Status: Slow active due to uni work

Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Chapter Six.

Alex was too shocked for her brain to engage. Her legs were frozen to the ground where she stood and she had no power to fight back. As their lips brushed together she could feel the same electricity between them as the night two years ago. Was this really happening?

“Bam...” Alex staggered backwards, finally coming to her senses. Bam was staring back at her, emotionless.

“I’m sorry.” he mumbled, dropping his gaze to the ground.

Alex touched her lips where he had kissed her. “What was that?”

Bam collapsed back on to the log, putting his head back in his hands. “I’ve liked you for so long Alex, you have no idea how much this has been tearing me apart.”

“Try me.” She whispered quietly, knowing exactly how he felt.

“I can’t explain it. You’re my best friend, but being away from you has made me realise how much more you mean to me. “

Alex finally sat beside him and took his hand in hers, squeezing it reassuringly.

“I couldn’t stand to see you like that with Ville.” He continued, holding her hand tightly. “I was just thinking why couldn’t it be me?”

“The night you first left to go on tour...” she started.

“I wanted to tell you then, but I didn’t know how to say it. I didn’t want to ruin what we have.”

“So it’s taken you two years to admit this?” she looked into his dazzling eyes and felt a lump in her throat. She had no idea what she should be feeling.

Bam nodded, ashamedly. “I guess this changes everything.”

“This is so fucked up. You’re my best friend.”

“I’m sorry.” He repeated.

Alex wanted to tell him that she felt exactly the same but she couldn’t find the words. Instead, she dropped his hand and put a finger to his lips. “Stop apologising.” She whispered, as her head moved closer and closer to his. When their lips were nearly touching she took a deep breath and kissed him.

Alex kissed Bam unlike she had ever kissed anyone before. Her lips crashed down against his, causing his mouth to open a little in shock. Her hands found their way to his blonde hair and she pulled him closer to her.

Suddenly, it didn’t matter that they had been best friends for eighteen years. All that mattered was that they were both there, sharing that moment, their bodies intertwined, and their lips meeting passionately.

“What happens now?” Alex muttered, when they finally parted.

Bam smiled. “More of the last please.”

Needless to say, their friends were surprised to see that Alex and Bam had finally admitted their feelings, although it was not entirely unexpected. Eventually the teasing subsided and to Alex’s surprise, the transition from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend was a smooth one. They had practically spent every day together any way.

From a friend’s perspective, Alex always imagined that Bam would have made a rubbish boyfriend, particularly when he had been dating Jenn. He had seemed preoccupied and uninterested, but as it turned out, she had been wrong. He was so loving and kind to Alex, at least when they weren’t still bickering like school children.

Alex and Bam had been dating for eight months. Bam was still amazed that he and Alex had ended up together. He had dreamt about this for so long and it was finally his reality. She was his entire world and nothing would ever change that.

“Don’t go to work today.” He whined, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around Alex’s waist as she stood up to leave the house. It was the summer holidays. Alex and Ryan had graduated from high school and were waiting to find out their results. Alex had gotten herself a job in a restaurant to pass the time.

“I’ve got to.” She laughed, trying to release herself from his arms. “But I’ll see you later tonight.”

Bam was having a party that night while April and Phil were away, but Alex would miss the start of it due to working the late shift.

“Okay, have fun.” He kissed her passionately before she got into the car. He waited and watched her leave, feeling his pocket vibrate.

Once Alex had disappeared into the distance, Bam glanced at his phone. It was Jenn asking if she could talk to him. Bam knew that if he didn’t reply she would find some way of causing trouble between him and Alex. He told her to come to the party that night. They could discuss whatever it was she wanted there with plenty of people around. He wouldn’t mention it to Alex, it wasn’t important and it would only wind her up.

Alex didn’t finish work until gone nine, so hopefully Jenn would say whatever she had to before then and be gone. Unfortunately for Bam, things would not run so smoothly. Jenn did not turn up to the party until nearly ten. She cornered him on the stairs and pushed him into his bedroom before he had chance to resist.

“Jenn, what the fuck?”

She pointed to the bed where he took a seat. “We need to talk.”

“Say whatever you have to and then leave.” He growled, knowing Alex would arrive any minute now.

“I want to get back with you.” She said softly, sitting beside him on the bed.

Bam threw his head back and laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m with Alex now.”

Jenn bit her lip and ran her fingers through her long hair, “Just give me a chance to show you what you’re missing...” She started to unbutton his shirt.

After work Alex got changed into a black dress and heels, before going to join the party at Bam’s. She walked into the house without knocking. She could hear the music blaring and the party was in full swing. It was only ten, but already people were looking a little worse for wear. She scanned the living room for any sign of Bam.

“Where’s Bam?” she asked a barely conscious looking Novak who had draped himself over the sofa. He simply shrugged.

Alex sighed and went to help herself to a can of beer from the fridge. She sat and chatted with Raab and Dico for a while but eventually became curious as to the whereabouts of her boyfriend, and headed upstairs in search of him. The door to Bam’s bedroom was closed but she could hear voices.

“Forget about Alex, you know I’m the only woman for you.”


Alex pushed the door open and there, right before her eyes, was a topless Bam with none other than Jenn sitting on his lap. Alex stared at the two of them, lost for words.

“Fuck you.” She finally found her voice, before storming out of the room. She started to run down the stairs, tears streaming down her face.

She ran into Ryan at the bottom of the stairs. “What’s going on?” he asked, grabbing Alex by the arms to stop her from running off.

“That fucking dick and his stupid little whore.” She spat, barging her way out of his arms and towards the front door.

“What? Bam?”

“Yes Bam, and that whore Jenn.” Alex shouted, still on her way out of the house. She picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels as she walked and started drinking from it.

“Alex wait, just let him explain.”

“Just drop it Ryan, I don’t give a fuck.”

She drained the bottle of Jack Daniels and dropped it next to the car door, the glass shattering all over the ground. She could hear Ryan shouting from inside the house but she really didn’t care what he had to say if he was going to defend Bam.

Alex slammed the car door shut and started the engine, ignoring the silhouette of Bam now in the doorway. She blinked away the tears that were now falling fast down her cheek. How could she have been so stupid to think that it would work? He was just like every other silly little teenage boy. She gripped the steering wheel angrily as she headed out of town. What hurt the most was that she had trusted Bam. She thought their friendship still counted for something, but apparently she had been wrong. That was the last thought in her mind before she saw the wall appear in front of her at a startling speed. Then everything went black.