Immortality Means Never Dying

It's Not Polite To Swear

I heard a splash when this Frank guy jumped into the water. I swear, mortals are so sensitive and caring sometimes. But sometimes they really couldn't care less.

After all these years, people never cease to amaze me.

I decided to keep my eyes closed to keep the illusion alive. I tried my hardest not to laugh when he held me and swam with me to shore.

I kept my body as limp as possible as he carried me. He gently lowered me onto the ground.

"Stupid girl," Frank whispered somewhat impatiently. You'd think that would anger me but, no. It just amused me more.

Then he did the strangest thing. It felt as if he were straddling me. I felt him breathing on my neck. I shuddered slightly. But I didn't much mind.

He didn't 'touch' me, necessarily. He nuzzled my neck a little bit. It was strange.

What freaked me out was when he said, "It'll all end now." The way he said it--he practically hissed-- scared me. So I pushed him away from me.

"What the fuck, you weirdo!?" I wanted him to think I was scared he'd hurt me. I wasn't, of course. I didn't fear many things.

He raised his eyebrows. "It's not polite to swear."

"It's not polite to do or say shit like that! Not in this city, ass hole."

I stood from the ground and so did...Frank. I wasn't mad, per say. I kind of enjoyed it. And that 'it's not polite to swear' amused me. You just can't trust someone in a place like this at this time of night.

"I knew you were faking and I wanted to see what it takes to get you to stop your bull shit," he said quickly, again barely opening his mouth.

"It's not polite to swear," I said mockingly. He was standing right in front of me. His cocky expression turned into one of almost remorse.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," he whispered. Damn, was he attractive.

"Sure you are," I said. I brushed passed him and ran. I'm a great runner. I wasn't running from him...just running towards my house. See the fine line? Very fine, that line is. Besides, I'm soaking wet.

"Wait!" Frank sure was persistent. It was amazing. I'd run all the way to the entrance at top speed and when I turned around, he was two yards away from me.

"What?" I said coldly. I didn't want to get involved with a coy and strikingly attractive stranger.

"I didn't catch your name," he said, still barely opening his mouth.

I smiled and turned around. "Jane!" I yelled this. I yelled this because I had began to run.

I really hope I don't ever see him again. And I'm rarely ever happy but...he made me happy, somehow...

~Next night~

Stacy scolded me about coming home wet. She wasn't even there when I got home. Anne Marie, being the girl I love, defended me. And I quote, "She did something that made her smile at least" and "It's not like she'll get sick!"

About that "smile" part. I couldn't stop smiling. Because of that Frank guy. I hadn't even been that close to someone of the opposite sex, physically or emotionally, for...a long time. I can't really remember. Not that I felt anything emotional for him. Physical...oh, yes.

Just because I am technically old, doesn't mean I can't say things like that. I've been twenty years old for centuries, dammit.

We spent all of today shopping and eating. Yes, eating. We love food because we rarely ever need it. So when we do get hungry, we just sort of pig out. But tonight, being one of our very last nights in New York City, the girls are dragging me to a stupid nightclub.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I said, shaking my head slightly as Stacy was about to put a hot needle through my earlobe.

"Don't do that!" she scolded. "I might-"

"Hurt her?" Anne said sarcastically, holding a block of ice to my ear. Stacy was just too damn touchy.

"Good point," Stacy said, shaking her head at herself.

I felt a small pinch in my ear as Stacy punctured it but it quickly went away and simply felt as if I was wearing an earring already. This was no big deal to me, letting Stacy give me peircings. The three of us are always changing our hair, the only real factor of our physical appearance that we can control. My hair is black as thick smoke and terribly long. Anne Marie's is blond with random streaks of peach along it and barely shorter than mine. Stacy's is a very dark blue and short. We're really fit girls. And really pale. Stacy's eyes are icy blue. Anne's are green. Mine are gray. We can't really change that but we can change our hair...and apparently our ears.

I let out a small scream when Stacy gave me a second piercing on my other ear.

"I'm not that stupid and paranoid," Stacy said.

"Beg to defer!" Anne Marie said excitedly. I laughed.

I quickly put on the black rose earrings Stacy bought especially for me.

"Let's get this over with," I whined. I really didn't want to go out "clubbing".

"Yay!" Stacy said. She has her wild side, too.

"And, who knows?" Anne Marie said, hopping up and down beside me as Stacy opened the door to the outside world. "We may even meet guys!"

I knew what was coming now.

"We can't get attached to anybody!" Stacy scolded. "It's too risky."

I sighed and said,

"Life's boring if you're not a little bit risky."
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*wink* lol
Well, thanks to the few people that read the first one [haha] and I hope you like it so far ^^