Immortality Means Never Dying

Sleep Tight

Bob and Frank took Anne Marie and me into the living room. I told myself I wouldn't cry. The four of us sat down on the sofa.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Whatever," Anne Marie said.

"You guys should get some rest," Frank said. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He chuckled. "You need some rest, Jane."

He and Bob stood up.

"Wait," I said. Frank looked back. I pointed to my cheek and hoped Frank knew what I meant. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me on the cheek.

"Good night, girls," Bob said. "Or should I say day?"

"Bye, Bob," Anne Marie said, sounding amused.

"Good day, Jane," Frank said.

I smiled. "Good day, Frank."

I woke from a horrible dream. I sat up where ever it was that I had fallen asleep, sweating and breathing erratically. I looked around the dark room and saw Anne Marie at the other end of a couch and realized it wasn't a dream.

Stacy is dead.


I jumped slightly at the voice and looked into the darkness. My eyes adjusted and I saw it was Frank.

"What?" I breathed.

"I was gonna go out, but..." he said, tilting his head, " looked like you were having a nightmare."

I sighed and ran my fingers stressfully through my hair. Frank extended his hand to me. I gladly took it and he helped me stand up.

"Why is it so dark?" I asked, slowly following Frank down the corridor that led to their rooms.

"The light is off," he responded with a light chuckle.

"Why is the light off?"

"Because you and Anne were asleep. Is there something wrong with you?"

My heart was beating in my chest and I hated myself for it. Because Stacy's heart wouldn't beat again. It wasn't fair.

"Stacy really is dead?" I tried to say this like I statement, but wound up asking him.

"Yeah," Frank responded softly. "She's dead. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

Then I remembered something.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About...three in the afternoon," Frank said. He turned the knob of his bedroom door. "Why?"

"Did...did Gerard and Ray-"

"I wouldn't know if they found Mikey because they never came back."


I sighed as Frank pulled me into his room. Then I remembered something else.

"It's three in the in, the sun is still out," I said. Frank chuckled. I couldn't see anything. It as too dark in his room.

"Yes, I believe so, Jane," he said. He held onto both of my hands.

"And you said you were going out?"

"I lied."

I was taken aback by his straight forward-ness. "Why did you l-"

"Forget it, Jane."

He pulled his hands away from me and I felt as if I was left a darkened room.


"Can you see me, Jane?"

His voice sounded as if it came from the other side of the room.

"No," I said.

"Can you follow my voice?"

I took a slow step forward, with my arms outstretched in front of me, actually fearing that I might fall or bump into...his coffin. I took another step. And another. Until I felt him grabbing my hands.

"Come on," he said softly. He pulled me down to the floor. I closed my eyes because there was no point in me keeping them open if I couldn't see anyway. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell into his body.

"I'm tired, Frank," I said. I felt warm in his arms. And not just because the room temperature was probably passed one hundred degrees.

"Do you want me to take you back to the living room?" he asked softly. Then he chuckled. "Or would you rather sleep on the floor with me?"

I smiled. "I'd rather sleep on the floor with you."


He kissed my neck. It was as if he was my sedative.

"Sleep tight, my love," he said softly. I closed my eyes and didn't respond.

Because I'd fallen asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY, whoa whoa, hey. Tell me if you're adding me or comment me first at least, K? >.< lol

I'm sick again T-T I'm home and, erm, bored XD People on Spring Break, comment me! XD
