Immortality Means Never Dying

Never Letting Go

"We're going to the park again today." This from Gerard, who couldn't seem to help staring at his brother as he kissed his..."girlfriend".

But there was something strange about her. About Stacy. I couldn't explain it. She looked tired.

"Why?" asks Anne, who is a bit distracted by Bob and his lips on her neck.

"Because this place is a boring piece of crap," says Ray, who was busy smirking at Frank. Oh, Frank. What a completely sexy, erotic vampire. I couldn't stop him from kissing my neck. He was almost ready to bite me. I just knew it.

"Maybe if you guys stop being horny for two seconds, we could get going," says Gerard. Ray laughs.

"Yeah, let's go," I say, standing. Frank pouted. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch, leading him toward the door. He smirked. Those goddamn fangs are still creepy.

Frank and I led everyone outside. He held my hand. We walked slowly down the street, considering Central Park wasn't that far away.

"Stacy looks weird," Frank acknowledged. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"She threw up this morning," I said.


"So, we rarely get sick."

"Oh... Mikey told us they're officially in love."

I laughed. "Yeah."

I look back. Gerard, Ray, Bob and Anne are deep in conversation. Stacy's head is on Mikey's shoulder as they hold hands. I look up at Frank and slow down a bit, letting him walk ahead of me and ready to talk to Stacy. She looked so tired.

"Hey, Stace," I said once I'd slowed enough. Stacy weakly lifted her head from Mikey's shoulder and looked up at me. She smiled.

But let me repeat that. She weakly lifted her head. That's...that's just not good.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly. She continued to smile but turned her head away from me. She looked at Mikey. He was looking away.

"Mikey?" she said softly. He looked down at her with a small smile. "If I die, would you please put my body in your coffin?"

I felt a nervous lurch in my stomach. Why would she say something like that? Mikey looked up at me with a hopeful yet worried expression. I wanted to throw up.

"What?" Mikey said to Stacy softly.

"Please, Mikey," Stacy answered. "Would you give me your coffin?"

Mikey noticeably swallowed. He looked up at me, gaping, and then looked back at Stacy. "Uh...sure."

"Thank you, Mikey." Stacy rested her head on his shoulder again, not bothering to look at me. Mikey gave me a worried expression. I shrugged, thinking that maybe Stacy's finally lost it.

I walked a little faster until I reached Frank again. I nervously grabbed hold of his hand.

"Is Stacy okay?" Frank asked almost immediately. I smiled. He cares.

"I'm thinking she's finally lost her sanity," I said. Frank laughed.

"Enough said."

The eight of us walked into Central Park. What amazed me was how easy it was for Stacy to get our attention. She pushed Mikey against a tree and started kissing him, her hands venturing up his shirt.

"Shit," Ray said, sounding amused. Mikey groaned.

"I'm...walking away," Gerard said awkwardly, pushing Ray away from the scene. Anne walked up next to me. We both gaped. Mikey started pulling off Stacy's shirt. I turned around to find Frank gaping as well. I turned him around and started pushing him away. Anne did the same thing with Bob.

When we were too far to see Mikey and Stacy (but still close enough to hear them), Anne and Bob walked away from us. Frank grabbed my hand and started running through the trees.

"Frank!" I almost yelled. He was running too fast, even for me.

"Come on!" he yelled back.

"Let go of me!"

"I will never let go of you!"

I couldn't help but think there was a double meaning to that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I like double-meanings... WTF is Stacy saying!? XD

Anyway, yeah. I won't update 'til...laaaaaaaaaaattttteeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'll try to actually keep THIS promise ;]
