Status: On Hiatus. Will be updated when possible.

Welcome To Paradise.

Welcome To Rodeo California.

I had woken up when the plane was about to land in San Francisco Airport. The sun shining in from the window, I squinted my eyes not being used to the sunshine as much because of Irelands gloomy weather. I was exhausted , but who wouldn’t be after a seven hour flight? As I looked out my window pondering the life I would live in Rodeo, would I still be the quiet small girl that got picked on, or would I be that girl who was popular, this was one thing I feared about starting high school.

Dad and I went to collect our luggage and headed outside to find a rental car that my Dad booked form the week before. I threw my luggage in the boot and went to the passenger seat of the car, carefully unwinding my headphones and letting the sound of The Sex Pistols take me over as we left San Francisco Airport.

As we drove along the highway I was taking in the new world around me. It took my breath away. Before I knew it we were pulling up to this street called Ashburn. I was full of semi detached bungalow’s, they looked a hell of a lot bigger than what we lived in Ireland.

As we pulled up to the driveway I noticed a boy with black raven hair with two of his friends one who was skinny with blond hair and another who had green hair and seemed to have energy that would last him a lifetime. But there was something about that skinny blond guy that just gave me goose bumps. I decided to ignore it and get my stuff in and find my new bedroom.

The house was big. Well big enough for two people. The was a kitchen, living room, basement, and 3 bedrooms bathroom. The usual . We had a decent size back and front garden. I went in a put my bag down in the bedroom with the view of the street. This was the first time I felt at home. It sounds cheesy I know but it was the truth. I decided that I was going to lay out on the grass for a change, I could never do this back in Ireland.

“Where are you going?” Dad shouted from the kitchen

“Just outside, Got to get used to that California heat.” I replied while lacing up my tattered and worn down converse.
While I was doing that I looked down to see the signatures that my real friends had written on them.
“Good luck Emz! Ill miss you!”
“Remember always be yourself…that’s why we love you!”
Looking at those made me miss Ireland a tiny bit. But life goes on and there’s always letters to be sent!

I walked out into the Californian sunshine taking a deep breath in and finding a tree from next door provided some shade so with that I went over a lay down in the shade.
After about ten minutes I felt as I was being watched. I slowly opened my eyes to find that boy with green hair staring right at me from the tree above.

“HIIIII IM TRE!” The boy shouted.

I jumped with fright from the ground. But before I could say anything the boy with the black raven hair came over.

“Tre don’t frighten off the new girl next door please. Hi I am Billie Joe Armstrong, you’re new neighbour”

“Hi I’m Emily Williams, just moved here from Ireland.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah I could tell by your accent.” The tall blond blue eyed boy walked over.

“I’m Mike. Mike Dirnt and nice t-shirt by the way, Sex Pistols nice choice.”

I could feel myself blushing. My goose bumps came back.

“Why thanks Mike.” I replied.

“So do you play an instrument?” Billie questioned straight away after they found out I was a Sex Pistols fan.

“Well I play bass and a bit of drums.” I replied looking at the floor before looking back up I knew all eyes were on me. Oh how I hate all eyes being on me.

“Bass and drums. Awesome, hey what age are you just out of curiosity?” Tre asked. To be honest he freaked me out at the start, but he seems like an awesome person so I will give him a shot. Though I think I might be to shy to start with.
“I’m sixteen.”

“You’re the same as us so ill guess you’re attending John Swett High School?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, To be honest I have no clue, but I think so. It will be a change though, I don’t have to wear a shitty uniform anymore!”

“WHAT, you had to wear a uniform!” Billie exploded into a burst of laughter

“Yeah. What’s so funny, if you moved to Ireland you would have to as well!”

“Oh my God, sorry that so weird, just stick with us and you be fine.” Billie replied with a goofy smile on his face.

“Will do! Now ill know people when I start” I said as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off me.

“Yeah you should come to Gilman one night, we play there some nights.” Mike said.

“Yeah that would awesome. Ill guess ill see you guys around, I have some unpacking to do, oh the joys of moving.” I replied.

“Yeah no problem.” Mike answered

“See you later Emily.” Tre replied while climbing back into the tree.

“Call in anytime Emily. We will take care of you!” Billie Joe shouted.

“I’m sure you will.” I said rolling my eyes and running back inside and taking off my converse when I got in.

“DAAAAD!” I shouted.

“The kitchen Emily.” he replied

“ So when am I starting school?” I questioned. I was hoping for John Swett.

“This Friday and you will be attending John Swett High School.”

“Awesome…I'll know some people so.” I said with a beaming smile creeping in my face.

“How?” Dad asked raising his eyebrow suspiciously.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.

“I meet the neighbours son, his name is Billie Joe and his friends Mike and Tre.”

“Well that was handy.” My Dad replied.

“Yeah, im getting tired, im going to unpack and head to bed, Good night Dad.”

“Good night Emily.”

And with that I turned on my heel and headed straight towards the stairs and went to unpack. My clothes, CD and DVD collection, my bass and drum books, my personal books, pictures, posters. I put all my clothes away in the wardrobe and placed my various poster of The Ramones Sex Pistols Clash etc and pictures up around my room. When I had everything I wanted in place for the time being I immediately hoped into bed. Wondering, Anxious, Excited about what lay in store with these new friends I guessed I had made.

But one thing I do know, I’m ready for what this adventure will throw at me.
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Yeah I just realised I've set this in 1986 and Emily has an iPod. WHOOPSIES.