Status: On Hiatus. Will be updated when possible.

Welcome To Paradise.

Goose Bumps

We pulled up outside John Swett High School, my goose bumps only got worse as I saw Mike coming out of the school building, I was mesmerised, to say the least.

“Why hello there again Emily, nice of you to take my seat.” Mike chuckled as he hopped into the backseat of the car.

“Hello Mike and it was my pleasure to take your seat, its quite comfortable.” I said sticking out my tongue.

“Ha Ha Emily you’re sooo nice.” Mike replied kicking the back of the seat slightly.

I couldn’t help but laugh, I was starting to get used to the presence of Mike, I mean I still got goose bumps every time I saw him, but the boys, especially Mike, brought a new side of me that I never knew I had.
I was in a state of a day dream, when Billie snapped me out of it.

“Why do you keep playing with that plectrum around you’re neck, I’ve seen you look at it and you’re eyes darken with despair.” Billie asked while Mike leaned into hear the story. I don’t think im ready to say this to them.

But here goes nothing.

“Well, you see this was my sisters Amy’s, she gave it to me, before she died.” I replied, eyes fixed on the dirty floor of the car.
I felt Mike’s hand squeeze my shoulder.

“How did she die?” Mike asked, I turned around to see his bright blue eyes filled with sympathy.
Tears on the verge of falling once again down my cheeks.

“She, she committed suicide.” My eyes back down looking at the dirty floor of Billie Joe’s car.

“Im Sorry Emily” Billie replied with a sympathetic look before he pulled into his house.
Mike sat there, as if he was in shock, I could see in his eyes he was thinking of something to say, something to make everything all right.
I know this sounds stupid, but in the past 3 days that I’ve known Mike, I’ve come to realise he likes to put others happiness before his own.

“You can play the bass right?” Billie piped up breaking the silence in the car.

“Yeah, Why?” I asked very cautiously.

“Go get you’re bass!” Mike piped up with a devious smile to match the one firmly planted on Billie’s face.

“Umm Ok.” I gave a little chuckle and got out of the car to grab my bass.
As I unlocked my front door the silence engulfed me. Dad must still be at work.
I went looking for the basement door and once I found it after a good 15 minutes of looking. I went down the stairs and saw my bass up on its stand beside the drum kit.
My bass was totally black in colour with some white stars dotted around in various places.
I carefully grabbed my bass and put on the strap and made my way for Billie’s house.

Just outside did I see Tre carrying a pair of drumsticks walking over to my house.

“Sup Emz, yeah I like the sound of that, Im going to call you Emz.”

“Hey Tre, nice to see you.” I chuckled

“So I see the guys got you to bring your bass.” Tre smiled that evil grin I had just seen on Mike’s and Billie’s face.

“Okay why are you smiling like you’re up to something?”

“Maybe we are, Maybe we aren’t.” Tre said as he slung an arm around my shoulder and we walked into Billie’s house.

“BILLIE!” Tre shouted.
“Sitting Room” Billie replied, back.

As we walked into the sitting room, I saw amps, a drum kit guitars, basses, microphone stands, man these guys were serious about there music and their band.

“Um I feel slightly out of place.” I piped up.

“Good, Mike, teach her, Why Do You Want Him?” Billie smiled and pushed me towards Mike.

“Right, we’re going to experiment at Gilman, were going to have you play a song with us.” Mike smiled, while picking up his yellow bass.

“Um I don’t think I can play.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’ve never played live, EVER!” I replied.

“Well here’s you’re break.” Mike smiled.

Mike and I sat there, me watching his fingers slide up and down the neck of the bass trying to copy the exact same movement on my own bass. Mike had talent. Raw talent at that.
It took me over an hour to finally get the timing and rhythm right and in sync with Mike’s playing.
“Right she’s ready.” Mike shouted over to Billie.

“Awesome, plug her in and lets try this all together.” Billie replied.

“Were you guys high or something when you came up with this idea.” I cuhckeld

“Maybe.” Tre winked from behind the drum kit.

“Oh God!” I laughed.

“Ready. ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” Billie counted us in.

“I saw you standing alone
With a sad look on your face
You call him on the phone
Looks like he left you
Without a trace
Tears falling out of your eyes
He's living in a disguise
You've been feeling bad for so long
You wonder if it's right or wrong

Why Do You Want Him?
Why Do You Want Him?

Now many days have gone by
And you still just sit there and cry
You're feeling bad for yourself
His memory will always dwell
You're so obsessed with his love
That's why push came to shove
You've been feeling bad for so long
You wonder if it's right or wrong

Why Do You Want Him?
Why Do You Want Him?

Why Do You Want Him?
Why Do You Want Him?

You find a way out...
To throw it all the way
But you can bet...
You got something to say
Why Do You Want Him?
Why Do You Want Him?

Why Do You Want Him?
Why Do You Want Him?”

“Wow, who wrote that song?” I asked.

“Billie did, he has a way with words.” Mike smiled and gave Billie a pat on the pack.

“Im not that good, really, shut your face!” Billie replied, as if he was embarrassed about the complement and my reaction to his song writing skills.

“So how about it Emily, play with us next week?” Tre asked with puppy dog eyes from behind the drum kit.

“Ahaaa Sure, I will this once only!”

After playing for a constant 3 hours and getting my own private little concert from the guys was amazing, they have such raw talent, maybe they will make, who knows?

We all went up to Billie’s room to watch a scary movie. I wasn’t nervous as I lay my head across Tre’s stomach and my feet across the bedroom floor, while Mike and Billie covered the bed.
I could feel Tre moving around, he was searching for something in his pocket.
He pulled out this bag with green stuff inside, I felt myself stiffen, in shock about what I saw. Tre had marijuana.
Tre handed the bag of weed to Billie who almost like a professional took out some white paper and started to make a joint.
The join passed from Billie to Mike to Tre to Me.

“Have you ever had one?” Billie piped up from the bed.

“Nope.” I squeaked back.

“Y’know you don’t have to.” Mike said

“Fuck, you only live once eh?” I said with a fake smile and took the joint from Tre and inhaled it deeply.

Hours later I felt as if I was on top of the world, like nothing could stop me.

I lay on the bed with Mike, just talking, being captivated by his big blue eyes.
Next thing I knew Mike leaned into me, our lips met.

We were interrupted by Tre.
“Woooah, Sorry Guys.”

I realised what I just did, I ran straight out if the house, grabbing my bass.

“Emily… Wait!” Mike shouted

I ran straight in home and up to my bedroom, I stayed up all night thinking how was going to face Mike tomorrow at my first day at John Sweet High School.
♠ ♠ ♠
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