feel April’s eyes on them as they headed to the shopping centre.
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I would just like to say a big thank you to H.E.R :) Go read her stories!