Status: Slow active due to uni work

Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts


Chapter Eight.

Four Years Later...

Lexi looked up at the big house in front of her and took a deep breath. “Home, sweet home.” She sighed to Caleb, kissing the top of his head. He giggled, tangling his fingers in her long brown hair.

Lexi had just graduated from her four year degree in education at Stanford University in California. It had never been her intention to return to West Chester after university, but life had a funny way of throwing the unexpected at you, she mused, looking down at the three year old boy in her arms. It had been four years since she had left West Chester. Her departure had not been on the best of terms, but those four years had changed her life in so many ways.

Three year old Caleb had been born at the end of Lexi’s first year at university. It was every student’s nightmare to find themselves pregnant in the middle of their course, but Lexi had been determined to make it work for her. Moving to California had been the start of a new life for her and Caleb was an unexpected bonus to that new life. Lexi hitched Caleb up further onto her hip and made her way inside the house.

Lexi’s boyfriend Tom had moved into their new house earlier in the week as he had to start his new job early, so all Lexi had to do was unpack their clothes and other valuables. Tom was Caleb’s father, but he and Lexi had been together for six months and he was very fond of Caleb. It was in fact due to his job that they had found themselves travelling across the country to Lexi’s home town.

Lexi had two weeks until she started her own new job as a primary school teacher in the town, which gave her plenty of time to settle in to the new house and also to find a babysitter. Her mother was still living in town, but Lexi didn’t want to rely on her, as Vivian had always been unconvinced about Lexi’s ability to cope with bringing up a child at such a young age.

As for Caleb’s real father, the less said about him was the better in Lexi’s opinion.
Later that day, Lexi dressed and fed Caleb, before deciding to pay a visit to the supermarket. The cupboards and fridge were empty and they needed to eat. Tom would be working til late so Lexi couldn’t wait around for him to get back; she would have to shake off any anxieties about returning to West Chester and get on with her life.

Once she was sure that Caleb was fastened securely in the back of her jeep, she put on her sunglasses and climbed into the driver’s seat. Despite the four years that she had been away, Lexi could still perfectly remember her way around West Chester. Not a lot seemed to have changed and she couldn’t help but wonder if her old friends were still around, or if they too had moved on. She wasn’t ready to talk to anyone just yet. She knew she would have to let her cousin Ryan know she was back, but that would surely result in the old crowd knowing she had returned too and this was not part of her plan.

An hour or so later, and without having bumped into any old faces, Lexi returned to the new house with a car full of food. She felt relieved by the uneventful trip and leaving Caleb in the car, Lexi opened the boot and started to unload her shopping. She picked up as many bags as she could manage and started to make her way to the front door when a man approached her.

“Would you like some help?” he asked.

“Oh that would be so kind.” Lexi replied, remembering how friendly the people in West Chester were and stopping to let go of a few of the bags. She looked up from her shopping to see a tall guy with a beard standing by her side. He was dressed in black, wearing a hat over his light brown hair, but it was his eyes that made Lexi double take.

“Jess?” she asked, pushing her hair from her eyes, a little unsure of whether or not he was who she thought he was.

“Oh my God, Alex!” he gasped, suddenly recognising his old friend. “You look so different I barely recognised you! What are you doing here?”

Lexi understood why Jess had a hard time recognising her. The last time he had seen her she had short red hair, multiple piercings and unconventional clothing. Four years on she had let her hair grow past her shoulders in its natural dark brown colour, had taken out her piercings and dressed in a far more conservative way, suitable for a mother.

“I came back.” She replied, quietly. “I’ve just moved in.” She gestured at the house.

“Wow.” Jess smiled, embracing her in a tight hug. “Does anyone else know your back?”

Lexi shook her head. “No, and I’d prefer it to stay that way until I’ve sorted everything out.” She told him, hoping he would not tell his brother.

“My lips are sealed.” He grinned. “It’s so good to see you again though, get in touch!”

“I will.” She promised, allowing him to take some of the shopping up to the house. It was then that she remembered about her son in the car and hoped that Jess would not spot him; she was not ready for a full interrogation.

They unloaded the boot quickly and Lexi was relieved to have such a well behaved son. He didn’t so much as gurgle for the whole time that Jess was around. Lexi had to admit to herself that it was nice to see Jess again, but she was thankful when he made his excuses and continued on his way, no doubt to his mother’s house. When the coast was clear, Lexi took Caleb out of the car and into the safety of the house.

As she sat down on the sofa with her son in her arms she began to shake a little. She had known returning to West Chester would be difficult, but she hadn’t expected it to bother her so much. She pressed her face into the soft hair on her son’s head and held him tightly as if he were her life support.

Giving in to her conscious, Lexi rang her mother and Ryan to let them know she had arrived safely. Both were keen to see her and Caleb. Vivian had visited them in California at least once a year, but it would be nice for her to spend more time with her grandson.
Ryan drove round early the next morning, excited to meet his little cousin for the first time. Tom had already left for work when Lexi opened the door to Ryan. He had hardly changed since they had least seen each other, except he had grown a beard and looked scruffier if possible.

“It’s so good to see you again Alex!” he yelled, embracing her in a big bear hug.

“You too cuz.” She laughed, not correcting him and squeezing him back tightly.

“Nice place you’ve got here, where’s the little man?”

Lexi lead him into the living room where Caleb was playing with his toys.

“Caleb, this is your cousin Ryan, but for all intents and purposes it’s Uncle Ryan.” She added, smiling at Ryan, who had always been like a brother to her.

“Hey buddy.” He grinned, taking a seat on the carpet next to Caleb.

Lexi made coffee and juice, and she and Ryan caught up with each other whilst he bonded with Caleb. She learnt that Ryan’s apprenticeship had worked out well and he was now working for the local garage. In his spare time, he and the old crowd made videos of themselves performing stunts and silly escapades and surprisingly they were starting to get recognition for it. At the same time, Jess’s band was taking off and had just signed a record deal. Rake had also graduated from university with a degree in chemistry, while Novak had become a drug addict.

Lexi felt a twinge of nostalgia as she listened to him talk about her old friends. Not a day had passed when she hadn’t missed them, but she had been forced to move on with her life for the sake of Caleb and her own sanity.

“You should come over and see everyone.” Ryan smiled. He still had the ability to read her mind.

“I don’t know...” she sighed, examining her fingernails. Ryan was well aware of her reasons for leaving West Chester in the first place. She was in no hurry to return to those memories. Four years on she still wasn’t sure if she was ready to face up to her past.

“Well I’m still living at home and the guys usually hang out there or at Ape’s. Don’t be a stranger. April would love to see you.”

Lexi felt a surge of guilt at the thought of April. She had always looked to her as a second mother. She was sure that April would have understood why she went away to university, but the fact that she had not been in touch with April and Phil for four years was unforgiveable and probably a bit of an overreaction on Lexi’s part. She may have felt upset and betrayed, but it was not their fault.

“I just need a little time.” She told Ryan, smiling weakly.

“I understand.” He replied, picking Caleb up and bouncing him gently on his knee. “He’s a great kid.”

Lexi grinned, and watched them play for a while, before Ryan had to leave.

“Promise me you won’t tell anyone yet.” She told him before he left. Only Vivian and Ryan knew that she had returned, let alone that she had brought a child back with her.

“Cross my heart.” He smiled, pausing on the doorstep.

“Thank you Ryan.” She replied, hugging him tightly.

“Oh and Alex...”


“He looks the spitting image of his dad.”