Status: On Hiatus. Will be updated when possible.

Welcome To Paradise.

Emily's Hidden Secret

I woke up to the California sunshine and children playing in the street. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to my window, as I looked out side I could see my friends…well I guess I could call them that, couldn’t I?

Anyway I walked away from my window to see I had some scattered pictures lying on my bedroom floor, I picked one up, it was of me and my sister, she was always the life and soul of a room, she always knew what to do.
But no one ever knew how much Amy was hurting inside. No one ever knew Amy was depressed. No one ever knew Amy was going to take her life into her hands.

*December 12th 1985*

It was a cold December evening, Amy didn’t say much, didn’t eat her dinner, locked herself in her room, Ramones blasting. I was worried, so I knocked on her door, no response, I knocked again, this time she answered.

“Amy are you ok?, im worried.” I said

“Im fine, don’t worry, everything will be fine soon.” she replied as she gave me half a smile and closed the door in my face.
I had made her hot chocolate, she always loved hot chocolate when she was upset.
The music had stopped from Amy’s room, I walked up the stairs and called her, nothing. Called her once again, nothing.
The third time I left myself into her room. Dropping the hot chocolate. My body frozen. My eyes seeing my worst nightmare.
Amy had killed herself, she hung herself from the pole of her curtains.
I just screamed, my dad dragged me away, I was sitting in the hallway listing to my dad scream her name and my mum cry.
Amy had left 3 envelopes. One for me, one for Dad and One for Mum."

I had found the letter behind a couple of pictures.
After 10 mins of staring at my name, I finally drew up the courage to read it once again.

"Dear Emily,
I know you are thinking why have I done this, I have my reasons believe me, but please don’t think that I don’t love you, because I do. This was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my time here, but I believe deep down this was the right choice.
There are three things that I want you to have to remember me by:
My Bass- yes I know, its your’s now, take care of it.
My bracelet that you always wanted.
And last put not least my bass plectrum, I’ve even put it on a necklace for you.
Remember even though Im not here in person right now, I always be at your side in sprit.
I love you Emily.
Forever your Guardian Angel
Xxxx "

*Present Time*

My face now full of tears, I wiped them off the photograph.

I immediately grabbed the black plectrum that hung around my neck and holding back the tears that were fighting there way to the surface.
Immediately I pushed the latter back to the box hoping never to see it again, but I always new that memory would haunt me.
Never there less I would always love my sister. I carefully placed the picture of me and Amy beside my bed. I looked at the time to realise it was now 11am. Time to get dressed and have breakfast.
Today I decided to wear a Ramones shirt, Red skinny jeans and black converse.

I ran down the stairs to find that Dad had left a note.

Our stuff arrived today and is in the sitting room so you can bring up your bass and stuff, I’ve already set up your drums downstairs. Be back later. Had to go to work, if you’re going out lock the doors and don’t get lost.

Work already. Okay. I guess that would make sense. I looked into the fridge, sausages eggs, rashers, I immediately knew what I was going to have. Full Irish Breakfast.

But just as I was about to get all of my ingredients ready to make breakfast a knock came on the, being lazy I shouted “Who Is It?”

“Billie Joe.” The voice from outside the door replied.

“Come in. I’m in the kitchen.”

While Billie left himself in I noticed that he had a dish of some sort.

“What’s that?” I pointed to the dish.

“My mom’s way of welcoming the neighbours, Vegetarian Lasagne.” he smiled.

“Awesome.” I smiled back.

“Want to head out?” A devilish grin spread across his face.

“I want to make breakfast though.” I pleaded like a 5 year old who wanted candy and denied it.

“Come on, ill take to this great diner.” He pleaded. Putting those big green eyes into sad mode.

“Fine.” I replied in a huffy tone like a five year old who didn’t get there way.
I saw Billie laugh and I stuck out my tongue as I grabbed my keys and made my way out making sure I locked the door.
As we walked we made small chat talking about our hobbies and music. We had a lot in common. We arrived at this little diner in the middle of town called ‘Rods Hickory Pit’. Billie insured me that the food was nice here.

We walked up to the counter and Billie shouted at a waitress in her mid 40’s.

“Hey can we get some service around here.”

“Billie!” I replied while hitting his shoulder only to get a smirk out of him.

“Its ok dear, I get this all the time.” the waitress replied with a smile

“Hey mom can we get two breakfasts.”

“Sure, and who is this young girl Billie?”

“This is Emily, she the new next door neighbour.” Billie replied while hoping up into the bar stools.

“Nice to meet you Emily, Im Ollie.”

“Nice to meet you.” I replied while also hopping into one of the stools.

Ollie returned with our breakfasts within the next ten minutes. Billie was right, the food here was gorgeous. We had finished our meals in five minutes and Ollie had persuaded me to let her pay. I promised I’d pay her back.

Once we reached the outside if the diner Billie grabbed me by the hand and said “I have to show you something.”
I had no choice because even though Billie looked like he had no strength with his girlish figure he dragged me along the streets of Rodeo until we reached a place he called ‘Christie Road’

“Wow!” was the only words that escaped my mouth.

“I know right, Me and the guys were talking last night and wondered if you wanted to be our friend I guess.” Billie smiled as he walked over to this beat up old car and sat on the hood.

“Sure, that would be awesome, How did you find this place?” I said as I walked over to join him in the hood of the car.
His expression changed.

“Well, I found this place by accident one day when I had a fight with my Mom about her new boyfriend.” Billie stared down, not daring to make eye contact with me.

“Oh, you’re parents divorced?”

“No…my Dad died when I was 10.” He replied, face filled with emotion but her dared not to make eye contact with me.

“How about you?” he finally replied.

“I’m sorry Billie. My parents are divorced, so my Dad wanted to come back here, so here we are.”

“Any sisters or brothers?” Billie asked finally looking at me, his composure regained.

Now my expression changed, and he had noticed it like I did with him.

“One sister, Amy, but she passed. How about you?” I replied now looking at the ground.

“I’m sorry Emily, Yeah I have two brothers and three sisters. David, Alan, Marci, Hollie, and Anna.”

“Awesome, do you know who would leave their car here?” I replied, my mood changed.

“That would be me.” he laughed.

“Oh God, you’re kidding me, you weirdo!” I replied

“Im am not a weirdo!” Billie stood up on the car acting all offended.

We laughed, talked, and just would randomly wave at people on the trains that would pass by.

“Come on. Lets go pick up school boy.” Billie said pulling me off the ground.

“Who?” I replied laughing


As we drove to John Sweet High School, I could feel my goose bumps return at the mention of his name.
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