Status: On Hiatus. Will be updated when possible.

Welcome To Paradise.


It was 5:30 on a cold Monday evening when things for Emily would change.

As I look at my small council house in the little town I has called home for the past sixteen years I has decided that I going to move on, I was going to leave all the bullying behind I and start afresh. This was it Emily Williams was leaving, never coming back. At the thought of this I left a smile creep on to I face. I go into the car and took out my iPod and I let the sounds of The Ramones take over me.

The moving of my Dad’s car only made me even more excited, I was leaving, this was true, it wasn’t really a dream. I removed the headphones from I ears and turned to Dad who had impatient look on his face for the black car driving so slow in front of us.
“Dad, what do you think Rodeo is like?”

“It’s a lovely small quiet town, near Berkeley, y’know there’s this little club I went to when I was younger, a punk rock club, 924 Gilman or something, you might like that.”

“Awesome.” I replied while putting the headphones back and letting The Ramones take over me once again.
I had a feeling in my gut that something or someone was there, ready and waiting for me, but I brushed it off thinking who in their right mind would wait for me?
I feel asleep to the sound of Sheena Is A Punk Rocker blasting through my headphones.

My Dad woke me up to the sound of The Misfits as we reached Dublin airport.
‘Had I really slept that long’ I wondered while carefully winding up my headphones and putting my iPod back in my pocket.

‘Next Stop Rodeo California.’ Dad announced

‘Can’t wait.’ I replied while jumping out of the car and getting the luggage that wasn’t been shipped over out of the car and with a smile planted firmly on my face and my Dad right behind me. I went straight to the check in, This was it, I was leaving Ireland for ever.
And for once in my sixteen years of living I was the happiest I had been in a very long time.

When it was time for me to bored that plane, I felt no regret. I was ready to start all over again.
I was ready to be myself.
As I felt the airplane slowly move to take off. I slid my earphones back in. The Beatles- Yesterday filled my ears waiting for the adventure that lay ahead.
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Originally posted on Sullen Riot under When I Come Around. Time to start afresh.
Please review and let me know what you think. (: