Status: Slow active due to uni work

Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts

A Chance

Chapter Fourteen.

As Lexi showered, her mind was racing. She had not expected Bam’s babysitting to go so smoothly. In fact, she had been worrying about it so much that night that Ryan had plied her with wine to help her relax. She must remember to blame him for the horrendous hangover she was currently experiencing.

Now that Bam had gotten through the first test she wasn’t quite sure what came next. Lexi was aware that this was the second night that Bam had spent at her house, but strangely she had no desire for him to leave just yet. Caleb was fixated on this new house guest and Lexi was sure he would be upset if Bam left anytime soon.

After getting dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoody, Lexi approached Bam who had just served her up a plate of pancakes.

“Would you like to stay for a bit?” Lexi asked tentatively. “You’re welcome to have a shower.”

“Thanks.” Bam’s eyes met hers and Lexi had to look a way for fear she would crumble under his gaze. They ate in silence, before Bam made his way quietly upstairs to have a shower.
Lexi remembered he didn’t have any clean clothes with him and made her way upstairs to offer him a spare t-shirt. Unbeknownst to her, Bam was in her bedroom with only a towel on. Lexi stared at him, her mouth hanging open. She was embarrassed but could not bring herself to look away from his body.

“Uh, sorry.” She said quickly, turning away and hurrying back downstairs. Her face felt flushed and she hoped her red cheeks would disappear before Bam came back downstairs. The last thing she wanted was for him to imagine that she had felt something for him just then.

They spent the rest of the morning engrossed in Caleb’s cartoons and listening to him as he explained who each character was.

“He’s a handful isn’t he. “ Bam laughed affectionately, watching as Caleb ran around the room, re-enacting his cartoons.

“He takes after his father.” Lexi admitted, trying not to make eye contact with Bam.

“Alex.” Said Bam quietly, trying not to disturb Caleb from his shows.

“Mmhmm.” She replied, glancing at him briefly.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Giving me a chance. I know I didn’t really deserve one after the way I spoke to you at the meal the other week.”

Lexi shrugged. “Neither of us is exactly innocent.”

Bam nodded slightly and looked at his phone. “I’ve gotta go, things to do.”

Lexi suspected this was Jenn, but she didn’t say anything. He was obviously round her little finger. Bam looked a little torn.

“I really don’t want to go though.”

Although she would never admit it, Lexi didn’t want him to go either. It had been quite moving, watching Caleb finally bonding with his father. She remained silent.

“Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked, standing up with Caleb in his arms.

“I’m working tomorrow.” She told him, thinking how great it was to be able to work part time. She only worked three days of the week so she could spend the rest of the time with her son. Seeing the look of disappointment on Bam’s face, she quickly added. “He’s at nursery school until three but you could pick him up when he finishes?”

Bam’s face lit up again. “I’ll be there.”

Lexi stared at him, hoping she could trust him again. “I finish at three too, so just drop him off here when the two of you have had enough.”

Bam and Caleb grinned at one another. “See you tomorrow then.” Bam smiled, handing his son back to Lexi.

“Say bye to Bam.” Lexi smiled at her son, who started waving. She was not ready to give him the title of ‘daddy’ just yet. He still had a lot to prove.

The next day at work, Lexi couldn’t help but worry whether or not Bam would remember to show up. When it came to three, she made her way to the school office and telephoned Caleb’s nursery just to ensure he had been collected. Relief washed over her when the lady informed her that he had indeed been picked up by his father.

Lexi drove straight home and got as much housework done as she could before Bam brought Caleb back. At five o clock she was just starting to wonder what they had gotten up to when she received a text from Bam.

Dinner with my parents tonight? Love B x

Lexi laughed. She was sure April had orchestrated this so that she could spend more time with her grandson. Not that Lexi minded, she hadn’t any plans to cook herself that night anyway. She told Bam she would be round in an hour and went upstairs to change out of her work clothes.

Dinner was a much more relaxed affair than the previous family meal. April doted on Caleb while Bam, Phil and Lexi chatted over the delicious food. April was still an amazing cook.

“I’ve not seen Bam this happy in years.” April told Lexi quietly as they washed up after dinner. The boys were in the living room playing with toys. “I think having this responsibility will do him good.”

Lexi nodded. “I have to admit I’m surprised at how good he is with Caleb.”

April smiled. “We all are Alex, he’s full of surprises.”

“I’d better get going, I have work in the morning.” Lexi sighed, getting up off the sofa. “And it’s your bedtime mister.”

Caleb frowned and shook his head. “I want to stay here.” It was going to be one of those difficult nights, Lexi could tell.

“Maybe some other time.” She smiled, glancing at April and Phil who both nodded happily.

“But I want Bam to put me to bed.” Caleb sulked. Lexi’s eyes widened. He would never let Tom put him to bed and had always insisted on Lexi, but now he was asking for Bam?

Lexi turned around and saw that Bam was similarly surprised.

“If you mom doesn’t mind then sure, I’ll come and put you to bed.” Bam told his son, looking hesitantly at Lexi. “I’ll get a cab back or something.” He added.

“I’ve not got a problem with that.” Lexi replied, putting Caleb’s coat and shoes back on.

“Great, I’ll just go grab a jacket.”

Bam climbed into the front passenger seat of Lexi’s car, while Caleb was fastened in the back. She pulled out of the drive and was just making her way onto the main road when she saw a car turn in the direction of Bam’s house. She got a brief glimpse of the driver and was sure it was Jenn. Lexi glanced at Bam, but he appeared not to have noticed so she didn’t mention it.

Back at home, Lexi got Caleb ready for bed and then left Bam to read him a story and tuck him in. She poured herself a glass of wine in the meantime and did a little planning for her lessons tomorrow. Inevitably though, her mind kept wandering back to Bam. It amazed her how well the two of them had been getting on. She thought she might almost consider him a friend again.

Bam returned from putting his son to bed and made to leave. “I’m gonna go for a drink with the guys.” He told her when she offered to ring him a taxi.

As they stood in the doorway ready to say their goodbyes, Lexi lost control and found herself kissing Bam softly on the cheek. Bam looked taken aback and touched his hand to the spot where her lips had met his skin.

“Thank you Bam.”

“What for?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Caleb this happy. He loves spending time with you.” She admitted.

“Thank you for letting me spend time with him.” Bam smiled.

He touched her arm briefly and Lexi had to fight not to let it show when her body shuddered from the electricity between them. Had it returned?

“Good night Alex.”

“Good night Bam.”

That night, Lexi fell asleep with thoughts of Bam on her mind. She felt a little unnerved especially when she awoke from dreaming about him too.