Immortality Means Never Dying


I looked over at Stacy. Mikey was holding her the way Frank was holding me. Mikey was staring at the scene blankly. As were Gerard and Ray. I looked up at Frank. He had the same empty, emotionless, uncaring look on his face.

I don't know how graphic you want me to be but there honestly isn't anything to be graphic about. Anne Marie was on the floor. She could've been dead but then again she couldn't because Stacy and I would know it. Or would we? We don't know death. No matter how much we want it.

Anne's eyes were closed. There was blood on the floor and on her neck and on the wall and on her dress. Everywhere. Bob stood a few feet away from her, breathing in quick, short gasps. The worse part, if you could call it that, is that there was blood on his face.

On. His. Face.

"She's not dead," Bob said. "I wouldn't kill her."

"Real subtle, Bob, thanks," Gerard said in an accusing way. Stacy and I were speechless.

"I like her," Bob said defensively. "I wouldn't kill her. I wanted her to turn. But she...she fainted."

"Turn?" Stacy asked, her voice groggy.

"She fainted?" Frank asked from behind me. That made me jump a little.

"Yeah," Bob said. "It makes no sense."

"You like her?" Gerard said in a condescending and amused voice.

"Yeah!" Bob said defensively. Anne stirred. I tried going towards her, but Frank's grip was strong. He wrapped his arms around me. I looked at Stacy and Mikey did the same.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked almost hysterically.

"After she wouldn't turn, I knew I had to kill her," Bob said softly, sounding guilty and ignoring me completely. "But she wouldn't die!"

"She wouldn't die?" Ray asked. This is ridiculous!

I pulled as hard as I could but Frank wouldn't let go. He whispered in my ear. "Sh." It calmed me down a bit. It really did.

"What are you, cannibal!?" Stacy yelled. I looked in her direction. Gerard smirked. He walked and stood in front of both of us.

"Sort of," he said. He wasn't avoiding showing his teeth now. Two of them were longer and sharper than they should be.

"Don't tell me we have to take these girls upstairs," Bob said. Gerard sighed and walked over to him.

"Of course we do, Bobby," Gerard said. "All because of your mistake."

Bob shoved him away. He was damn strong. Gerard pushed him back.

"This is no time for fighting," Ray said calmly, walking over to his friends. "We have to get them upstairs."

I tried pulling away from Frank again. It didn't work. Bob picked up Anne's seemingly lifeless body. Gerard looked angry. And I tried to piece the puzzle pieces tougher.

Like a cannibal...hiding teeth that happen to be abnormally long..."turning"...blood...

No. No way. It can't be.

We started walking (Stacy and I against our will; Anne not even concious) towards a door in the alley. Ray opened it. We were in an apartment building. We walked in silence through a hallway, up a flight of stairs, down another hallway, and stopped outside a door.

No one dare say a word.

Ray took a key out and opened the door. We walked inside the small apartment and were in a living room. Mikey and Frank stood, still holding Stacy and I, a few feet away from a couch. Bob lay Anne Marie down then sat on the floor beside her. Gerard and Ray brought chairs and sat down next to the couch.

"So you wanna know what's going on, do ya?" Gerard said coldly.

"Are you vampires?" I asked, shocking myself and everyone else in the process. I never believed in vampires. But what can I say? It was the only explanation.

Gerard looked surprised, as if he believed we were stupid. He smiled then, showing me his pearly white fangs.

"Yes," he said. "Yes we are."

Frank nuzzled my neck again; calming the fear and fury that was boiling up inside me.

"But we have questions, too," Gerard stated. "Like why your friend wouldn't turn. And why your friend wouldn't die."

"What do you mean?" Stacy breathed out. I looked at her. Mikey was kissing her neck.

"You know what we are," Gerard went on, "now tell us what you are."

Anne stirred again. We all looked at her. Frank stopped nuzzling my neck and I felt angry and scared again.

A vampire was nuzzling my neck.

An extremely attractive vampire that had the ability to make me feel like living forever was worth it.

Anne sat up on the couch suddenly. She let out an eardrum-popping scream.

"Marie..." Stacy breathed out. This time, Mikey wasn't kissing her.

"What do you mean what we are?" I asked, not taking my stare away from Anne. Bob was looking at her guiltily as she rocked back and forth maniacally with her knees to her chest.

"If she didn't die," Gerard said, "and she didn't turn, then she can't be normal. Which probably means neither are you. You can't be human."

"Oh, we're human," Anne said, surprising us all. She looked up at Gerard with widened eyes. "But that doesn't mean we're normal."
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Love you and thanks for the comments. lol If anyone read When Did Your Heart Go Missing? I just finished it...boohoo...haha