Immortality Means Never Dying

Cursed vs Blessed

"What?" I said.

"Let's just go," Bob said, turning around and walking away. That's when I noticed he hardly had any blood on him. I touched my neck. I cringed, feeling the blood and the two small holes where Bob's teeth had been.

"What happened?" Gerard asked.

"You're right," Bob said. "Poison."

Gerard and Ray exchanged worried looks.


I looked toward the direction of the voice. Anne looked at me with a worried expression. Running toward me was Frank.


But before I could say anything, he sunk his teeth into my neck, making me feel the pain again. I screamed.

"Sh!" Gerard said. "People will hear!"

Frank didn't let go. I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge. I felt breathless. I screamed again.

"Frank, did you not hear me?" Gerard hissed. That's when Frank let go. And I fell to the ground, too weak to do otherwise.

"Frank, you ass hole," I breathed uneasily. It was like that first night again. Like he was draining me of blood.

"I have a hunch," Anne's voice said suddenly. I closed my eyes, feeling kind of sleepy for some reason.

"What do you mean?" Stacy asked. She was usually the one with the 'hunch'.

"Frank bit me, and I was not affected whatsoever. Maybe Frank can only affect Jane?"

"And Bob can only affect you?" I said, looking up at Bob, who looked like he was just about ready to kill me.

"What about Mikey?" Stacy said.

"How 'bout the three of you just shut up."

We all looked up at the speaker. Frank looked pissed.

"Do you guys seriously want to die?" he asked. I thought about that. Life's become a little less redundant with these guys by us, but...

"I don't know," I sad, finally. Frank lay down on the grass, resting his head in my lap. I smiled.

"This is insane," Gerard says. "Vampires meet girls that cannot die. Girls want vampires to kill them. Girls fall in love and change their minds."

Fall in love? Yeah, right.

Everyone was silent for a while. I looked around and noticed Bob and Anne were no where in sight. Mikey and Stacy were standing by a tree and I admit, they looked cute together. Gerard and Ray were throwing rocks in the lake. Frank was staring up at me.

"What?" I asked. He brought his hand up to my face.

"If you really wanna die, I'd like to be the one to kill you," he said softly. "Not that I want you dead. I'd just rather do you the favor."

I smiled. "Maybe it's not much of a favor anymore. Maybe there's a reason I was cursed."

"You were blessed, Jane. Or maybe I was. We would've never met if it wasn't for this."

"Obviously. I was born, like...three hundred years before you."

"I guess I like older women, then."

I laughed. Frank smiled. He got up on his knees, facing me. He kissed my neck, noticeably licking away some dried blood. He forced me to lie down on the grass.

"Do you really want to die, Jane?" he asked, looking me over. "Or would you rather live with this?"

He kissed my neck again, slowly making it up to my lips. We kissed like we had the night before, and I had that breathless feeling again. I pulled away before it was too much. His body pressed against me and his forehead rested on mine.

"I think I would rather live with this," I breathed.

Frank chuckled. "Good."
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You guys suck. XD I love you, I do, but I don't think I can update again this weekend so...DEAL WITH IT!!!

You're all so smart, haha.

BTW, if you notice on the wedding pictures, all of MCR are there. And, ROFLMFAO, Bob's hair is either as long as mine (passed shoulders) or Frank or Jamia have an aunt with five 'o clock shadow XDDDD