Immortality Means Never Dying


We left the guys soon after. Back at our apartment, Anne went straight to bed. Claiming that, and I quote, she needed to "go dream of what a gift life truly is." Stacy fell onto the couch. I couldn't help but notice that her breathing was uneasy.

"Stacy?" I said, sitting on the couch beside her.

"You wouldn't believe what Mikey said to me," she said softly. The truth is, I would believe what Mikey said to her. Because I already knew.

"What'd he say?" I asked, smiling. She glared at me.

"You know, don't you?"

Can't get anything passed her.

"No I don't," I said, trying hard not to sound sarcastic.

"Well, what if I love him back?"

There is something very wrong here. Stacy stalls. She walks around the subject, poking at it and poking at it, until she gets tired of it and spills.

I stared at her. " other?"

Stacy sighed and smiled. "I don't know. I mean...he's a vampire. But in all my years, I've never met a sweeter guy."

"My best friend's in love with a vampire."

The realization hit me so hard I felt I might faint. Stacy laughed. A nervous, almost fake laugh...but a laugh nonetheless.

"Well, I'm going to bed," she said.

"You're taking this pretty well," I told her.

"Taking what?"

"You are in love with a vampire?"

"It's not something you take. It's something you feel."

"He's a vampire!"

"Good night, Jane."

I watched her laugh at me and walk away. I didn't bother to actually stand and walk those ten feet to my room. I lay on the couch, my head aching from new found information. In love with a vampire? Dear fucking God...

"Jane! JANE! Get the hell up! HOUSTON we have a PROBLEM!"

I groaned, turning my body away from the voice. My face was against the couch. I knew I couldn't sleep now.

"JANE! Do I need to SHOOT you?"

I smiled. I'd been shot before. It was painful. It was actually kind of funny.


I sat up, a little too soon.

"Who's what?" I asked. Anne stood next to me, staring at me with wide eyes and an unreadable expression.

"Stacy is sick, Jane," Anne breathed.

"Sick like...sick sick?"

We rarely got sick. Our immune systems' were too strong.

"She woke up and threw up in the bathroom. She threw up, Jane."

"Where is she?"

"Her room."

I stood up almost immediately, ran down the hall. Anne tailed behind me. In the room I found Stacy, on her bed and...eating a lollypop?

"What happened?" I yelled. Stacy looked so calm.

"Oh, I threw up!" she said, smiling. "Isn't that great?"

I glared at Anne. "She looks fine."

"But...but..." Anne stuttered.

"What time is it?" Stacy asked giddily. "I need to see my Mikey, my love!"

Anne and I stared at her.

"It''s not time yet," Anne said. She sounded dazed.

"Okay." Stacy stood up. "I'm just gonna go early, if you don't mind?"

Stacy stalked passed us, almost skipping. She walked out of the apartment without any shoes on. Anne and I glanced at each other and laughed.

"She's crazy," Anne said.

"She's in love," I said mockingly.

She's in love....
♠ ♠ ♠
lmao. That's really all I have to say. And, yeah, I couldn't resist.

Love you guys. I will respond to you later, can't now. Working on my layout makin'! Hah.
