Immortality Means Never Dying

Long Lasting

Mikey gaped at me. I stared at the floor.

"What?" Mikey said nervously.

"Do I need to get into this now?" I asked.


I sighed. "We just...don't believe in that."

"In love?"

I nodded.

"Why?" Mikey looked almost heartbroken.

"We get attached to people and bad things happen. They always do. We don't even say we love each other because we don't know if this will...last."

"How old are you?"

His question surprised me but I answered anyway, "Twenty."

"No. How old are you?"

"I don't know...half a millennium? No, wait. Three hundred years, maybe?"

"And that's not lasting!?"

I laughed.

"I can't believe I fucking told you that," Mikey hissed. "I should've known you'd make up some stupid excuse-"

"Hey!" I interrupted. "I understand how you feel! I do have the ability to love; I have a damn heart. I'm just saying... I mean, Stacy is the most careful out of us. She won't... I don't know."

Mikey sighed. "How do I tell her?"

"You don't."

"What?" I could tell Mikey was getting really mad at me.

"She can't respond to that," I told him. "She wouldn't want to. Besides...well...I mean, are you sure?"

"I was a normal, mortal human just a few months ago. I know what love feels like."

I smiled at him.

"You're so cute," I said. He gave me a small, toothless smile. "I can't believe I was actually scared of you."

Mikey's head tilted. "Huh?"

"I mean, I know you're a vampire're just so cute it's hard to see you as scary."

One of Mikey's eyebrows went up. He smiled, baring his teeth, and gently grabbed onto my arms. His eyes kept mine locked to them with an icy, mesmerizing stare.

"I'm not scary?" he asked, actually, almost hissed.

"Yeah, you are," I said nervously. Mikey chuckled.

"You scared?" Mikey said, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Mikey, stop. This isn't funny."

"You really hurt my feelings. Saying I'm not scary. That scars a vampires ego, you know?"

I felt Mikey lips brush my neck lightly.

"I want your blood..."

I pushed him away, officially freaked out by him. Mikey chuckled, his eyes still looking cold. I felt a presence near me and looked towards the door. There stood Stacy and Anne. Anne gaped at me. Stacy's expression was unreadable.

"What the hell was that?"

I turned and saw that Frank stood a few feet away from Mikey, glaring at him with hatred.

"She thought I wasn't scary and I proved her wrong," Mikey stated with a shrug. He was staring at me, as if we shared a secret. Which we did. He was 'in love' with my best friend.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck what just happened," Gerard said, "but we're going out tonight."

Gerard, Ray and Bob entered the living room. When I saw Gerard, I was relieved. He was angry again, I could tell, but I didn't care.

"Gerard!" we said. 'We' as in Anne, Stacy and me. We ran towards him, his angry expression turning into a confused one, and the three of us hugged him.

"Ah, get off!" he complained.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Stacy gushed.

"Okay. I get it. Now, get off of me? Please?"

He sounded amused. When we pulled away, he was smiling.

"You girls are so fucking weird," Bob said.

"I know," Stacy said.

"So where are we going!?" Anne said. Gerard smiled at Ray. Ray looked back at us.

"It's a surprise," he said.

"No!" I said. "Tell us! NOW!"


"NOW, afro-boy!"

Ray sighed. "We're going to Central Park."
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I don't have cojones XD I went to school. Late. And I'm in an awesome mood ^^ Won't say why. That's what the journal I will eventually start using is for XD

Two updates, twice in a row! Are ya happy now? lol No updates weekends. Hehe, that makes no sense.

LACEY! We might see each other at the Bamboozle ;]

ILY all! Even if "all" isn't much, ha. Who do you think I'll kill off?
