Status: On Hiatus. Will be updated when possible.

Welcome To Paradise.

So Give Me Novacaine

My first day in John Sweet High school had gotten off to a bad start, but I wasn’t going to let myself down. I need to start over.

I went to the main office to get directions cause Billie did a disappearing act. I had to remember to hit him for that. The principle Mr Berry, wasn’t exactly impressed with my choice of hair colour, but they didn’t have any rules about dyeing it so they really couldn’t do much about it.

As I made my way to the base class or home room as they call it here, I wondered about the people who would be there. Would Mike be there? Oh god I hope not. I just needed space from him for awhile.

As I walked into the room, I took a deep breath and walked in. Much to the displeasure of the teacher who was trying to teach.

“And who would you be?” the woman with brown hair on the verge of becoming grey, he face drooping and covered in wrinkles asked.

“Oh, um, My name is Emily Williams, I am new here.” I replied.

“I don’t care if you are new here, be on time in future Emily.” She replied, despise in her voice. “Now take a seat.”

I walked back to see a free seat near Billie Joe. Now that’s a sight for sore eyes. As I walked back to sit in the seat next to his, I saw him shake his head.

“Tut, Tut, Emily, getting in trouble on the first day.” he smirked.

“Shut up.” I chuckled back.

The next 3 classes flew by. Social Studies, Spanish and Music.

Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I just bought myself a bag of chips and made my way outside. I sat under the shade. I felt as if I was being watched. And I was right. That jock who shouted at Billie came straight over in my direction.
Oh god no. I didn’t need anymore drama.

“What are you wasting your time with that fag.” The jock said as he tried to pin me up against the wall.
I quickly slapped it away.
“Billie is more of man than you will ever be. Just leave me alone.”

“Aww no baby, you see I always get what I want.” he said while pushing himself on me.
His hand slid up my top. I tried to push him off, but he was just too heavy and too strong. I tried to shout, but nothing would come out. My body to paralyzed with fear. His lips tried to separate my lips. I wouldn’t give in. All I could do was twist and turn.

All of sudden I heard a familiar voice and the pressure was relieved from my body.

“Get away from her.” the person said.
It was Mike.
This is all I needed.
This couldn’t be happening.

“Oh and what are you going to do.” The jock said, with a smirk on his face.
And that when the anger boiled up inside of Mike. Mike was in destruction mode. Mike ran towards the jock and hit him square in the eyes. Mike just kept hitting and hitting until the jock got the better of Mike and did exactly what Mike did to him.

My body was paralyzed. I couldn’t move. I was in total shock. My mind not comprehending the image in front of me.

I thank god for Billie seeing him and helping Mike, the jock just got up and was dragged away by others. He was shouting. Saying he will be back.

I hadn’t realized but my head was in the arch of Tre’s shoulder. My tears soaking his t-shirt. His protective arms around, making sure no one could harm me again.

“Are you alright, Emily.” Billie had ran over as soon as the jock had left.

“Ugh, Y-Y-Yeah, Is M-Mike alright.” I said sniffling.

“Yeah he will be fine. He wants to talk to you though.” Billie replied. He knew I wasn’t up for it. I could see the apology in his eyes.

Well I couldn’t deny him now could I? The boy had just taken a beating for me.

“C’mon Tre, Emily and Mike need to talk.” Billie said as he dragged the boy off me while complaining at Billie .

“Mike..” I started. But he cut me off.

“No, listen Emily.” His voice low and tender. “ I’m so sorry about what last night. I couldn’t help myself.”

I just sat there. Watching his body hurt from the beating he had taken. It’s official. I was starting to crumble.

“I just thought that maybe you wanted it too. Oh I don‘t know Emily.” His blue eyes finally making contact with mine. “Please Emily, talk to me.” He pleaded.

I crumbled.

“Look, Mike.” I shivered as I felt his hand take mine. “ I really think you’re a nice guy. But this is way too fast, I just moved here, I could be a serial killer for all you know.”

He chuckled. “Emily, I have my doubts about you being a serial killer. But please just even think about us.” He winced in pain as he tried to stand up.

“Mike please, don’t go. You can barley walk. Sit down. I’ll get Billie and Tre and they will bring you home.” I pleaded.

“Fine, but as long as you promise to think about it.”

“I promise.” He hugged me and I hugged him back ever so softly trying not to cause him anymore pain.
The next few classes just flew by. I had realised in Maths that I would have to walk home since Billie had gone home with Mike.

I sighed heavily and walked out the school gates. I wasn’t exactly ready to go home. But then I remember Christie Road. No one knew of it. Well except Billie.

I walked through the deserted streets of Rodeo, California just thinking about what had happened today. Thinking why me? Why now.

When I arrived at Christie road, I saw a beat up old car that looked so familiar. It was Billie.

“Rough day huh?” Billie asked.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

The silence grew between us letting the events of each others day sink in.

“Y’know.” Billie spoke up “he like you right?”

“Billie, really?” I sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I do.”

“Then why are you trying to push him away” His green eyes piercing into mine. His face full of concern.

I sighed.

“Let’s just say I’ve been hurt before.”

His face turned to one of apology.

“Oh, sorry Emily.” He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

“Its okay Bee-jay.”

He burst into a fit of laughter.


“Bee-jay…I finally have a nickname.” He said throwing his hands up in the air.

I couldn’t but laugh.
We sat there for the rest of the day.
Just laughing and talking.

And even though I was having a great time talking with Billie. My mind was never far from the decision that I had to make about Mike.

The decision I had promised to make.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well? Sorry I'm on a bit of a writers block.

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