Immortality Means Never Dying

More Goodbyes

We all stared at Mikey eagerly, waiting for his response.

"I...don't...know," he finally said. He looked at Bob as if he were ready to kill him.


"You said we could ask," Bob said somewhat defensively. "So tell us."

"I don't fucking know, Bob! I don't fucking know."

"Then at least tell us what happened," Anne Marie said patiently. Mikey sighed and shrugged.

"You did have sex, didn't you?" Bob asked. Mikey stood up.

"Just shut your fucking mouth, Bob!" he practically yelled.

"Did you?" Gerard asked. Mikey stood still for a while, glaring at Bob. Frank wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Yeah," Mikey said softly.

"Are you saying sex kills?" Ray said, sounding amused.

"She just...she started spazzing...wh-when we, umm...were done." Mikey awkwardly cleared his throat. Bob laughed. Mikey stalked toward him, but Gerard held him back.

"I think I know," Anne Marie said softly. I looked up at her. Her eyes went wide.

I felt a sudden lurch in my stomach as Frank wrapped his arms around me.

"They're coming," he said suddenly. I looked up at him. His eyes were distant. He looked down at me and pressed his lips forcefully against mine. I felt breathless again, the feeling in my stomach growing worse and worse.

"They're coming," I heard Ray's worried voice say.


I pulled away from Frank, honestly feeling ready to throw up, and looked up at the other vampires, surprised by the sudden silence. They all looked at the entrance of the park. I looked at Anne Marie and she just shrugged.

"Take the girls and run," Gerard stated.

"Who are 'they'?" Anne Marie spoke up.

"Vampire hunters." They all spoke at the same time. I heard the distant screeching of car wheels. Frank suddenly stood, picking me up in his arms, and ran. So quickly, I feared I might fall. I clung onto him.

"Vampire hunters?" I asked. He shushed me and continued running at his fast pace until we'd reached an entrance at the other end of the park. He placed me gently on the ground and stayed on all fours. He stared down at the grass.

"What's going on?" I asked him. He looked up at me. His eyes glowed green.

"They found us," he said. "They'll kill us."

Frank fell back onto the grass. I smiled and crawled over to his side. I rested my palms on his chest and pressed my lips against his. I kissed him passionately, ignoring the breathless feeling I automatically got. His hands found their way up my shirt almost distractedly. He bit my lip yet again and he licked the blood away. I moaned against his lips when his hand cupped my breast. He pulled away, smirking, and lifted my shirt over my head. I took the moment to take a much-needed breath before eagerly pressing my lips against his again. His tongue licked away yet more blood and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled away, resting my forehead on his chest. I coughed. My chest was tight.

"Damn," he said. "I really am hurting you."

"Oh, ya think?"

I heard ruffling through the trees and looked up. Frank tilted his head so he was watching what I was watching, only upside down. Mikey appeared through the trees, breathing erratically. I pulled my shirt back over my head and we both stood up. Mikey stood by the entrance, looking out distractedly.

"Mikey?" Frank asked almost carefully. He took my hand and we walked toward Mikey.

"Go," Mikey said.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. His abnormally green eyes looked distant.

"Just go," he repeated, only more urgently. "They're circling the park."

"And?" Frank said.

"And...I'm going to distract them."


"I'll struggle against them, maybe try and kill them."

"But Mikey...they'll kill you," I realized nervously. Mikey nodded.

"I know that," he said. "I'm okay with that. I want to die."

"No you don't. You don't mean that."

"Yeah, I kinda do."


"I killed your best friend."


"Just GO!"

"'re being stupid," Frank said. I felt weak.

"Find the others and go," Mikey said. "It'll give you a chance to run. Buy you some time. Don't worry about me."

"But Mikey-"


"C'mon, Jane."

I looked at Frank as if he were insane.


"Jane, its what he wants."

I struggled helplessly against Frank's grip but he pulled me in the opposite direction. I looked up at him and he just shook his head. Then I looked at Mikey. His eyes were soft and sad. He gave me one last sad smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
I forgot to mention that this chapter might be a tad bit sad, didn't I? XD

To keep the mood, I have nothing to say except read my one-shot please ^^ It's Mikey and, erm, it's kind of sad too? Sh*t, I am a depressive O.O
