Status: Working on it, hopefully it'll come out good.

A Lost Hope

2 Years Ago...

Lights entered my room through a window, it was morning light. I felt the warmth of the glowing rays on my skin. I opened my eyes, sat up, stretched and smiled. Last of shool was today. I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly. I threw on some sorts, a highlighter yellow t-shirt with my Batman converse hightops. I straightened my hair with a black head band.

"Amelia Mary Preston! Hurry up, it's almost time for school!" I heard m mother say.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back as I grabbed my backpack and raced downstairs. My dad sat at the table, gazing at me, and smiled.

"That's my girl, "he said.

"Morning Daddy," I said back, kissing his forehead, and he returned to reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee. I sat down next to him as my mom set my breakfast in front of me, "Thanks Mom," I smiled.

"You're welcome Milly," she replied. I looked down at my plate: pancakes, bacon and kiwi. My favorite breakfast. I ate it happily.

"So kiddo," Dad said, ruffling my hair, "You ready for the last day of school?"

I nodded, "Most definatly," Dad chuckled softly. I chewed my bacon as I watched my mother chopping various foods.

Suddenly I heard the house phone ring, my mother dropped the knife in the sink and answered the phone.

"Hello? Hey sweetie, yes, she's right here. Our little shining star!" Mom joked, she handed the phone to me and I instantly knew who it was.

I held the phone to my ear, "Hello Charles Preston,"

"Hey there to you too, Amelia," my brother Charlie replied back.

"How is it out there in Australia?" I asked

"Well, I'm not one to complain, but I'm pretty sure all these American guys trying to bulk up like Hugh Jackman is ruining my enjoyment, especially trying to fake the accent," I could only laugh, that was Charlie for you.

"Well, enough about me, it's your last day of Middle School," Charlie said, "I'm coming home in about a month, and by then, I will have a present for you! Kinda like a mini-graduation present,"

"Awesome!! I can't wait to see you again! I miss you bro!" I said.

"Aww, sibling love,"

"I'm serious Charlie! I really miss you!"

"I was joking Milly, I miss you too," and by the sound of his voice, I knew that he meant it.

"Alright, I gotta go, I'm really tired, I love you and I hope you do good today!" Charlie said.

I smiled, "I love you too Charlie," and hung up.

Charlie and I have always been close, even when we were kids. We took care of each other. If one of us got into trouble, we would gladly help each other out. Things were jsut plain great when Charlie and I were together, mainly because we just understood each other.

"Alright Kiddo, let's get a move on," my dad said. I took one last bite of my bacon and grabbed my bag. Dad, Mom, and I all got inot the Buick Rendevouz and started to the Geneseo Middle School.

As we drove along, we joked like we usually did. Besides getting along really well with my brother, my family always got along. I don't know how, because usually other families have issues, but we treated each other like old friends.

We pulled up to an intersection that led up to my school. And our laughter was cutoff by the sound of gunshots, cars swerving and crashing, and screaming.
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