Immortality Means Never Dying

Going "Clubbing"

The three of us walked, our arms clinging to each other, in our cute little outfits. Not little, really. Anne Marie was wearing a short pink dress. Stacy was wearing a slightly longer black dress. I was wearing black jeans and a black and white striped shirt.

I. Do not. "Dress up".

"There it is!" Stacy said excitedly, pointing towards a building with dance music pouring out of it.

"Great," I whispered.

We walked inside and were immediately incased by darkness. People were dancing real close to those songs that you're supposed to dance along to real close. I loved the atmosphere, I admit it, but I still didn't wanna be here.

"Look for cuties!" Anne Marie exclaimed. She just loved 'looking for cuties'. I would've looked, too, if it weren't for the fact that there was no real point. We took seats by the bar.

"Dude with the glasses," Stacy said, pointing. We were at the end of the bar so we could see the booths just a few feet away. Sitting at one of the booths were a large group of guys just hanging out like the majority of the people here are. I could see all their faces. There was about five of them and they were all terribly pale. One of them was pretty lanky and had mousy brown hair. He was the one with glasses.

"Really?" Anne said. "'Cause I like the blond."

One of the five had blond hair and looked kinda burley. There was one with strangely awesome brown hair and another with long black hair. That's how I could tell them apart from where I was.

And the last one...the last one looked vaguely familiar. It didn't take long for me to realize where I'd seen him before...

"That guy from last night!" I exclaimed. I'd told Anne and Stacy about the weird mortal.

"Frank?" Anne said. Stacy shushed her.

"He could've heard that!" she said. But it was too late. Frank had looked in our direction. He seemed shocked but smiled when he saw me. I couldn't help but smile back. Anne nudged me.

"Go," she whispered. Frank was waving me over. The guy with the glasses smiled over at us.

"Why don't we all?" Stacy said, waving at the lanky dude. Anne smiled proudly. I laughed.

So the three of us stood and walked towards the booth. The moment we got there, Frank stood.

"This is Jane, that crazy girl that jumped in the lake last night," he said, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"These are my equally crazy friends Anne Marie and Stacy," I said, pointing at my friends. The four other guys laughed.

"Take a seat, guys," said the one with the long black hair. We all sat down.

"Do I introduce you guys or should you guys do it?" Frank said.

"I'm Bob and would you like to dance?" This was from the blond one. He looked directly at Anne and extended his hand out to her. She bit her lip, nodded, and they both walked onto the dance floor, dancing in a way that I was sure should be illegal by now.

"Wow," said the one with the funny hair, staring at my friend and his friend in disbelief. "I'm Ray, by the way."

"Gerard," said the one with the long black hair. The one with the glasses just sighed and looked away. "And my depressed brother is Mikey."

"Depressed why?" Stacy asked, looking at Mikey with...concern. For a stranger.

"Nothing, he just has issues," Ray said.

"Wanna talk about it?" Stacy said to Mikey. He looked at her and his face almost lit up.

"Sure," he said with a shy smile.

They stood up and walked to another booth.

"I have a feeling Bob and Mikey are getting lucky tonight," Gerard said. I put my head down on the table and said, "Me too."

Ray, Frank and Gerard laughed.

"You never did tell me why you jumped into that dirty lake water last night," Frank said. I looked up at him and shrugged.

"I'm just weird," I stated.

"Well, duh," Ray said with a roll of his eyes.

"Weird but damn hot," Frank said..."seductively".

Sad truth is that it worked.

I smiled at him helplessly but tried to avoid his mesmerizing eyes. Instead I looked at the drink in Gerard's hand.

"Alcohol!" I said excitedly. Dammit, did I love alcohol.

"Good idea," Frank said. "I'll go get you a drink."

He stood and began to walk away.

"Wait," I said over the music. "I have my own money."

Frank walked back over to the table and leaned into my ear. He took a breath before whispering,

"I'll get you a drink."
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Thanks fo' reading.
Tera, you idiot ;]
Yeah, vampires are awesome, mmm...