Immortality Means Never Dying


"Explain yourself, little girl!"

I laughed again hysterically. It was almost time for the three of us to visit the guys again. And although I was admittedly slightly worried about Gerard and Mikey, I hadn't stopped laughing in a while. Anne kept pestering Stacy about the 'talk' she had had with Mikey.

"You really wanna fucking know?" Stacy yelled.

I fell off the couch laughing.

"Yes!" Anne said. "Yes, I wanna know!"

"He told me he hated being a vampire!"

I stopped laughing.

"He told me that he never wanted this life! He was miserable because he had to forget about his friends and his family. Gerard turned him so that he wouldn't be alone and Mikey knew he could do the same, but then what? He didn't want to make other people feel as miserable as he felt. Much less the people he loves. They haven't been vampires for long. That's why he was depressed. And he said that he felt a little less miserable with me."

Anne and I gaped at her.

"Wow," I said.

"Yeah," Stacy spit. "I'm going to go get ready."



"I noticed you didn't let Mikey kiss you."

Stacy sighed and stood up. "I was scared. But that doesn't mean I didn't want him to."

She walked away and Anne beamed at me.

"We have boyfriends!" she said, excitedly. I laughed.

"We have hot, kissable vampires that are on their path to killing us because we have asked them to."

Anne kept smiling. "We have boyfriends!"

"You're an idiot. Are you leaving now or are you gonna pretty yourself up for Bob?"

"The second one!"

I laughed and made for the door. "I'll see you later."

I smiled all the way there, thinking about what Anne said. Boyfriends? Hilarious.

Opening the door to the boys' apartment, I felt myself being pulled inside and pushed against the wall. Whoever did it put a hand over my eyes and closed the door. I tried to scream but he put another hand over my mouth.

"Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry if I did."

It was Mikey. He pulled his hands away from me and I sighed.

"You scared me, idiot," I said. He laughed. It wasn't the greatest sight, though. Those fangs made him look almost threatening when he bared them.

"I'm so glad you're okay, though!" I squeaked, hugging him. He laughed. I pulled away. "Is Gerard...?"

"Yeah," Mikey said, looking at the ground. "He's...I found him...he's okay."

I sighed and we were quiet for a few minutes.

"Why'd you even do that?" I finally asked. "Scare me half to death?"

Mikey looked around as if to check if we were alone. We were.

"Can I trust you?" he mumbled.

I smirked. "Can you?"

"I can't believe I'm going to say this...I must be crazy."

Mikey extended his arms out against the wall, leaving me cornered. He looked at the ground.

"Mikey," I said.

"I am crazy," he said. "I must be."

"Explain yourself, God damn it."

He cringed at the word 'God', but looked up at me anyway. "I...I think I'm in love."

I laughed. It was just so funny and hard to believe that a vampire is in love. But the way he kept staring at me...I could tell he was serious.

"With who?" I asked.


My jaw just about dropped to the floor.

"A-are you sure? Can"

Mikey laughed. That laugh was getting creepy. "Of course we can. Can you?"

I could tell he was joking when he asked that. But the truth be told...

"No," I said. "We can't."
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WTF is she talking about?! hehehe

I wish I had the cojones (I'm sure you've herad that word before) to skip school >.< My mom changed her mind, I have to go... Hahahaha no. I'd rather skip out O.o Shhhhh Besides, it's raining and I just got my sure-to-poof-up-like-Toro's hair done XD

hehehe *sarcastic and whatnot* Why would I make anything happen to the Ways? Pfft. Preposturous. [sp? lol]

Andi has a point! If anyone reading this cheated on WDYHGM, FESS UP! I won't be mad (I promise) lol

O.O omfgomfgomfg Drive By are giving away tickets! AH! Lacey, love, if I win, you are coming to the MSG to see TBS and MCR with me! XD And Drive By, of course hehe Almost 30 fans [including myself] picked the MSG date so far o.o and more people are tring for it every few minutes... Wish me luck!

I'll respond if I have cojones...