Immortality Means Never Dying


"I'm confused," Ray said. Gerard sighed.

"I'll admit it," he said. "I am too. But I'm damn thirsty and we have three humans in our apartment. And yet the only blood is on Bob's shirt. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that picture?"

Frank breathed on my neck.

"Wait!" Stacy said. "Don't hurt us!"

"We obviously can't," Frank said.

"What are you?" Mikey asked.

"We're immortal!" I said. "We're immortal, okay?"

"No," Ray said. He had seemed like the nicest and shyest in the group, up until now. That hungry look in his eyes? Yeah, it was scaring me. "We're immortal," he went on. "And we need your blood to stay that way."

"I can prove it!" Stacy said. "G-get me a knife! Anything! F-fire! P-poison! Anything!"

She was horrified.

Ray raised an eyebrow in question but stood and walked out of the room. It was silent. Frank continued to breathe on my neck. I could tell he was resisting his urges. As a vampire, I mean!

Ray came back with a rather large, already bloody knife.

"Eew," Anne said. Even in situations like this, she manages to make me smile. Ray handed the knife to Stacy.

"What are you doing?" Mikey asked. He seemed the most innocent, but he had that hungry stare, too.

"It'll be easier if she's dead," Bob said. Ray nodded. Mikey's grip around Stacy tightened.

"I don't want her dead," he said.

"I won't be dead," Stacy said. That girl is so weird. She pulled away from Mikey quickly and dramatically plunged the knife through her heart. There was an echoing gasp. Not from Anne and I, though. We knew better.

Blood fell through Stacy's black dress. But she stayed put. She stood there, looking at all these 'vampires'.

"You can't die?" Mikey said excitedly. Stacy pulled the knife out of herself and threw it on the floor.

"They can't die," Frank almost hissed. Then the unspeakable happen.

But I'll tell you anyway. Because it really is kind of 'speakable'.

Mikey's eyes widened maniacally. He bared his teeth and practically pounced on Stacy. They fell and he straddled her. She gasped. He sunk his teeth into her neck. I closed my eyes. I heard her scream loudly. I literally felt her pain. Well, not literally. Not until Frank took charge.

I gasped. Frank sunk his teeth into my neck. I fell to my knees and he fell with me. It felt as if he was draining the blood from me. My heart felt like it had stopped but blood cells were desperately multiplying and surging through my body. I let out a scream. I almost enjoyed it because it was as close to dying as I could get. But it was terrible pain. So terrible, I felt I might pass out. Every muscle and bone in my body ached. I thought I might die. I thought I was dead.

Then Frank stopped.

I fell back into him. He licked the blood from my neck. Now that, I enjoyed. I closed my eyes and let him hold me.

It was the strangest thing ever.

"That's not fair!" Gerard's voice complained. "We have needs, too!"

"They're an endless supply of blood!" Ray's voice said excitedly.

"No!" Anne said. "Never again!"

"It's not fair!" Gerard said again. I stood suddenly then.

"What was that?" I asked. It had hurt so much. I looked down at Stacy. She was bloody all right, and she had fainted. Mikey was still straddling her and his mouth was covered in blood. He was running his fingers through her hair.

"Maybe vampires is the answer," Anne said, hopefully. "Maybe you guys can kill us, somehow!"

Bob was sitting beside her on the couch now.

"Kill you?" Gerard said in his harshest voice yet. "We need you! I'm tired of this!" He stood and stormed towards me.

"Gerard, no!" Frank said from behind me. I felt flattered that he was defending me, but at the same time I felt dizzy.

This whole situation was just mind-boggling.

Vampires seducing us, nearly killing us, and now they want us to be their 'endless supply of blood'.

Then there was Gerard.

He stepped in front of me, grabbing my face with his hands. The way he looked at me was mesmerizing. He was pretty damn good-looking, too. I felt numb and vulnerable. Gerard brought his hands down to my waist. I lost balance but he held me.

"Gerard, no," Frank said again, more calmly this time.

Gerard wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't take my stare away from his eyes. He brought his face closer to mine and...kissed me.

"Gerard, you ass hole!" Frank said angrily. It was just a tap but damn did Gerard have me then. It was like an out of body experience. I had no idea what was going on. But the way Gerard looked at me had me stuck on him. And when Frank spoke, I went back to reality.

But it didn't matter. Gerard didn't have to kiss me, but he did. And he got what he wanted from me anyway.

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Okay. lol Love you, love the feedback... But I reread this story and I think... I mean, it's a good idea, but it's horrible it could've been a better story, hmm... Someone said I'm a sappy writer (coughTeracough) but really I'm just a tragic writer... Pfft, that doesn't mean something "tragic" is happening in this story, what are you thinking? lol mwahahaha